My ELEC2645 project. Nikollao Sulollari. 200804685

Dependencies:   N5110 SoftPWM mbed



File content as of revision 20:59aa6189a47d:

@file main.h
@brief Header file contains functions and variables
@brief Treasure Hunt - Embedded Systems Project
@brief Revision 1.0
@author Nikollao Sulollari
@Date 26/03/2016

#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h"
#include "SoftPWM.h"

@nameSpace r_led
@brief output for status of red LED
DigitalOut r_led(LED_RED);

@nameSpace g_led
@brief output for status of green LED
DigitalOut g_led(LED_GREEN);

@nameSpace b_led
@brief output for status of blue LED
DigitalOut b_led(LED_BLUE);

@nameSpace blue_led
@brief output for status of blue LED, lights when game tool is loaded
DigitalOut blue_led(PTA1);

@nameSpace led_output
@brief output for status of left tries for the user to win the game
BusOut led_output(PTC2,PTA2,PTB23);

@nameSpace lcd
@brief object of the N5110 class
N5110 lcd(PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);

@nameSpace pc
@brief serial connection between mbed and pc
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);

// K64F on-board switches
InterruptIn sw2(SW2);
InterruptIn sw3(SW3);

@nameSpace xPot
@brief read x-axis position from the value of the joystick
AnalogIn xPot(PTB2);

@nameSpace yPot
@brief read y-axis position from the value of the joystick
AnalogIn yPot(PTB3);

@nameSpace button
@brief interrupt executes an event triggered task
InterruptIn button(PTB10);

@nameSpace button
@brief interrupt executes an event triggered task
InterruptIn button1(PTB18);

@nameSpace buzzer
@brief create PWM signal to set buzzer duty cycle and period
SoftPWM buzzer(PTB9);

@nameSpace ticker
@brief interrupt executes a time-triggered task
Ticker ticker;

@nameSpace timer
@brief  interface is used to measure the time between start and stop
Timer timer;

@nameSpace game_ticker
@brief interrupt executes a time-triggered task
Ticker game_ticker;

@nameSpace timeout
@brief interrupt calls a function after a specified amount of time
Timeout timeout;

@nameSpace DirectionName
@brief define joystick's direction based on its x,y values
enum DirectionName {

@nameSpace Joystick
@brief create strcut Joystick
typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;
struct JoyStick {
    double x;    /// current x value
    double x0;   /// 'centred' x value
    double y;    /// current y value
    double y0;   /// 'centred' y value
    int button; /// button state (assume pull-down used, so 1 = pressed, 0 = unpressed)
    DirectionName direction;  // current direction
/// create struct variable
Joystick joystick;

int main();

Displays an error message
void error();

set-up serial port
void init_serial();

 set-up the on-board LEDs and switches
void init_K64F();

Set-up random variables and game menu
void init_game();

Set-up flag to 1

Set-up flag to 1
void timer_isr();

Set-up flag to 1

Set-up flag to 1
void game_timer_isr();

Set-up flag to 1
void sw2_isr();

Set-up flag to 1
void sw3_isr();

Set-up flag to 1
void button_isr();

Set-up flag to 1
void button1_isr();

Set-up flag to 1
void timeout_isr();

Set current position to default position of Joystick
void calibrateJoystick();

Update the values of the joystick to get current position
void updateJoystick();

Create an enemy rectangular shape
void enemyRect();

Create an enemy rectangular shape
void enemyRocket();

Create circle shape enemy
void enemyCircle();

creates the hero of the game
void hero();

Shows the right direction
void guidance();

Locates obstacles in the screen
void obstacles();

Gets enemies depending on the level
void enemies();

Implement Menu in the game and display on screen
void menu();

Check for overlap between hero and enemies or obstacles
void checkOverlap();

Check for intrersection
@param i loops through x direction
@param j loops through y direction
@returns the number of pixels aroun the hero detected
int intersection(int i, int j);

volatile int rectX; /*!< used to determine x-axis position of the rect enemy */

volatile int rectY ;/*!< used to determine y-axis position of the rect enemy */

volatile int circleX;/*!< used to determine x-axis position of the circular enemy */

volatile int circleY;/*!< used to determine y-axis position of the circular enemy */

volatile int heroX;/*!<  used to move the hero along x-axis */

volatile int heroY;/*!<  used to move the hero along y-axis */

volatile int level = 0; /*!< initiate the level difficulty of the game */

volatile int g_timer_flag = 0; /*!< set timer flag in the isr, timer trigger interrupt */

volatile int g_game_timer_flag = 0;  /*!< set timer flag in the isr, timer trigger interrupt */

volatile int g_sw2_flag = 0;  /*!< set timer flag in the isr, event trigger interrupt */

volatile int g_sw3_flag = 0;  /*!< set timer flag in the isr, event trigger interrupt */

volatile int g_button_flag = 0;  /*!< set flag in the isr, event trigger interrupt */

volatile int g_button1_flag = 0; /*!< set flag in the isr, event trigger interrupt */

volatile int option = 0;  /*!< select option in menu based on Joystick's movement */

volatile int play = 0; /*!< counts the number of plays */

volatile int tries = 3;/*!< counts the number of trials */

volatile int n;/*!< number of pixels overlapping */

volatile float game_speed = 0.05; /*!< value is set to the ticker, allows user to select game speed */

int fsm[4] = {7,6,4,0}; /*!< array of elements in the FSM, each element is the output of the counter */

int fsm_state = 0; /*!<  variable is used to access the array of states and produce an output */

int reset = 0; /*!< used to save current level of difficulty */

int objectX = 0; /*!< used to move obstacles in the x-axis */

int objectY = 20; /*!< used to move obstacles in the y-axis */

int state = 0; /*!< controls the direction of the objtacle */

int objectX1 = 58; /*!< used to move obstacles in the x-axis */

int state1 = 1; /*!< controls the direction of the objtacle */

//int menuY = 5; /*!< controls the position of the circle selector */

int speed = 1; /*!< controls the speed menu display  */

bool normal=0; /*!< controls the lcd mode selection on menu */

bool sound = 0; /*!< determines if sound is on or off */
