Lab 5

Dependencies:   mbed

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Thu Oct 02 15:47:39 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Lab 5;

Changed in this revision

Lab5.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 48e80d1e9e1b Lab5.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Lab5.cpp	Thu Oct 02 15:47:39 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define PI (3.14159)
+// Four commands for the Instruction Register (B7,B6) - LS7366
+#define CLR     0x00    //Clear Instruction
+#define RD      0x01    //Read Instruction
+#define WR      0x02    //Write Instruction
+#define LOAD    0x03    //Load Instruction
+// Register to Select from the Instruction Register (B5,B4,B3) - LS7366
+#define NONE        0x00    //No Register Selected
+#define MDR0        0x01    //Mode Register 0
+#define MDR1        0x02    //Mode Register 1
+#define DTR         0x03    //Data Transfer Register
+#define CNTR        0x04    //Software Configurable Counter Register
+#define OTR         0x05    //Output Transfer Register
+#define STR         0x06    //Status Register
+#define NONE_REG    0x07    //No Register Selected
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+SPI spi(p5, p6, p7);
+LocalFileSystem local ("local");
+DigitalOut ls7166_cs1(p19);    //CS for LS7366
+DigitalOut ls7166_cs2(p20);    //CS for LS7366
+//----- LS7366 Encoder/Counter Routines --------------------
+void LS7366_cmd(int inst,  int reg){
+    char cmd;
+    spi.format(8, 0);
+    spi.frequency(2000000);
+    cmd = (inst << 6) | (reg << 3);
+//    printf("\r\ncmd=0X%2X", cmd);
+    spi.write(cmd);
+long LS7366_read_counter(int chan_num){
+    union bytes{
+        char byte_enc[4];
+        long long_enc;
+    }counter;
+    spi.format(8, 0);
+    spi.frequency(2000000);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;
+        wait_us(1);
+        LS7366_cmd(LOAD,OTR);//cmd = 0xe8, LOAD to OTR
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;
+        wait_us(1);
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;
+    }
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+        wait_us(1);
+        LS7366_cmd(LOAD,OTR);//cmd = 0xe8, LOAD to OTR
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;
+        wait_us(1);
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;        
+    }
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(RD,CNTR);  //cmd = 0x60, READ from CNTR
+    counter.byte_enc[3] = spi.write(0x00);
+    counter.byte_enc[2] = spi.write(0x00);
+    counter.byte_enc[1] = spi.write(0x00);
+    counter.byte_enc[0] = spi.write(0x00);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;    
+    }        
+    return counter.long_enc;  //return count
+void LS7366_quad_mode_x4(int chan_num){
+    spi.format(8, 0);
+    spi.frequency(2000000);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+    }    
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(WR,MDR0);// Write to the MDR0 register
+    spi.write(0x03); // X4 quadrature count mode
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;    
+    }
+void LS7366_reset_counter(int chan_num){
+    spi.format(8, 0);
+    spi.frequency(2000000);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;    
+    }
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+    }    
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(CLR,CNTR);//Clear the counter register
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;    
+    }
+    wait_us(1);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+    }        
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(LOAD,CNTR);//
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }
+void LS7366_write_DTR(int chan_num,long enc_value)
+    union bytes
+    {
+        char byte_enc[4];
+        long long_enc;
+    }counter;
+    spi.format(8, 0);
+    spi.frequency(2000000);
+    counter.long_enc = enc_value;
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+    }   
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(WR,DTR);//
+    spi.write(counter.byte_enc[3]);
+    spi.write(counter.byte_enc[2]);
+    spi.write(counter.byte_enc[1]);
+    spi.write(counter.byte_enc[0]);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;    
+    }     
+    wait_us(1);
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 0;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 0;    
+    }
+    wait_us(1);
+    LS7366_cmd(LOAD,CNTR);//
+    if(chan_num!=2){
+        ls7166_cs1 = 1;    
+    }            
+    else{
+        ls7166_cs2 = 1;    
+    }
+float Ts = 0.01 ; // Specify sampling period  
+// Arrays for data storage
+float etime[1000]; //elapsed time
+float ang_pos[1000]; // angular position
+Timer t;
+ // Open "results.M" on the local file system for writing
+FILE *fp = fopen("/local/results.M", "w");
+float cntr;
+float ang;
+float dt;
+long enc1;
+int k;
+int main ()
+    pc.baud(921600); //Set up serial port baud rate
+    spi.frequency(5000000);
+    LS7366_reset_counter(1);
+    LS7366_quad_mode_x4(1);       
+    LS7366_write_DTR(1,0);
+    LS7366_reset_counter(2);
+    LS7366_quad_mode_x4(2);       
+    LS7366_write_DTR(2,0);
+    cntr = 0.0; // cntr used to keep track of sample period and elpased time
+    // initialize data vectors
+    for(k=0;k<1000;k++)
+  { 
+   // Insert code  
+  }
+  k = 0; // Reset index counter
+    while(cntr <= 1000) {
+        t.start(); // start measuring comp time
+        // Read encoder        
+        enc1 = LS7366_read_counter(1);
+        // Convert from counts to radians
+        ang = 2*3.14*enc1/4096;                
+        // Log data
+        etime[k] = cntr*Ts;
+        ang_pos[k] = ang;
+        k++;
+        t.stop(); // end measuring comp time
+        dt =;
+        //printf("%5.2f\n\r",cntr);
+        pc.printf("%5.2f %5.2f \n\r",cntr*Ts,ang);
+        t.reset();
+        cntr=cntr+1;
+        wait(dt); // wait to ensure sampling period set by Ts 
+        //if (cntr == 200){fclose(fp);}
+    }//while
+    // Print out log variables in MATLAB structured variable format.
+    pc.printf("Printing log variables to file on mBed           ... ");
+    if(1) {
+        for(k=0; k<1000; k++) {
+            fprintf(fp,"t(%d,1) = %.5f;\n",k+1,etime[k]);
+            fprintf(fp,"ang_pos(%d,1) = %.5f;\n",k+1,ang_pos[k]);
+        }        
+    }
+    printf("done.\r\n");
+    // Close file
+    fclose(fp);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 48e80d1e9e1b mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu Oct 02 15:47:39 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file