voor willem test

Dependencies:   4DGL MODSERIAL mbed mbos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FS2CDU_data_4.cpp	Thu Jul 17 10:09:14 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+// L. van der Kolk, ELVEDEKA, Holland //
+// File:  FS2CDU_data_4.cpp 
+// -- Message handling from FS to CDU --
+// Data field analyzing and filling data structures
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h" 
+#include "mbos.h"
+#include "debug_lvdk.h" // : debug mode control
+#include "mbos_def.h"
+extern mbos CDU_OS;
+// ---- FS-to-CDU data structures to be filled with received data --------------------------------
+#define max_text0    48   //  max text position font 0  (pos 0 invalid )    
+#define max_text1    24   //  max text position font 1  (pos 0 invalid )
+#define max_lines    14   //  max nr of screen lines 
+#define max_col_nr  255   //  highest possible R,G, or B colour number
+#define fstyle_1     'S'  //  possible font style character 1
+#define fstyle_2     'N'  //  possible font style character 2
+#define max_keys    100   //  max total nr of select keys 0 - 99
+#define max_leftkeys  6   //  max nr of used LEFT select keys ( 0 - 49 )
+#define max_rightkeys 6   //  max nr of used RIGHT select keys ( 50 - 99 )
+// Background colour of CDU display:
+struct { int   BG_RED;            //  : RED value   0 - 255
+         int   BG_GREEN;          //  : GREEN value 0 - 255
+         int   BG_BLUE;           //  : BLUE value  0 - 255   
+// Maintext lines at selectkeys:
+struct { char  text[52];             //  : maintext string, ending with '\0'   
+         int   font_size;            //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1            
+         char  font_style;           //  : style character S or N                       
+         int   text_RED;             //  : RED value of textline
+         int   text_GREEN;           //  : GREEN value of textline
+         int   text_BLUE;            //  : BLUE value of textline
+       } SELKEY_MAINTEXT[100];  //  : array of selectkey Maintext structures
+// Subtext lines at selectkeys:
+struct { char  text[52];             //  : subtext string, ending with '\0'   
+         int   font_size;            //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1                            
+         char  font_style;           //  : style character S or N                        
+         int   text_RED;             //  : RED value of textline
+         int   text_GREEN;           //  : GREEN value of textline
+         int   text_BLUE;            //  : BLUE value of textline
+       } SELKEY_SUBTEXT[100];   //  : array of selectkey Subtext structures 
+// Screen textlines:
+struct { char  text[52];             //  : text line string, ending with '\0'   
+         int   font_size;            //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1         
+         char  font_style;           //  : style character S or N                             
+         int   text_RED;             //  : RED value of textline
+         int   text_GREEN;           //  : GREEN value of textline
+         int   text_BLUE;            //  : BLUE value of textline
+         } TEXTLINE[15];             //  : array of textline structures
+// CDU status:            
+ struct { int msg_indicator;       //  : MSG  0 = light OFF, 1 = light ON
+          int exec_indicator;      //  : EXEC 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON
+          int fail_indicator;      //  : FAIL 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON
+          int dspy_indicator;      //  : DSPY 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON  
+          int ofst_indicator;      //  : OFST 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON                              
+          int backlight;           //  : 0 = light OFF, 1 = light ON 
+          int stby_mode;           //  : 0 = operational mode, 1 = standby mode
+        } CDU_STATUS;           
+// FS_data_update_ID:
+// These global(!) flags indicate what data has been updated.
+// Should be tested when FS_DATA_EVENT occurs.
