My ELEC2645 project. Nikollao Sulollari. 200804685

Dependencies:   N5110 SoftPWM mbed

diff -r 2d424db3975f -r 5405ee7e243b main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon May 02 11:02:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 02 12:01:55 2016 +0000
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
     calibrateJoystick(); ///calibrate joystick
     button.rise(&button_isr); ///assign rise with ISR
     ticker.attach(&timer_isr,game_speed); ///attach ticker with ISR every 0.1 sec
     reset = level; ///set reset = level to check later if level has increased
     while (1) {
         if (g_timer_flag) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     r_led = 1;
     g_led = 1;
     b_led = 1;
     blue_led = 1;
     // since the on-board switches have external pull-ups, we should disable the internal pull-down
@@ -102,8 +102,9 @@
     g_button_flag =1;
-void button1_isr() {
+void button1_isr()
     g_button1_flag =1;
@@ -113,3 +114,674 @@
         pc.printf("timeout \n");
+void enemies()
+    /// generate enemies in the screen depending on the level difficulty
+    if (level == 0) {
+        enemyRect();
+        //enemyCircle();
+    } else if (level == 1) {
+        enemyRect();
+        //enemyCircle();
+    } else if (level == 2) {
+    } else if (level == 3) {
+    }
+    enemyCircle();
+    enemyRect();
+void enemyRect()
+    ///generate rect shape enemy
+    lcd.drawRect(rectX,rectY,5,4,1);
+    rectX = rectX + rand()%4 - 2;
+    rectY++; ///enemy moving towards hero
+    if (rectY == 50) {
+        rectY = 0;
+    }
+    if (rectX == 75 || rectX == 25) {
+        rectX = 40+rand()%10 - 5;
+    }
+void hero()
+    ///cotrol hero
+    if (joystick.direction == RIGHT) {
+        heroX--;
+    } else if (joystick.direction == LEFT) {
+        heroX++;
+    } else {
+        heroX = heroX;
+    }
+    if (joystick.direction == UP) {
+        heroY--;
+    } else if (joystick.direction == DOWN) {
+        heroY++;
+    } else {
+        heroY = heroY;
+    }
+    if (joystick.direction == UP_LEFT) {
+        heroY--;
+        heroX++;
+    } else if (joystick.direction == UP_RIGHT) {
+        heroY--;
+        heroX--;
+    } else if (joystick.direction == DOWN_RIGHT) {
+        heroY++;
+        heroX--;
+    } else if (joystick.direction == DOWN_LEFT) {
+        heroY++;
+        heroX++;
+    }
+    ///set x-axis boundaries so hero does not go out of screen
+    if (heroX > 40) {
+        heroX = -40;
+    }
+    if (heroX < -45) {
+        heroX = 35;
+    }
+    if (heroY < -45) { ///if hero has reached the top of the screen
+        heroY = 0; ///hero goes back to the bottom of the screen
+        level++; ///level increases by 1
+    }
+    if (heroY >= 0) {/// hero cannot go to previous level
+        heroY = 0;
+    }
+    ///draw hero
+    lcd.drawLine(40+heroX, 47+heroY, 48+heroX, 43+heroY,1);
+    lcd.drawLine(40+heroX, 43+heroY,48+heroX, 47+heroY,1);
+    lcd.drawLine(44+heroX, 45+heroY,44+heroX, 41+heroY,1);
+    lcd.drawCircle(44+heroX, 39+heroY,2,0);
+void enemyCircle()
+    ///generate circle shape enemy
+    lcd.drawCircle(circleX,circleY,4,1);
+    circleY = circleY + rand() %4 - 2;
+    if (circleY <= 10) {
+        circleY = 20;
+    }
+    if (circleY >= 35) {
+        circleY = 35;
+    }
+    if (circleX > 84) {
+        circleX = 0;
+    }
+    circleX++; ///enemy moving towards hero
+void init_game()
+    ///initialise game
+    srand(time(NULL)); /// generate random numbers
+    rectY = 0; /// init rectX, rectY
+    rectX = rand() %40 + 20;
+    circleY = rand() %20 + 10; /// init circleX, circleY
+    circleX = 0;
+    lcd.setBrightness(0.5); // put LED backlight on 50%
+    lcd.printString("Welcome to",11,1);
+    lcd.printString("Treasure Hunt!",1,3);
+    lcd.refresh();
+    //timeout.attach(&timeout_isr,3);
+    //sleep();
+    wait(3);
+    lcd.clear();
+void guidance()
+    /// show arrow to act as guidance towards the treasure
+    if (level < 7) { ///check level of difficulty
+        lcd.drawLine(42,0,42,4,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(42,0,40,2,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(42,0,44,2,1);
+    } else if (level == 7) {
+        lcd.printString("F",42,0); /// print the treasure icon
+    } else if (level == 8) {
+        ticker.detach();
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.printString("Well done!",0,0);
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(2);
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.printString("Play again",0,0);
+        lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+        lcd.refresh();
+        g_button_flag = 0;
+        while(1) {
+            if  (g_button_flag) {
+                g_button_flag = 0;
+                level = 0;
+                // play++;
+                lcd.clear();
+                main();
+                r_led = 0;
+                lcd.refresh();
+            }
+            sleep();
+        }
+    }
+void obstacles()
+    /// place obstacles in the screen
+    /// as level difficulty increases, more obstacles are added
+    if (level == 0) {
+        lcd.drawRect(10,15,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(74,15,2,2,1);
+    } 
+    else if (level == 1) {
+    }
+    else if (level == 2) {
+        lcd.drawRect(10,15,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(74,15,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(10,28,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(74,28,2,2,1);
+    } else if (level == 3) {
+        lcd.drawRect(5,12,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(79,12,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(79,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(28,12,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(52,12,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(28,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(52,30,2,2,1);
+    } else if (level == 4) {
