voor willem test

Dependencies:   4DGL MODSERIAL mbed mbos

--- a/USB_receive_2.cpp	Tue Jan 29 14:54:14 2013 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// L. van der Kolk, ELVEDEKA, Holland //
-// File:  USB_receive_2.cpp Mbos version
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "MODSERIAL.h" // : Note: import lib of Erk Olieman V1.25 to prevent compiler error!
-// Instantiate USB communication defined by Mbed USB TX and RX lines
-// with TX and RX ringbuffers :
-void decode_string(int nummer_of_chars);
-void read_datafields(int command_number);
-#define max_string_length 80 // : max length of received string starting with $ and ending with CR/LF
-#define min_string_length 10 // : min length of received string starting with $ and ending with CR/LF
-char string_received[max_string_length + 2]; // : holds received string starting with $ and ending with CR/LF
-int  receive_flag = false;   // :  global flag, signals a receive 'event' 
-#define max_commas 10  // : max. nr of possible field separating commas in a valid message string to CDU
-int comma[max_commas];      // : array with positions of all found commas in string_receved[]
-#define message_header "$PCDU"  // : common message header in all messages
-#define max_nr_of_commands 16   // : max nr of possible FS-to-CDU commands
-// Define array of pointers to possible FS-to-CDU commands with 3 characters:
-const char *command[max_nr_of_commands] = {
-   "123",    // : no valid CDU command nr. 0 , used for debugging only
-   "MSG",    // : command nr. 1
-   "EXC",    // : command nr. 2
-   "BLT",    // : command nr. 3
-   "SBY",    // : command nr. 4
-   "CLS",    // : command nr. 5
-   "SBC",    // : command nr. 6
-   "WTX",    // : command nr. 7
-   "ETX",    // : command nr. 8
-   "KTX",    // : command nr. 9
-   "STV",    // : command nr. 10
-   "GTV",    // : command nr. 11
-void collect_FSdata()  {
-     // Function reads data from the RX buffer
-     // and collects strings starting with $ and ending with CR/LF.
-     // Strings shorter than min_string_length or longer than
-     // max_string_length will be ignored, others will be decoded further.
-    static int $_detected = false;      // : no valid begin of string detected (init only on first call)
-    static int string_pntr = 0;         // : pointer at begin of string (init only on first call)
-    static int nr_of_received_char = 0; // : counter of received characters (init only on first call)
-    char rx_char;
-    while ( !USB.rxBufferEmpty() )
-    {    rx_char = USB.getc(); // : get a char from Rx buffer
-        //USB.putc(rx_char);    // : unprotected (!) immediate echo of char in case of debugging  <<<
-        // Check for string starting with $ char:
-        if ( rx_char == '$' && $_detected == false ){
-            $_detected = true;  // : begin of string is detected 
-            string_pntr = 0;    // : set pointer to begin of string_received[] buffer
-        }
-        string_received[string_pntr] = rx_char;
-        string_pntr++;
-        if (string_pntr >= max_string_length) {
-            // command string looks too long, so start all over again:
-            string_pntr = 0;  // : set pointer back to begin of string_received[] again
-            nr_of_received_char = 0;   // : reset number of received chars
-            $_detected = false;
-        }
-        if ( rx_char == '\n' && $_detected == true ) { 
-            if ( string_pntr > min_string_length ) { // : check minimum string length 
-                // Received string can be interesting now because
-                // it starts with '$' AND it ends on New-Line  AND
-                // it has a minimum length AND it is not too long:
-                string_received[string_pntr] = '\0'; // : mark end of string
-                //  USB.printf("string_received : %s",string_received );  // show string for debugging <<
-                nr_of_received_char = string_pntr;
-                //Call decoder to analyse this string:
-                decode_string(nr_of_received_char);
-                // Get ready for receiving new commands:
-                $_detected = false;
-                string_pntr = 0;  // : set pointer back to begin of string_received[] again
-                nr_of_received_char = 0;   // : reset number of received chars
-            }
-            else {
-                $_detected = false;  
-                string_pntr = 0; // : set pointer back to begin of string_received[] again
-                nr_of_received_char = 0;   // : reset number of received chars
-            }
-         }
-    } 
-void decode_string(int nummer_of_chars)
-{   // -- This function decodes a received $.....CR/LF string written in string_received[] --
-    // First it checks for a valid checksum and reads the positions of commas in the string.
-    // When checksum is OK, it will continue to look for valid 3 char FS-to-CDU commands.
-    // When a valid command is found, data fields will be analyzed further using the found positions
-    // of commas in the string.
-    int  i,c, equal;
-    char byte_read, exor_byte;
-    char command_string[6], received_checksum[4], calc_checksum[4];
-    // Get checksum and position of commas in string_received[] :
-    exor_byte = 0;
-    i = 1;  // : i points to first char after $
-    c = 1;  // : position of first comma
-      do {
-          byte_read = string_received[i];
-          if (byte_read == ',' && c < max_commas) {
-              comma[c] = i;
-              c++;
-          }
-          if (byte_read == '*') break;
-          exor_byte = exor_byte ^ byte_read;
-          i++;
-      } while ( i < nummer_of_chars );
-    //USB.printf("commas found : %d\n",c-1 );  // : show commas for debugging <<<<<<
-    i++;   // : i points to first checksum char after * char
-    strncpy(received_checksum,&string_received[i],2);   // : copy 2 char checksum after * 
-    // Get calculated checksum by transforming exor_byte in 2 hex chars (with upper case A-F) :
-    sprintf(calc_checksum,"%02X",exor_byte); // : + extra NULL char added by sprintf 
-    equal = strncmp(received_checksum,calc_checksum,2);
-    if (equal != 0) { 
-       //USB.printf("checksum is NOT OK ! \n" );  // : show message for debugging <<<
-    }
-    else { // checksum is OK, go on:
-       // Check for 5 char "$PCDU" header:
-       equal = strncmp(string_received,message_header,strlen(message_header));
-        if (equal != 0) {
-            // USB.printf("no $PCDU header in message !\n" );  // : show message for debugging <<<
-        }
-        else {
-             // Read 3 char command after message_header:
-             strncpy(command_string,&string_received[strlen(message_header)],3);
-             //USB.printf("command found : %3s\n",command_string );  // : show command for debugging <<<
-             // Compare found string with known 3 char command list:
-             i = 0; 
-               do {
-                  equal = strncmp(&command_string[0],command[i],3);
-                  if( equal == 0) break;
-                  i++;
-               } while ( i < max_nr_of_commands);
-              //USB.printf("command number is : %d\n",i );  // : show command nr for debugging <<<
-             if (equal == 0) {
-                 // Command is known now, so now read all data fields:
-                 read_datafields(i);
-             }
-        } 
-    } 
-   receive_flag = false;
- }
\ No newline at end of file