+ int Background_Col_Update      = 0;    // : 1 when color was updated, must be reset to 0 when data has been read
+ int CDU_Status_Update          = 0;    // : 1 when status was updated, must be reset to 0 when data has been read
+ int DO_CLR_SCREEN              = 0;    // : 1 when screen should be cleared, must be reset to 0 when done
+ int Text_Line_Update           = 0;    // : equal to line number whose text was updated, must be reset to 0 when text has been read 
+ int Key_Maintext_Update        = -1;   // : equal to keynumber whose main text line was updated, must be reset to -1 (!) when text has been read
+ int Key_Subtext_Update         = -1;   // : equal to keynumber whose sub text line was updated, must be reset to -1 (!) when text has been read
+//------------- debug only ---------------------------
+extern MODSERIAL SERIAL_DEBUG; // : debug serial port
+extern char string_received[];  
+extern int comma[];
+// Common flag to signal that an update was stored in the datastructures:
+int FSdata_received_flag = false;  //  : true when some FS-to-CDU data was updated 
+void set_initial_data()
+{  // Function to fill all FS-to-CDU datastructures with (dummy) data for initial power-up conditions:
+   int key_nr, line_nr;  
+  // Init background colour of screen :
+  // ---- Filling of all select key datastructures: ------------------------------
+  // Init Maintext at left selectkeys starting from 0 :
+  for ( key_nr = 0; key_nr < max_leftkeys; key_nr++ )
+  {  SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_RED =   128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_GREEN = 128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_BLUE =  128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].font_size =    0;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].font_style = fstyle_1;
+     strcpy(SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text, "  \0");  // space char | on pos 0
+  }
+  // Init Maintext at right selectkeys starting from 50 :
+  for ( key_nr = 50; key_nr < (50+max_rightkeys); key_nr++ )
+  {  SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_RED =   128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_GREEN = 128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text_BLUE =  128;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].font_size =    0;
+     SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].font_style = fstyle_1; 
+     strcpy(SELKEY_MAINTEXT[key_nr].text, "  \0"); // space char | on pos 0
+  }
+  // Init Subtext at left selectkeys starting from 0 :
+  for ( key_nr = 0; key_nr < max_leftkeys; key_nr++ )
+  {  SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_RED =   128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_GREEN = 128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_BLUE =  128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].font_size =    0;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].font_style = fstyle_1; 
+     strcpy(SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text,"  \0"); // space char | on pos 0
+  }   
+  // Init Subtext at right selectkeys starting from 50 :
+  for ( key_nr = 50; key_nr < (50+max_rightkeys); key_nr++ )
+  {  SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_RED =   128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_GREEN = 128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text_BLUE =  128;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].font_size =    0;
+     SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].font_style = fstyle_1; 
+     strcpy(SELKEY_SUBTEXT[key_nr].text, "  \0"); // space char | on pos 0
+  } 
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Init some screentext :
+  strcpy(TEXTLINE[1].text,  "|..............TITLE LINE 1......................\0"); 
+  strcpy(TEXTLINE[14].text, "|............SCRATCHPAD LINE 14..................\0");                          
+  for ( line_nr = 2; line_nr <= 13; line_nr++ )
+  {  TEXTLINE[line_nr].text_RED =   128;
+     TEXTLINE[line_nr].text_GREEN = 128;
+     TEXTLINE[line_nr].text_BLUE =  128;
+     TEXTLINE[line_nr].font_size =    0;
+     TEXTLINE[line_nr].font_style = fstyle_1; 
+     strcpy(TEXTLINE[line_nr].text, "|................................................\0");                         
+  }   
+   // Init CDU status items:
+   CDU_STATUS.msg_indicator = 1;
+   CDU_STATUS.exec_indicator = 1;
+   CDU_STATUS.backlight = 1;
+   CDU_STATUS.stby_mode = 0;
+   // Init flags:
+   //Background_Col_Update   =  0;    
+   //CDU_Status_Update       =  0;   
+   //DO_CLR_SCREEN           =  0;   
+   //Text_Line_update        =  0;    
+   //Key_Maintext_Update     = -1;    
+   //Key_Subtext_Update      = -1;
+void read_datafields(int command_number) {
+    // Function to read all comma seperated datafields in string_received[]
+    // and fill in FS-to-CDU data structures.
+    // Parameter is found command_number.
