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00001 /*
00002 ELEC2645 Embedded Systems Project
00003 School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
00004 University of Leeds
00005 Name: Thomas Caine
00006 Username: el175c
00007 Student ID Number: 201127594
00008 Date: 10/05/2019
00009 */
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00013 #include "Gamepad.h"
00014 #include "N5110.h"
00015 #include "Maze.h"
00016 #include "Vector2Di.h"
00017 #include "Player.h"
00018 #include "Drawer.h"
00019 #include "MainMenu.h"
00020 #include "DefeatMenu.h"
00021 #include "VictoryMenu.h"
00023 /* Note:
00024 If it were up to me almost everything in this file would be in a Game object and main would only have game.init();; in it
00025 Unfortunately I have been plagued by L6312W the empty execution region error (not the warning) all the way through this project
00026 and this is as good as I could get it in terms of object orientation.
00027 As far as I'm aware this error is a bug with the mbed compiler of this version but it can be worked around.
00028 Dock marks as you see fit for not encapsulating the other headers into a single class.
00029 (but the other classes are nice and object-oriented, right?)
00030 */
00033 N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11);
00034 Gamepad gamepad;
00035 /** Causes the currentMenu's button index to be decremented, moving the cursor to the higher button
00036 */
00037 void buttonPressedUp() {
00038     if (currentMenu->buttonIndex > 0) {
00039         currentMenu->buttonIndex -= 1;   
00040         currentButton = currentMenu->buttons[currentMenu->buttonIndex];
00041     }
00042     printf("currentMenu->buttonIndex = %d\n", currentMenu->buttonIndex);
00043 }
00045 /** Causes the currentMenu's button index to be incremented, moving the cursor to the lower button
00046 */
00047 void buttonPressedDown() {
00048     if (currentMenu->buttonIndex < (currentMenu->numOfButtons - 1)) {
00049         currentMenu->buttonIndex += 1;
00050         currentButton = currentMenu->buttons[currentMenu->buttonIndex];
00051     }
00052     printf("currentMenu->buttonIndex = %d\n", currentMenu->buttonIndex);
00053 }
00055 Ticker arrowFlicker;
00056 Ticker ingameCounter;
00057 bool arrowFlickFlag = 1;
00058 int ingameTime;
00060 /** Funciton for drawing the ingame Timer
00061  */
00062 void drawTimer() {
00063     lcd.drawRect(1,1,20,8,FILL_WHITE);
00064     std::stringstream ss;
00065     ss << ingameTime;
00066     std::string timeStr = "Time:" + ss.str();
00067     lcd.printString(timeStr.c_str(), 1,0);
00068 }
00069 /** Timer increment/decrement function
00070  * @brief depending on the timerFlag (toggled on or off) it will count up or down
00071  */
00072 void timerFunc() {
00073     if (timerFlag)
00074         ingameTime--;
00075     else
00076         ingameTime++;
00077 }
00079 /** Funciton making the button selection arrow flicker
00080  * @brief aesthetically pleasing (i think).
00081  */
00082 void selectionArrowFunc() {
00083     arrowFlickFlag = !arrowFlickFlag;
00084 };
00086 /** The main function
00087  * Due to constantly getting Empty Execution region errors this is a lot more full than it should be
00088  * refer to note at the top of main.cpp for more comments on the issue.
