Unipolar Stepper Motor Library, Supports Single Step and Half Step, Directions Supported, Speed Configuration supported in MSPS(MIlliseconds per step), Interrupt mode supported SYNCRONOUS.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StepperMotorUni.cpp	Mon Feb 01 06:20:28 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+/** Stepper Motor (Unipolar) control library
+ *
+ *  @class   StepperMotorUni
+ *  @author  Dwijay.Edutech Learning Solutions
+ *  @version 1.0
+ *  @date    1-Feb-2016
+ *
+ *  The library that controls stepper motor via motor driver chip
+ *  This is a driver for a unipolar stepper motor.
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "StepperMotorUni.h"
+ *
+ *  StepperMotorUni motor( p26, p25, p24, p23 );
+ *
+ *  int main()
+ *  {
+ *      motor.set_operation_mode(StepperMotorUni::STEP);
+ *
+ *      while ( 1 ) {
+ *          motor.rotate_angle(StepperMotorUni::CLOCKWISE,90,0.02);
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *
+ *          motor.rotate_angle(StepperMotorUni::COUNTER_CLOCKWISE,90,0.02);
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "StepperMotorUni.h"
+    PinName out_A,
+    PinName out_B,
+    PinName out_C,
+    PinName out_D
+) : motor_out( out_A, out_B, out_C, out_D ),
+    rot_mode( CLOCKWISE ),
+    sync_mode( ASYNCHRONOUS ),
+    phase_mode(STEP),
+    current_pos( 0 ),
+    max_msps( MAX_MSPS ),
+    target_pos( 0 ),
+    pause( true )
+    msps     = max_msps;
+    pattern = (unsigned char *)pattern_step_cw;
+    pat_index_mask  = 0x3;
+//    t.attach( this, &StepperMotorUni::motor_maintain, (float)msps );
+void StepperMotorUni::motor_maintain( void )
+    if ( pause )
+        return;
+    current_pos = current_pos + ( (target_pos < current_pos) ? -1 : 1 );
+    send_sequence(current_pos);
+//    printf( "%d>>>%d\r\n", current_pos, target_pos );
+    if ( target_pos == current_pos ) {
+        current_pos = 0;
+        target_pos  = 0;
+        set_pause(true);
+        t.detach();
+    }
+void StepperMotorUni::send_sequence(int stepPos)
+    motor_out = pattern[stepPos & pat_index_mask];
+void StepperMotorUni::set_operation_mode( OperationMode v )
+    phase_mode  = v;
+void StepperMotorUni::set_sync_mode( SyncMode m )
+    sync_mode    = m;
+int StepperMotorUni::distance( void )
+    return( target_pos - current_pos );
+void StepperMotorUni::set_target_pos( int p )
+    target_pos  = p;
+    if (sync_mode == SYNCHRONOUS)
+        while ( distance() )
+            wait( 0 );
+void StepperMotorUni::set_pause( int sw )
+    pause   = sw;
+void StepperMotorUni::stop( void )
+    target_pos  = current_pos;
+    set_pause(true);
+    t.detach();
+void StepperMotorUni::rotate_angle(RotMode StMotorDirection, int Angle, float Speed)
+    switch ( phase_mode ) {
+        case StepperMotorUni::STEP :
+            if(StMotorDirection == CLOCKWISE){
+                pattern = pattern_step_cw;
+            }else if (StMotorDirection == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) {
+                pattern = pattern_step_acw;
+            }
+            pat_index_mask  = 0x3;
+            set_target_pos((int)(Angle/CAL_ANGLE));
+            break;
+        case StepperMotorUni::HALFSTEP :
+            if(StMotorDirection == CLOCKWISE){
+                pattern = pattern_halfstep_cw;
+            }else if (StMotorDirection == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) {
+                pattern = pattern_halfstep_acw;
+            }
+            pat_index_mask  = 0x7;
+            set_target_pos((int)(2*Angle/CAL_ANGLE));
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    current_pos = 0;
+//    printf("target pos %d",target_pos);
+    set_pause(false);
+    msps = Speed;
+    t.detach();
+    t.attach( this, &StepperMotorUni::motor_maintain, (float)msps );
+void StepperMotorUni::rotate_steps(RotMode StMotorDirection, int Steps, float Speed)
+    switch ( phase_mode ) {
+        case StepperMotorUni::STEP :
+            if(StMotorDirection == CLOCKWISE){
+                pattern = pattern_step_cw;
+            }else if (StMotorDirection == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) {
+                pattern = pattern_step_acw;
+            }
+            pat_index_mask  = 0x3;
+            break;
+        case StepperMotorUni::HALFSTEP :
+            if(StMotorDirection == CLOCKWISE){
+                pattern = pattern_halfstep_cw;
+            }else if (StMotorDirection == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE) {
+                pattern = pattern_halfstep_acw;
+            }
+            pat_index_mask  = 0x7;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    set_target_pos(Steps);
+    current_pos = 0;
+//    printf("target pos %d",target_pos);
+    set_pause(false);
+    msps = Speed;
+    t.detach();
+    t.attach( this, &StepperMotorUni::motor_maintain, (float)msps );
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_one_phase[ 4 ]  = { 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8 };
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_two_phase[ 4 ]  = { 0x3, 0x6, 0xC, 0x9 };
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_halfstep[ 8 ]  = { 0x1, 0x3, 0x2, 0x6, 0x4, 0xC, 0x8, 0x9 };
+#if STM601
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_step_cw[ 4 ]  = { 0xA, 0x3, 0x5, 0xC };
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_step_acw[ 4 ]  = { 0xC, 0x5, 0x3, 0xA };
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_halfstep_cw[ 8 ]  = { 0xC, 0x8, 0xA, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x5, 0x4 };
+unsigned char StepperMotorUni::pattern_halfstep_acw[ 8 ]  = { 0x4, 0x5, 0x1, 0x3, 0x2, 0xA, 0x8, 0xC };