Unipolar Stepper Motor Library, Supports Single Step and Half Step, Directions Supported, Speed Configuration supported in MSPS(MIlliseconds per step), Interrupt mode supported SYNCRONOUS.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StepperMotorUni.h	Mon Feb 01 06:20:28 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+/** Stepper Motor (Unipolar) control library
+ *
+ *  @class   StepperMotorUni
+ *  @author  Dwijay.Edutech Learning Solutions
+ *  @version 1.0
+ *  @date    1-Feb-2016
+ *
+ *  The library that controls stepper motor via motor driver chip
+ *  This is a driver for a unipolar stepper motor.
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "StepperMotorUni.h"
+ *
+ *  StepperMotorUni motor( p26, p25, p24, p23 );
+ *
+ *  int main()
+ *  {
+ *      motor.set_operation_mode(StepperMotorUni::STEP);
+ *
+ *      while ( 1 ) {
+ *          motor.rotate_angle(StepperMotorUni::CLOCKWISE,90,0.02);
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *
+ *          motor.rotate_angle(StepperMotorUni::COUNTER_CLOCKWISE,90,0.02);
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+/* Default Value */
+#define MAX_MSPS   0.5   // 500 millisecond per step
+/*                      Stepper Motor Calibration                             */
+#define     CAL_ANGLE           1.8         // Stepper motor calibration angle
+/*                      Stepper Motor Selection                             */
+#define     GENERAL     false
+#define     STM601      true
+class StepperMotorUni
+    /** Constants for motor rotate mode */
+    typedef enum  {
+        STEP,                       /**< Single step operation (default)    */
+        HALFSTEP                    /**< half step operation             */
+    } OperationMode;
+    /** Constants for motor rotate mode */
+    typedef enum  {
+        CLOCKWISE,             /**< one-way: clockwise turn                */
+        COUNTER_CLOCKWISE      /**< one-way: counter clockwise turn        */
+    } RotMode;
+    /** Constants for syncronization mode */
+    typedef enum  {
+        ASYNCHRONOUS,               /**< program does wait motor turn completion (default)  */
+        SYNCHRONOUS                 /**< program doesn't wait motor turn completion         */
+    } SyncMode;
+    /** Create a stepper motor object connected to specified DigitalOut pins and a DigitalIn pin
+     *
+     *  @param out_A DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-A
+     *  @param out_B DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-B
+     *  @param out_C DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-C
+     *  @param out_D DigitalOut pin for motor pulse signal-D
+     */
+    StepperMotorUni(
+        PinName out_A,
+        PinName out_B,
+        PinName out_C,
+        PinName out_D
+    );
+    /**
+     * @brief Sends Sequence to turn motor
+     * @param stepPos pattern index value/ sequence number
+     */
+    void send_sequence(int stepPos);
+    /**
+     * @brief Set Stepper operation mode
+     * @param v     @arg STEP       Single Step operation
+     *              @arg HALFSTEP   Half Step operation
+     */
+    void set_operation_mode( OperationMode v );
+    /**
+     * @brief Rotate motor at specified angle with given speed
+     * @param StMotorDirection Sets motor direction
+     *        @arg CLOCKWISE
+     *        @arg COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
+     * @param Angle     Specify rotation angle
+     * @param Speed     Specify Speed in Millisecond Per Step
+     *                  50msps = 0.050 (It will take 50ms for 1 step)
+     *
+     * Calculations:
+     * Move 360 degrees in 2 seconds
+     *
+     * operation mode = STEP                    operation mode = HALFSTEP
+     *                           Time (in ms)
+     *              speed = ------------------------
+     *                       degrees/deg_per_step
+     *
+     *          2000    2000                            2000   2000
+     *  speed =-------= ----= 10 = 0.010msps    speed =-------=----= 5 = 0.005msps
+     *         360/1.8   200                           360/0.9  400
+     *
+     */
+    void rotate_angle(RotMode StMotorDirection, int Angle, float Speed);
+    /**
+     * @brief Rotate motor with given steps with given time
+     * @param StMotorDirection Sets motor direction
+     *        @arg CLOCKWISE
+     *        @arg COUNTER_CLOCKWISE
+     * @param Steps     Specify Steps to rotate
+     * @param Speed     Specify Speed in Millisecond Per Step
+     *                  50msps = 0.050 (It will take 50ms for 1 step)
+     *
+     * Calculations:
+     * Move 200 steps in 2 seconds
+     *          Time (in ms)    2000
+     *  speed = -------------= ------ = 10 = 0.010msps
+     *             Steps         200
+     *
+     */
+    void rotate_steps(RotMode StMotorDirection, int Steps, float Speed);
+    /** Interface for syncronization mode setting
+     *
+     *  Example:
+     *  @code
+     *  StepperMotor    m( p21, p22, p23, p24 );
+     *  int main() {
+     *      m.set_sync_mode( StepperMotor::SYNCHRONOUS );
+     *      ...
+     *  @endcode
+     *
+     *  @param m motor rotate mode : ASYNCHRONOUS (default) or SYNCHRONOUS
+     */
+    void set_sync_mode( SyncMode m );
+    /**
+     *  @brief Check remaining distance that motor need to move
+     *  software can check if the motor action completed in asynchronous mode
+     *  @return remaining steps that motor need to go
+     */
+    int distance( void );
+    /**
+     *  @brief Pause/Resume the motor action
+     *  @param sw use "true" for pause, "false" (default) for resume
+     */
+    void set_pause( int sw );
+    /**
+     * @brief Stop motor and reset values to default
+     */
+    void stop( void );
+    Ticker      t;
+    BusOut      motor_out;
+    static unsigned char  pattern_step_cw[ 4 ];  //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
+    static unsigned char  pattern_step_acw[ 4 ];  //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
+    static unsigned char  pattern_halfstep_cw[ 8 ];   //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
+    static unsigned char  pattern_halfstep_acw[ 8 ];   //  1 phase pulse pattern for motor control
+    unsigned char          *pattern;
+    int                    pat_index_mask;
+    OperationMode          phase_mode;
+    RotMode     rot_mode;
+    SyncMode    sync_mode;
+    int         current_pos;
+    int         target_pos;
+    float       msps;
+    float       max_msps;
+    int         pause;
+    void set_target_pos( int p );  //  target position setting interface
+    void motor_maintain( void );   //  this function is called periodically by Ticker