+    int colour, size, pos, line, last, cnt, k_id, a ;
+    int modified, char_pntr;
+    char ch;
+    CDU_OS.LockResource(FS_DATA_RESOURCE); // : lock FS database    
+    modified = false;    
+    switch ( command_number )
+    {
+        case 0:  
+        {   // 0 is no valid commandnumber, do nothing
+           break;
+        }
+        case 1:  // MSG command, message indicator control CDU
+        {              
+             // Get message indicator status:
+             char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1
+             if (string_received[char_pntr] == '0' || string_received[char_pntr] == '1')
+             { CDU_STATUS.msg_indicator = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+               CDU_Status_Update = 1;
+               FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag
+             }
+           break;
+        }
+        case 2: // EXC command, exec indicator control CDU
+        {               
+             // Get exec indicator status:
+             char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1
+             if (string_received[char_pntr] == '0' || string_received[char_pntr] == '1')
+             { CDU_STATUS.exec_indicator = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+               CDU_Status_Update = 1;
+               FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag
+             }
+           break;
+        }
+        case 3: // BLT command, backlight control CDU     
+        {                 
+             // Get backlight status:
+             char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1
+             if (string_received[char_pntr] == '0' || string_received[char_pntr] == '1')
+             { CDU_STATUS.backlight = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+               CDU_Status_Update = 1;
+               FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag
+             }
+           break;
+        } 
+        case 4: // SBY command, standby control CDU      
+        {               
+             // Get standby status:
+             char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1
+             if (string_received[char_pntr] == '0' || string_received[char_pntr] == '1')
+             { CDU_STATUS.stby_mode = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+               CDU_Status_Update = 1;
+               FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag
+             }
+           break;
+        }        
+        case 5: // CLS command, CDU clear screen control
+        {    
+             DO_CLR_SCREEN = 1;            // : tell to clear the screen
+             FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag
+           break;
+        }        
+        case 6: // SBC command, screen background colour control       
+        {                 
+             char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                BACKGROUND_COL.BG_RED = colour;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[2] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 2
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                BACKGROUND_COL.BG_GREEN = colour;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[3] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 3
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                BACKGROUND_COL.BG_BLUE = colour; 
+             }                       
+             Background_Col_Update = 1;    // : set update of background colour
+             FSdata_received_flag = true;  // : set common update flag                            
+           break;
+        }        
+        case 7: // WTX command, write textline to CDU screen   
+        {  
+          // Read linenumber:
+          char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1   
+          line = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+          // Read char position:
+          char_pntr = comma[2] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 2
+          pos = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+          // Test if char X,Y position is within range:
+          if ( line >= 1 && line <= max_lines && pos >= 1 && pos <= max_text0 )
+          {  // Read font size :
+                char_pntr = comma[3] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 3
+                size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+                // Test if size is valid:
+                if ( size == 0 || size == 1 ) {
+                    TEXTLINE[line].font_size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+                    modified = true;
+                }
+             // Read line font style:
+             char_pntr = comma[4] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 4 
+             ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+             if (ch == fstyle_1 || ch == fstyle_2 ) {
+                 TEXTLINE[line].font_style = ch;                                     
+                 modified = true;
+             }
+             // Read RGB line colour:
+             char_pntr = comma[5] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 5
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                TEXTLINE[line].text_RED = colour;
+                modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[6] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 6
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                TEXTLINE[line].text_GREEN = colour;
+                modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[7] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 7
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                TEXTLINE[line].text_BLUE = colour; 
+                modified = true;
+             }                       
+             // Read textfield :
+             char_pntr = comma[8] + 1; // : set char pointer to first char of textfield
+             last = 0;
+             // read font size to determine last possible position:
+             if ( TEXTLINE[line].font_size == 0 ) last = max_text0;
+             else if ( TEXTLINE[line].font_size == 1 ) last = max_text1;
+             if (last > 0 && pos <= last) {  // : test for valid area and valid fontsize
+                a = pos;
+                while ( a <= last )
+                 {  ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+                    if (ch == '*') break; // : do not include * in text
+                    TEXTLINE[line].text[a] = ch;
+                    a++;
+                    char_pntr++;
+                 }
+                modified = true;
+                TEXTLINE[line].text[a] = '\0'; // : mark end of text 
+             }            
+          } 
+          if ( modified == true )  {
+            Text_Line_Update = line;          // : set update of text line
