Game codes for Pokemon Academy Yiu Fai Kwok - 201198802 I have read the University Regulations on Plagiarism and state that the work covered by this declaration is my own and does not contain any unacknowledged work from other sources.

Dependencies:   mbed FXOS8700CQ mbed-rtos

--- a/Game_two/Character_files/Game_two_cha.cpp	Mon Apr 22 10:32:40 2019 +0000
+++ b/Game_two/Character_files/Game_two_cha.cpp	Sun Apr 28 18:04:23 2019 +0000
@@ -38,18 +38,20 @@
     // update y value depending on direction of movement
     // North is decrement as origin is at the top-left so decreasing moves up
-    if (d == N) {_y-=_speed;} 
-    else if (d == NE) {_y-=_speed; _x+=_speed;}
+    if (d == N) {_y-=-_speed*0.7;} 
+    else if (d == NE) {_y-=-_speed*0.7; _x+=_speed;}
     else if (d == E) {_x+=_speed;}
-    else if (d == SE) {_y+=_speed; _x+=_speed;}
-    else if (d == S) {_y+=_speed;}
-    else if (d == SW) {_y+=_speed; _x-=_speed;}
+    else if (d == SE) {_y+=-_speed*0.7; _x+=_speed;}
+    else if (d == S) {_y+=-_speed*0.7;}
+    else if (d == SW) {_y+=-_speed*0.7; _x-=_speed;}
     else if (d == W) {_x-=_speed;}
-    else if (d == NW) {_y-=_speed; _x-=_speed;}
+    else if (d == NW) {_y-=-_speed*0.7; _x-=_speed;}
     // check the y origin to ensure that the character doesn't go off screen
     if (_y < 1) {_y = 1;}
     if (_y > HEIGHT - 18) {_y = HEIGHT - 18;}
+    if (_x < 1) {_x = 1;}
+    if (_x > WIDTH - 18) {_x = WIDTH - 18;}
 void Game_two_cha::add_score()