+        lcd.drawRect(5 ,12+ rand() %4 - 2,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(79 + rand() %4 - 2,12 + rand() %4 - 2,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5+ rand() %4 - 2,30 ,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(79 + rand() %4 - 2,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(28 + rand() %4 - 2,12+ rand() %4,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(52,12 + rand() %4 - 2,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(28,30 + rand() %4 - 2,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(52 + rand() %4 - 2,30,2,2,1);
+    }
+    if (objectX == 0) { ///check position of obstacle
+        state = 0; ///assign states to the position of the obstacle
+    } else if (objectX == 60) {
+        state = 1;
+    } else {
+        state = state;
+    }
+    if (state == 0) { ///if state is 0 increase position on x-axis
+        objectX++;
+    } else {
+        objectX--; ///else if state is 1 decrease position on x-axis
+    }
+    if (objectX1 == 68) {
+        state1 = 1;
+    } else if (objectX1 == 10) {
+        state1 = 0;
+    }
+    if (state1 == 1) {
+        objectX1--;
+    } else if (state1 == 0) {
+        objectX1++;
+    }
+    objectY = objectY + rand() %4 - 2; ///set poistion of obstacle on y-axis to be valuable
+    ///keep moving object within boundaries
+    if (objectY <= 10) {
+        objectY = 10;
+    }
+    if (objectY >= 37) {
+        objectY = 37;
+    }
+    if ( level == 5) {
+        lcd.drawLine(15,10,15,37,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(71,10,71,37,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(11+objectX,objectY,2,2,1); ///draw obstacle
+        lcd.drawRect(80,10,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,10,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(80,20,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,20,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(80,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,30,2,2,1);
+    } else if (level == 6) {
+        lcd.drawLine(15,10,15,37,1); ///draw boundaries
+        lcd.drawLine(71,10,71,37,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(11+objectX,objectY,2,2,1); /// draw moving obstacles on screen
+        lcd.drawRect(objectX1,10+objectY,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(80,10,2,2,1); ///draw stable obstacles
+        lcd.drawRect(5,10,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(80,20,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,20,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(80,30,2,2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(5,30,2,2,1);
+    } else if (level == 7) {
+        /*
+        lcd.drawLine(50,15,30,15,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(30,15,30,35,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(30,25,45,25,1);
+        */
+    }
+void calibrateJoystick()
+    // must not move during calibration
+    joystick.x0 = xPot;  // initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
+    joystick.y0 = yPot;
+void updateJoystick()
+    // read current joystick values relative to calibrated values (in range -0.5 to 0.5, 0.0 is centred)
+    joystick.x = xPot - joystick.x0;
+    joystick.y = yPot - joystick.y0;
+    // read button state
+    joystick.button = button;
+    // calculate direction depending on x,y values
+    // tolerance allows a little lee-way in case joystick not exactly in the stated direction
+    if ( fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = CENTRE;
+    } else if ( joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = UP;
+    } else if ( joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = DOWN;
+    } else if ( joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = RIGHT;
+    } else if ( joystick.x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = LEFT;
+    } else if (joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE  && joystick.x  < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = UP_LEFT;
+    } else if (joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = UP_RIGHT;
+    } else if (joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && joystick.x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = DOWN_LEFT;
+    }   else if (joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = DOWN_RIGHT;
+    }
+int menu()
+    while(1) {
+        if (g_game_timer_flag) {
+            g_game_timer_flag = 0;
+            updateJoystick();
+            lcd.clear();
+            lcd.printString("Start Game",0,0); ///print the main
+            lcd.printString("Settings",0,2);
+            lcd.printString("Exit",0,4);
+            //lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+            switch (joystick.direction) { ///check the direction of joystick
+                case UP:
+                    option--;
+                    break;
+                case DOWN:
+                    option++;
+                    break;
+            }
+            if (option < 0) {
+                option = 2;
+            }
+            if (option > 2) {
+                option = 0;
+            }
+            if (option == 0) { ///selection in menu depends on the value of int option
+                lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+            } else if (option == 1) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(55,20,2,1);
+            } else if (option == 2) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(35,35,2,1);
+            }
+            if(g_button_flag) { /// if button is pressed
+                g_button_flag = 0; ///reset flag
+                if (option == 0) { ///break the while loop, start game
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if (option == 1) { ///enter settings menu
+                    option = 0;
+                    while(1) {
+                        if (g_game_timer_flag) {
+                            g_game_timer_flag = 0;
+                            updateJoystick(); ///update joystick position
+                            lcd.clear();
+                            if (normal) {
+                                if (sound) {
+                                    lcd.printString("Game speed",0,0);  ///print settings menu
+                                    lcd.printString("Lcd:Inverse",0,1);