+            FSdata_received_flag = true;      // : set common update flag 
+          }
+          #ifdef DEBUG_LVDK 
+          // --------------- Debug only -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+          // Print received data:
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("\rWTX command received (1) :\r\n");          
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX line        : %d\r\n",line );                         // show line nr 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX begin pos   : %d\r\n",pos );                          // show begin position   
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX fontsize is : %d\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].font_size );     // show fontsize 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX fontstyle is: %c\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].font_style);     // show fontstyle 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX R_colour is : %d\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].text_RED );      // show textcolour 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX G_colour is : %d\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].text_GREEN );    // show textcolour 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX B_colour is : %d\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].text_BLUE );     // show textcolour 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("WTX line text is: \r\n" );           
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("%s\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].text );  // show line text
+          //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          #endif
+         break;
+        }        
+        case 8: // ETX command, erase (part of) textline of CDU screen        
+        { 
+          // Read linenumber:
+          char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1   
+          line = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+          // Read char position:
+          char_pntr = comma[2] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 2
+          pos = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+          // Read nr of char to be erased:
+          char_pntr = comma[3] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 3          
+          cnt = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+          // Test if char X,Y position is within range:
+          if ( line >= 1 && line <= max_lines && pos >= 1 && pos <= max_text0 )
+          {  
+             last = 0;          
+             // read font size to determine last possible position:
+             if ( TEXTLINE[line].font_size == 0 )last = max_text0;
+             else if ( TEXTLINE[line].font_size == 1 )last = max_text1;
+             if (last > 0 && pos <= last && cnt > 0) {  // : test if in valid area and chars > 0
+                a = pos;
+                modified = true;
+                while ( a <= last && cnt > 0)
+                 {  
+                    TEXTLINE[line].text[a] = ' '; //: write space
+                    a++;
+                    cnt--;
+                 }
+             }              
+          } 
+          if ( modified == true )  {
+            Text_Line_Update = line;          // : set update of text line
+            FSdata_received_flag = true;      // : set common update flag 
+          }
+          #ifdef DEBUG_LVDK 
+          // ---------------- Debug only -----------------------------------------------
+          // Print :
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("ETX line : %d\r\n",line );        // show line nr 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("ETX first erase pos : %d\r\n",pos );  // show begin pos   
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("ETX modified text line :\r\n" );  
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("%s\r\n",TEXTLINE[line].text );    // show text line
+          // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          #endif
+         break; 
+        }        
+        case 9: // KTX command, write textline to select key area  
+        {                    
+           // Read key ID:
+          char_pntr = comma[1] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 1   
+          k_id = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+           SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX key nr is   : %d\r\n",k_id );                             // show key nr 
+          // Read text type:
+          char_pntr = comma[2] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 2 
+          ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+          if (ch == 'M' && k_id < max_keys ) // : text type = MAIN text and keyID valid
+          {   // Read font size :
+              char_pntr = comma[3] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 3
+              size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+              // Test if size is valid:
+              if ( size == 0 || size == 1 ) {
+                  SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+                  modified = true;
+              }
+             // Read line font style:
+             char_pntr = comma[4] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 4 
+             ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+             if (ch == fstyle_1 || ch == fstyle_2 ) {
+                 SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_style = ch;                                     
+                 modified = true;
+             }
+             // Read RGB line colour:
+             char_pntr = comma[5] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 5
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_RED = colour;
+                modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[6] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 5
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_GREEN = colour;
+                modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[7] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 7
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_BLUE = colour; 
+                modified = true;
+             }                       
+             // Read textfield :
+             char_pntr = comma[8] + 1; // : set char pointer to first char of textfield
+             last = 0;
+             // read font size to determine last possible position:
+             if ( SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_size == 0 )last = max_text0;
+             else if ( SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_size == 1 )last = max_text1;
+             if (last > 0) {  // : test on valid fontsize
+                a = 0;  // : !!! pos 0 !!