00089  */
00090 int main() {
00091     gamepad.init();
00092     lcd.init();
00093     lcd.setContrast(0.5);
00094     lcd.normalMode();
00095     lcd.setBrightness(0.5);
00097     arrowFlicker.attach(&selectionArrowFunc,0.9);
00098     currentMenu = new MainMenu(&lcd);
00100     // program loop - never exits
00101     while (true) {
00102         // menu loop
00103         gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED); // consume trailing input from last loop
00104         while (true) {
00106           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00107             buttonPressedDown();
00108           }
00109           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::Y_PRESSED)) {
00110             buttonPressedUp();
00111           }
00112           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::X_PRESSED)) {
00113             currentButton->runBack();
00114             gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::X_PRESSED); // consume second input if it appeared
00115           }
00116           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::B_PRESSED)) {
00117             currentButton->run();
00118             gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::B_PRESSED); // consume second input if it appeared
00119           }
00120           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED)) {
00121             currentButton->run();
00122             gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED); // consume second input if it appeared
00123           }
00124           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::BACK_PRESSED)) {
00125             delete currentMenu;
00126             currentMenu = new MainMenu(&lcd);
00127           }
00129           lcd.clear();
00130           currentMenu->draw();
00132           if (arrowFlickFlag)
00133             lcd.drawSprite((currentButton->x)-2,(currentButton->y),7,4, (int *)selectArrow2);
00135           lcd.refresh();
00136           if (beginFlag) {
00137             beginFlag = false;
00138             printf("begin flag is true\n");
00139             break;
00140           }
00141           sleep();
00142         }
00143         delete currentMenu;
00145         Maze maze;
00146         Player player(&maze);
00147         maze.selectMaze(mazeSize);
00148         player.pos.x = maze.startX;
00149         player.pos.y = maze.startY;
00150         Drawer drawer(&player, &lcd);
00152         if (timerFlag)
00153           ingameTime = maze.timeToFinish;
00154         else
00155           ingameTime = 0;
00156         ingameCounter.attach(&timerFunc, 1);
00157         arrowFlicker.detach();
00158         bool winFlag = false;
00160         // Main game loop
00161         while (true) {
00162             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::Y_PRESSED)) {
00163                 if (player.checkLocation(player.pos, 0, 2)) {
00164                     winFlag = true;
00165                 }
00166                 player.walk();
00167                 wait(0.2);
00168                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::Y_PRESSED)) {
00169                     printf("walked but input fired twice\n");
00170                 }
00171             }
00172             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::X_PRESSED)) {
00173                 player.turnLeft();
00174                 wait(0.2);
00175                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::X_PRESSED)) {
00176                     printf("turned left but input fired twice\n");
00177                 }
00178             }
00179             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::B_PRESSED)) {
00180                 player.turnRight();
00181                 wait(0.2);
00182                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::B_PRESSED)) {
00183                     printf("turned right but input fired twice\n");
00184                 }
00185             }
00186             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00187                 player.stepBack();
00188                 wait(0.2);
00189                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00190                     printf("stepped back but input fired twice\n");
00191                 }
00192             }
00193             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::R_PRESSED)) {
00194                 player.turnRight();
00195                 wait(0.2);
00196                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::R_PRESSED)) {
00197                     printf("turned right but input fired twice\n");
00198                 }
00199             }
00200             if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::L_PRESSED)) {
00201                 player.turnLeft();
00202                 wait(0.2);
00203                 if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::L_PRESSED)) {
00204                     printf("turned left but input fired twice\n");
00205                 }
00206             }
00208             if (winFlag) {
00209                 printf("Player has escaped the maze\n");
00210                 // player has won, end the game loop
00211                 winFlag = false;
00212                 currentMenu = new VictoryMenu(&lcd);
00213                 if (timerFlag) {
00214                     currentMenu->score = maze.timeToFinish + (ingameTime * 2);
00215                 } else {
00216                     currentMenu->score = maze.timeToFinish + ((maze.timeToFinish*10)/ingameTime);
00217                 }
00218                 break;
00219             }
00220             if (timerFlag && (ingameTime <= 0)) {
00221                 printf("Player has ran out of time\n");
00222                 // player has lost, end the game loop
00223                 currentMenu = new DefeatMenu(&lcd);
00224                 currentMenu->score = 0;
00225                 break;
00226             }
00227             printf("========\n");
00229             lcd.clear();
00230             drawer.drawScreen();
00231             drawTimer();
00232             lcd.refresh();
00234             sleep();
00235         }
00237         arrowFlicker.attach(&selectionArrowFunc,0.9);
00238         gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED);
00239         while (true) {
00240           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::B_PRESSED)) {
00241             buttonPressedDown();
00242           }
00243           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::X_PRESSED)) {
00244             buttonPressedUp();
00245           }
00246           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED)) {
00247             //buttonActivate(*currentButton);
00248           }
00249           if (gamepad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED)) {
00250             currentButton->run();
00251           } 
00252           lcd.clear();
00253           currentMenu->draw();
00254           if (arrowFlickFlag) {
00255                 lcd.drawSprite((currentButton->x)-2,(currentButton->y),7,4, 
00256                 (int *)selectArrow2);
00257           }
00258           if (restartFlag) {
00259             restartFlag = false;
00260             delete currentMenu;
00261             currentMenu = new StartMenu(&lcd);
00262             break;
00263           }
00264           if (menuFlag) {
00265             menuFlag = false;
00266             delete currentMenu;
00267             currentMenu = new MainMenu(&lcd);
00268             break;
00269           }
00270           lcd.refresh();
00271           sleep();
00272         }
00273     }
00274 }