Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols Port from Arduino-IRremote

Dependents:   mbed-os-example-FinalReal mbed-os-example-FinalReal

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ir_Template.cpp	Sat Jan 23 06:16:48 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+Assuming the protocol we are adding is for the (imaginary) manufacturer:  Shuzu
+Our fantasy protocol is a standard protocol, so we can use this standard
+template without too much work. Some protocols are quite unique and will require
+considerably more work in this file! It is way beyond the scope of this text to
+explain how to reverse engineer "unusual" IR protocols. But, unless you own an
+oscilloscope, the starting point is probably to use the rawDump.ino sketch and
+try to spot the pattern!
+Before you start, make sure the IR library is working OK:
+  # Open up the Arduino IDE
+  # Load up the rawDump.ino example sketch
+  # Run it
+Now we can start to add our new protocol...
+1. Copy this file to : ir_Shuzu.cpp
+2. Replace all occurrences of "Shuzu" with the name of your protocol.
+3. Tweak the #defines to suit your protocol.
+4. If you're lucky, tweaking the #defines will make the default send() function
+   work.
+5. Again, if you're lucky, tweaking the #defines will have made the default
+   decode() function work.
+You have written the code to support your new protocol!
+Now you must do a few things to add it to the IRremote system:
+1. Open IRremote.h and make the following changes:
+   REMEMEBER to change occurences of "SHUZU" with the name of your protocol
+   A. At the top, in the section "Supported Protocols", add:
+      #define DECODE_SHUZU  1
+      #define SEND_SHUZU    1
+   B. In the section "enumerated list of all supported formats", add:
+      SHUZU,
+      to the end of the list (notice there is a comma after the protocol name)
+   C. Further down in "Main class for receiving IR", add:
+      //......................................................................
+      #if DECODE_SHUZU
+          bool  decodeShuzu (decode_results *results) ;
+      #endif
+   D. Further down in "Main class for sending IR", add:
+      //......................................................................
+      #if SEND_SHUZU
+          void  sendShuzu (unsigned long data,  int nbits) ;
+      #endif
+   E. Save your changes and close the file
+2. Now open irRecv.cpp and make the following change:
+   A. In the function IRrecv::decode(), add:
+      #ifdef DECODE_NEC
+          DBG_PRINTLN("Attempting Shuzu decode");
+          if (decodeShuzu(results))  return true ;
+      #endif
+   B. Save your changes and close the file
+You will probably want to add your new protocol to the example sketch
+3. Open MyDocuments\Arduino\libraries\IRremote\examples\IRrecvDumpV2.ino
+   A. In the encoding() function, add:
+      case SHUZU:    Serial.print("SHUZU");     break ;
+Now open the Arduino IDE, load up the rawDump.ino sketch, and run it.
+Hopefully it will compile and upload.
+If it doesn't, you've done something wrong. Check your work.
+If you can't get it to work - seek help from somewhere.
+If you get this far, I will assume you have successfully added your new protocol
+There is one last thing to do.
+1. Delete this giant instructional comment.
+2. Send a copy of your work to us so we can include it in the library and
+   others may benefit from your hard work and maybe even write a song about how
+   great you are for helping them! :)
+  BlueChip
+#include "IRremote.h"
+#include "IRremoteInt.h"
+//                              S H U Z U
+#define BITS          32  // The number of bits in the command
+#define HDR_MARK    1000  // The length of the Header:Mark
+#define HDR_SPACE   2000  // The lenght of the Header:Space
+#define BIT_MARK    3000  // The length of a Bit:Mark
+#define ONE_SPACE   4000  // The length of a Bit:Space for 1's
+#define ZERO_SPACE  5000  // The length of a Bit:Space for 0's
+#define OTHER       1234  // Other things you may need to define
+void  IRsend::sendShuzu (unsigned long data,  int nbits)
+	// Set IR carrier frequency
+	enableIROut(38);
+	// Header
+	mark (HDR_MARK);
+	space(HDR_SPACE);
+	// Data
+	for (unsigned long  mask = 1UL << (nbits - 1);  mask;  mask >>= 1) {
+		if (data & mask) {
+			mark (BIT_MARK);
+			space(ONE_SPACE);
+		} else {
+			mark (BIT_MARK);
+			space(ZERO_SPACE);
+		}
+	}
+	// Footer
+	mark(BIT_MARK);
+    space(0);  // Always end with the LED off
+bool  IRrecv::decodeShuzu (decode_results *results)
+	unsigned long  data   = 0;  // Somewhere to build our code
+	int            offset = 1;  // Skip the Gap reading
+	// Check we have the right amount of data
+	if (irparams.rawlen != 1 + 2 + (2 * BITS) + 1)  return false ;
+	// Check initial Mark+Space match
+	if (!MATCH_MARK (results->rawbuf[offset++], HDR_MARK ))  return false ;
+	if (!MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset++], HDR_SPACE))  return false ;
+	// Read the bits in
+	for (int i = 0;  i < SHUZU_BITS;  i++) {
+		// Each bit looks like: MARK + SPACE_1 -> 1
+		//                 or : MARK + SPACE_0 -> 0
+		if (!MATCH_MARK(results->rawbuf[offset++], BIT_MARK))  return false ;
+		// IR data is big-endian, so we shuffle it in from the right:
+		if      (MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset], ONE_SPACE))   data = (data << 1) | 1 ;
+		else if (MATCH_SPACE(results->rawbuf[offset], ZERO_SPACE))  data = (data << 1) | 0 ;
+		else                                                        return false ;
+		offset++;
+	}
+	// Success
+	results->bits        = BITS;
+	results->value       = data;
+	results->decode_type = SHUZU;
+	return true;