Test for acceleration sensor on the ObCP ENSMM

Dependencies:   mbed LIS3DH_spi USBDevice

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Sep 02 11:23:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 30 11:27:51 2020 +0000
@@ -1,47 +1,146 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "SimpleBLE.h"
-DigitalOut led(LED1);
-// The first thing we need to do is create a SimpleBLE instance:
-// * first argument is the device name
-// * second is the advertisement interval in ms. (default 1000 ms.)
-SimpleBLE ble("DEVICE_NAME");
+#include "LIS3DH.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+#define MOSI PC_12
+#define MISO PC_11
+#define CS PC_5
+#define SCLK PC_10
+//Interrupt input
+InterruptIn userb(PC_13); //User1
+//PWM output
+PwmOut PWMoutput(PB_1); //Main PWM output
+PwmOut Green(PC_8); //PWM Red LED
+PwmOut Red(PC_6); //PWM Green LED
+PwmOut Blue(PC_9); //PWM Blue LED
+USBSerial pc(0x1f00, 0x2012, 0x0001, false);
+//USBSerial pc; //TX, RX
+//Init accelerometer
+double accX, accY, accZ;
+bool interrupt;
+// Clear the screen
+void clrscr ()
+    char clrscr[] = {0x1B, '[', '2', 'J', 0};
+    pc.printf(clrscr);
+//Home the cursor
+void homescr()
+    char homescr[] = {0x1B, '[', 'H', 0};
+    pc.printf(homescr);
+//goto specified line an column
+void gotoscr(int line, int column)
+    char scr[] = {0x1B, '[', 0x00,';',0x00, 'H', 0};
+    scr[2] = line;
+    scr[4] = column;
+    pc.printf(scr);
+void pressed(void)
+    interrupt = 1;
+//Main program
+int main(int, char**)
+    userb.fall(&pressed); // When button is pressed
+    interrupt = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        accX = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_X_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_X_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+        accY = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Y_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Y_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+        accZ = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Z_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Z_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+        Red = 10 * abs(accX / 255.0f);
+        Green = 10 * abs(accY / 255.0f);
+        Blue = 10 * abs(accZ / 255.0f);
+        clrscr();
+        homescr();
+        // printf("\033[2J");
+//Print accelerations values
+        gotoscr('0','0');
+        pc.printf("X acceleration = ");
+        pc.printf("%5.2f",accX);
+        gotoscr('2','0');
+        pc.printf("Y acceleration = ");
+        pc.printf("%5.2f",accY);
+        gotoscr('3','0');
+        pc.printf("Z acceleration = ");
+        pc.printf("%5.2f",accZ);
+        wait(0.5);
-// Now we can declare some variables that we want to expose.
-// After you created the variable you can use it like any other var,
-// but it's value will be automatically updated over Bluetooth!
-// F.e. here we declare service 0x180d (heartrate), char 0x2a37 (curr. value) as uint8_t
-SimpleChar<uint8_t> heartrate = ble.readOnly_u8(0x180D, 0x2A37, true /* notify */, 100 /* default value */);
-// now we can use this variable everywhere in our code like a normal uint8_t
-void updateHeartrate() {
-      led = !led; // keep-alive LED
-    // we just loop between 100 and 180
-    heartrate = heartrate + 1;
-    if (heartrate > 180) {
-        heartrate = 100;
+        if(interrupt == 1) {
+            interrupt = 0;
+            //  printf("\033[2J");
+            clrscr();
+            homescr();
+            gotoscr('0','0');
+            pc.printf("Interrupt button pressed");
+            Red = 0 ;
+            Green = 127 ;
+            Blue = 0 ;
+            wait(5);
+        }
-// And here we create a custom service (0x9310) and char (0x9311) with a callback
-void callback(uint32_t newValue) {
-    // whenever someone updates this var over Bluetooth, this function will be called
-    printf("My value was updated to %d\n", newValue);
-// FYI, you can also use long UUID strings here instead of short services :-)
-SimpleChar<uint32_t> writeMe = ble.readWrite_u32(0x9310, 0x9311, &callback);
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LIS3DH.h"
+#define MOSI PC_12
+#define MISO PC_11
+#define CS PC_5
+#define SCLK PC_10
+// GPIO set
+//Interrupt input
+//PWM output
+PwmOut PWMoutput(PB_1);          //Main PWM output
+PwmOut Green(PC_8);              //PWM Red LED
+PwmOut Red(PC_6);                //PWM Green LED
+PwmOut Blue(PC_9);               //PWM Blue LED
+//USBSerial terminal;      //TX, RX
+//Init accelerometer
+//Main program
 int main(int, char**) {
-    // update the heart rate every second
-    Ticker t;
-    t.attach(updateHeartrate, 1.0f);
-    // here's how we kick off our loop
-    ble.start();
+ float x, y, z;
     while (1) {
-        ble.waitForEvent();
+    x = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_X_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_X_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+    Red = sqrt(x*x)/4;
+    y = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Y_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Y_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+    Green = sqrt(y*y)/4;
+    z = float(short((acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Z_H) << 8) | acc.read_reg(LIS3DH_OUT_Z_L))) * 0.001F / 15;
+    Blue = sqrt(z*z)/4;
+    wait(0.1);
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