Distance Sensor Embedded Systems Project SID: 200864479 James Erringham-Bruce

Dependencies:   N5110 SRF02-JEB mbed

Wed May 04 21:20:21 2016 +0000
working version before adding classes

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 1 /*
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 2 @file Radar.h
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 3 @brief Header file containing member functions and variables
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 4 @author James Erringham-Bruce
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 5 */
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 6
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 7 #ifndef RADAR_H
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 8 #define RADAR_H
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 9
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 10 #include "mbed.h" // mbed library
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 11 #include "DataController.h"
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 12
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 13 // creating the class used in plotting the graph
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 14 class Radar
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 15 {
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 16 // defining the public functions
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 17 public:
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 18 /**
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 19 @fn radarMode
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 20 @param int average - average reading of distance
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 21 @brief allows the user to visually see a wall of pixels moving with respect to the average distance
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 22 */
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 23 void radarMode();
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 24
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 25 // defining the private functions
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 26 private:
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 27
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 28 };
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 29 #endif
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 30
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 31 /**
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 32 @file Radar.cpp
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 33 @brief Member functions implementations
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 34 @author James Erringham-Bruce
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 35 */
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 36 //#include "mbed.h"
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 37 //#include "Radar.h"
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 38
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 39
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 41 void Radar::radarMode()
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 42 {
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 43 while (1) {
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 44 int average = getAverageReadingCm();
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 45 if (g_timer_flag) { // firing the timer
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 46 g_timer_flag = 0;
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 47 lcd.clear(); // clear the screen ready for this mode to be displayed
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 48 lcd.drawCircle(42,52,10,1); // printing the users position at the bottom of the screen like a semi-circle
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 49 lcd.drawCircle(42,52,average,0); // wall of pixels ( circle ) radias changes with respect to average value
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 50 lcd.refresh(); // refresh the screen to dispaly changes
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 51 if ( average > 60) { // if the value reaches too high
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 52 average = 60; // ensure it does not range of screen
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 53 } else if ( average < 18 ) { // if value goes too low
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 54 average = 18; // ensure it does not go lower than the users printed position
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 55 }
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 56 }
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 57 sleep(); // sleep before next interrupt
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 58 }
ll13j7b 1:f82359c58eda 59 }