+                modified = true;
+                while ( a <= last )
+                 {  ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+                    if (ch == '*') break; // : do not include * in text
+                    SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text[a] = ch;
+                    a++;
+                    char_pntr++;
+                 }
+               SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text[a] = '\0'; // : mark end of text 
+             }            
+             if ( modified == true )  {
+              Key_Maintext_Update = k_id;       // : set keynumber whose main text was updated 
+              FSdata_received_flag = true;      // : set common update flag 
+             }
+          // ----------------------- Debug only -----------------------------------------------------------------
+          // Print all fields :
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX key nr is   : %d\r\n",k_id );                             // show key nr 
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX MAINTEXT is : %s\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text );       // show text  
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX fontsize is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_size );  // show fontsize 
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX fontstyle is: %c\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].font_style);  // show fontstyle 
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX R_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_RED );   // show textcolour 
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX G_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_GREEN ); // show textcolour 
+          SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX B_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text_BLUE );  // show textcolour 
+          // Fake debug printout: if Key 00 detected, put key 00 main text on begin line 3, 
+          // just to show some key 00 info on debug terminal:
+          // if(k_id == 0) {
+             // cnt = 0;
+             // while ( cnt < a) {
+             //    TEXTLINE[3].text[cnt] =  SELKEY_MAINTEXT[k_id].text[cnt]; 
+             //    cnt++;
+             // }
+           //}
+          //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          }
+          else if ( ch == 'S' && k_id < max_keys ) // : text type = SUB text and keyID valid
+          {   // Read font size 0 - 9:
+              char_pntr = comma[3] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 3
+              size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+              // Test if size is valid:
+              if ( size == 0 || size == 1 ) {
+                  SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_size = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+                  modified = true;
+              }
+             // Read line font style:
+             char_pntr = comma[4] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 4 
+             ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+             if (ch == fstyle_1 || ch == fstyle_2 ) {
+                 SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_style = ch;                                     
+                 modified = true;
+             }
+             // Read RGB line colour:
+             char_pntr = comma[5] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 5
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                 SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_RED = colour;
+                 modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[6] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 6
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                 SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_GREEN = colour;
+                 modified = true;
+             }
+             char_pntr = comma[7] + 1; // : set char pointer to char after comma 7
+             colour = atoi(&string_received[char_pntr]);
+             if ( colour >= 0 && colour <= max_col_nr ) {
+                 SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_BLUE = colour; 
+                 modified = true;
+             }                       
+             // Read textfield :
+             char_pntr = comma[8] + 1; // : set char pointer to first char of textfield
+             last = 0;
+             // read font size to determine last possible position:
+             if ( SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_size == 0 )last = max_text0;
+             else if ( SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_size == 1 )last = max_text1;
+             if (last > 0) {  // : test on valid fontsize
+                a = 0;  // : !!! pos 0 !!
+                modified = true;
+                while ( a <= last )
+                 {  ch = string_received[char_pntr];
+                    if (ch == '*') break; // : do not include * in text
+                    SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text[a] = ch;
+                    a++;
+                    char_pntr++;
+                 }
+               SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text[a] = '\0'; // : mark end of text 
+             }            
+             if ( modified == true )  {
+              Key_Subtext_Update = k_id;       // : set keynumber whose sub text was updated 
+              FSdata_received_flag = true;     // : set common update flag 
+             }
+          #ifdef DEBUG_LVDK
+          // ------------------ Debug only ----------------------------------------------------------
+          // Print all fields :
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX key nr is   : %d\r\n",k_id );                            // show key nr 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX SUBTEXT is : %s\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text );        // show text  
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX fontsize is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_size );  // show fontsize 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX fontstyle is: %c\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].font_style);  // show fontstyle 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX R_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_RED );   // show textcolour 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX G_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_GREEN ); // show textcolour 
+          //SERIAL_DEBUG.printf("KTX B_colour is : %d\r\n",SELKEY_SUBTEXT[k_id].text_BLUE );  // show textcolour 
+          // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          #endif
+          }
+         break;
+        }        
+        default:
+        {   
+          // unknown commandnumber !
+         break;
+        }        
+    }
+    CDU_OS.FreeResource(FS_DATA_RESOURCE); // ; free FS database  
+   // set mbos Event:
+   if (FSdata_received_flag == true) {
+         CDU_OS.SetEvent(FS_DATA_EVENT,CDU_DSP_CSS_TASK_ID); // : set event for updating CDU screen task
+         FSdata_received_flag = false; // : reset commomn flag
+   }