+                                    lcd.printString("Sound:ON",0,2);
+                                    lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                } else {
+                                    lcd.printString("Game speed",0,0);  ///print settings menu
+                                    lcd.printString("Lcd:Inverse",0,1);
+                                    lcd.printString("Sound:OFF",0,2);
+                                    lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                if (sound) {
+                                    lcd.printString("Game speed",0,0);  ///print settings menu
+                                    lcd.printString("Lcd: Normal",0,1);
+                                    lcd.printString("Sound: ON",0,2);
+                                    lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                } else {
+                                    lcd.printString("Game speed",0,0);  ///print settings menu
+                                    lcd.printString("Lcd: Normal",0,1);
+                                    lcd.printString("Sound: OFF",0,2);
+                                    lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            switch (joystick.direction) {
+                                case UP:
+                                    option--;
+                                    break;
+                                case DOWN:
+                                    option++;
+                                    break;
+                                case CENTRE:
+                                    option = option;
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                            if (option < 0) { ///if selector is on the top of the screen and UP is pressed, selector goes to the bottom
+                                option = 3;
+                            }
+                            if (option > 3) { ///if selector is on the bottom of the screen and DOWN is pressed, selector goes to the top
+                                option = 0;
+                            }
+                            /// menu selection depends on the position of the Joystick
+                            if (option == 0) {
+                                lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+                            } else if (option == 1) {
+                                lcd.drawCircle(70,12,2,1);
+                            } else if (option == 2) {
+                                lcd.drawCircle(70,20,2,1);
+                            } else {
+                                lcd.drawCircle(35,27,2,1);
+                            }
+                            if (g_button_flag) { ///if button is pressed
+                                g_button_flag = 0; ///reset button
+                                if (option == 0) { /// if user selects to modify speed of the game
+                                    while(1) { ///set speed of the game
+                                        if (g_game_timer_flag) {
+                                            g_game_timer_flag = 0;
+                                            updateJoystick();
+                                            lcd.clear();
+                                            if (speed == 0) {
+                                                lcd.printString("Slow!",0,0); ///print game speed menu
+                                                lcd.printString("Normal",0,1);
+                                                lcd.printString("Fast",0,2);
+                                                lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                            } else if (speed == 1) {
+                                                lcd.printString("Slow",0,0); ///print game speed menu
+                                                lcd.printString("Normal!",0,1);
+                                                lcd.printString("Fast",0,2);
+                                                lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                            } else if (speed == 2) {
+                                                lcd.printString("Slow",0,0); ///print game speed menu
+                                                lcd.printString("Normal",0,1);
+                                                lcd.printString("Fast!",0,2);
+                                                lcd.printString("Back",0,3);
+                                            }
+                                            switch (joystick.direction) {
+                                                case UP:
+                                                    option--;
+                                                    break;
+                                                case DOWN:
+                                                    option++;
+                                                    break;
+                                                case CENTRE:
+                                                    option = option;
+                                                    break;
+                                            }
+                                            if (option < 0) {
+                                                option = 3;
+                                            }
+                                            if (option > 3) {
+                                                option = 0;
+                                            }
+                                            if (option == 0) {
+                                                lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+                                            } else if (option == 1) {
+                                                lcd.drawCircle(55,12,2,1);
+                                            } else if (option == 2) {
+                                                lcd.drawCircle(35,20,2,1);
+                                            } else {
+                                                lcd.drawCircle(35,27,2,1);
+                                            }
