HTML stuff almost there may need altering

Fork of Task671-mbedos-FZ429-TCP-dynamic by University of Plymouth - Stages 1, 2 and 3

diff -r 76bd6f78cabc -r edfdb8e455b9 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Nov 21 14:21:48 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Dec 26 11:26:35 2017 +0000
@@ -15,10 +15,25 @@
 "<html>" "\r\n"                                                  \
 "  <body style=\"display:flex;text-align:center\">" "\r\n"       \
 "    <div style=\"margin:auto\">" "\r\n"                         \
-"      <h1>Hello World</h1>" "\r\n"                              \
-"      <p>The LDR value is "                                     
+"      <h1>Team-Q Elec351</h1>" "\r\n"                           \
+"       <p>Time : "                                              \
 #define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY2 ""                                    \
+        "&nbsp Date : "                                          \
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY3 ""                                    \
+       "</p>" "\r\n"                                             \
+"      <p>Light levels are : "   "\r\n"                          \
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY4 ""                                    \
+        "</p>" "\r\n"                                            \
+"       <p>Current Temperature : " "\r\n"                        \
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY5 ""                                    \
+        "</p>" "\r\n"                                            \
+"       <p>Current Pressure : " "\r\n"                           \
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY6 ""                                    \
        "</p>" "\r\n"                                             \
 "    </div>" "\r\n"                                              \
 "  </body>" "\r\n"                                               \
@@ -67,22 +82,44 @@
         printf("accept %s:%d\n", clt_addr.get_ip_address(), clt_addr.get_port());
         //Uses a C++ string to make it easier to concatinate
+        //"response" is the string that makes up the whole web page
         string response;
         //This is a C string
+        //make space to save variables as strings
+        char time_str[64];
+        char date_str[64];
         char ldr_str[64];
+        char temp_str[64];
+        char pres_str[64];
-        //Read the LDR value
-        float u = ldr;
+        //Read the time/date/sensor values
+        //use sensor readings instead of 10's
+        float a = 10;
+        float e = 10;
+        float i = ldr;
+        float o = 10;
+        float u = 10;
         //Convert to a C String
-        sprintf(ldr_str, "%5.3f", u );
-        printf("LDR: %5.3f\n\r", u);
+        sprintf(time_str, "%5.3f", a );
+        sprintf(date_str, "%5.3f", e );
+        sprintf(ldr_str, "%5.3f", i );
+        sprintf(temp_str, "%5.3f", o );
+        sprintf(pres_str, "%5.3f", u );
         //Build the C++ string response
         response = HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY1;
-        response += ldr_str;
+        response += time_str;
         response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY2;
+        response += date_str;
+        response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY3;
+        response += ldr_str;
+        response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY4;
+        response += temp_str;
+        response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY5;
+        response += pres_str;
+        response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY6;
         //Send static HTML response (as a C string)
         clt_sock.send(response.c_str(), response.size()+6);    