+                                            if (g_button_flag) {
+                                                g_button_flag = 0;
+                                                if (option == 0) {
+                                                    game_speed = 0.1;
+                                                    speed = 0;
+                                                } else if (option == 1) {
+                                                    game_speed = 0.05;
+                                                    speed = 1;
+                                                } else if (option == 2) {
+                                                    game_speed = 0.04;
+                                                    speed = 2;
+                                                } else if (option == 3) {
+                                                    break;
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            lcd.refresh();
+                                        }
+                                        sleep();
+                                    }
+                                } else if (option == 1) { /// Lcd inverse mode
+                                    normal =! normal;
+                                    if (normal) {
+                                        lcd.inverseMode();
+                                    } else {
+                                        lcd.normalMode();
+                                    }
+                                } else if (option == 2) { ///select  sound or not
+                                    sound =! sound;
+                                    if (sound)
+                                        buzzer.write(0.5);
+                                    else
+                                        buzzer.write(0.0);
+                                    // buzzer.period(1/400);
+                                } else if(option == 3) { ///go back to main menu
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            lcd.refresh();
+                        }
+                        sleep();
+                    }
+                } else if (option == 2) { ///turn off LED
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.turnOff();
+                    while(1) {
+                        deepsleep();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            lcd.refresh();
+        }
+        sleep();
+    }
+int intersection(int i, int j)
+    /// check for overlap between enemies and hero
+    n=0;
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j-1)!=0) //pixel to the top-left
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j)!=0) //pixel to the left
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j+1)!=0) //pixel to the bottom-left
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i,j-1)!=0) // pixel to the top
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i,j+1)!=0) //pixel to the bottom
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i+1,j-1)!=0) //pixel to the top-right
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i+1,j)!=0) // pixel to the right
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    if (lcd.getPixel(i+1,j+1)!=0) //pixel to the bottom right
+        n++; // increase n by 1
+    return n;
+void checkOverlap()
+    for (int i=40+heroX; i<50+heroX; i++) {
+        for (int j=35+heroY; j<48+heroY; j++) {
+            int check = intersection(i,j);
+            //lcd.setPixel(i,j);
+            char bit[50];
+            sprintf(bit,"Pixels: %d",check);
+            for(int i = 40; i < 50; i++) {
+                for (int j = 35; j < 47; j++) {
+                    if (check > 6) {
+                        check = 6;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (check > 7) {
+                tries--;
+                //if tries
+                lcd.printString("BANG!",0,0);
+                lcd.refresh();
+                wait(2);
+                lcd.clear();
+                if (tries == 2) {
+                    lcd.printString("Ready.",20,1);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    lcd.printString("Ready..",20,1);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    lcd.printString("Ready...",20,1);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(1);
+                    lcd.printString("GO!",31,2);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(1);
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    fsm_state = 1; ///2 lives left
+                } else if (tries == 1) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Last Chance!",10,2);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(1);
+                    fsm_state = 2; //1 life left
+                } else if (tries == 0) {
+                    fsm_state = 3;
+                    led_output=fsm[fsm_state];
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over!",10,2);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    wait(2);
+                    //ticker.detach();
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Play again",0,0);
+                    lcd.drawCircle(70,4,2,1);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    g_button_flag = 0;
+                    while(1) {
+                        if  (g_button_flag) {
+                            g_button_flag = 0;
+                            level = 0;
+                            tries = 3;
+                            fsm_state = 0;
+                            led_output=fsm[fsm_state];
+                            lcd.clear();
+                            main();
+                        }
+                        sleep();
+                    }
+                }
+                heroX = 0;
+                heroY = 0;
+                rectY = 0;
+                circleX = 0;
+                led_output=fsm[fsm_state];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void error()
+    /// display error message
+    while (1) {
+        lcd.printString("Error!",0,0);
+        r_led = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+        r_led = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+    }