
Dependents:   cobaLCDJoyMotor_Thread odometry_omni_3roda_v3 odometry_omni_3roda_v1 odometry_omni_3roda_v2 ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r b74591d5ab33 tools/export/mcuxpresso/__init__.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/export/mcuxpresso/__init__.py	Mon Dec 11 17:54:04 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Title: MCUXpresso exporter.
+Description: Creates a managed build project that can be imported by
+the MCUXpresso IDE from NXP
+Based on GNU ARM Eclipse Exporter from Liviu Ionescu <ilg@livius.net>
+modified for MCUXpresso by Johannes Stratmann <jojos62@online.de>
+import copy
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from os import getcwd, remove
+from os.path import splitext, basename, exists
+from random import randint
+from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEclipse, UID
+from tools.export.exporters import apply_supported_whitelist
+from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
+from tools.utils import NotSupportedException
+from tools.build_api import prepare_toolchain
+# =============================================================================
+    "TEENSY3_1Code.binary_hook",
+    "MCU_NRF51Code.binary_hook",
+    "LPCTargetCode.lpc_patch",
+    "LPC4088Code.binary_hook"
+class MCUXpresso(GNUARMEclipse):
+    NAME = 'MCUXpresso'
+    @classmethod
+    def is_target_supported(cls, target_name):
+        # targes suppoerted when .cproject templatefile exists
+        if exists(cls.TEMPLATE_DIR + '/mcuxpresso/' + target_name + '_cproject.tmpl'):
+            target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
+            return apply_supported_whitelist(
+                cls.TOOLCHAIN, POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target)
+        else:
+            return False
+    # override
+    def generate(self):
+        """
+        Generate the .project and .cproject files.
+        """
+        if not self.resources.linker_script:
+            raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.")
+        print
+        print 'Create a GNU ARM Eclipse C++ managed project'
+        print 'Project name: {0}'.format(self.project_name)
+        print 'Target: {0}'.format(self.toolchain.target.name)
+        print 'Toolchain: {0}'.format(self.TOOLCHAIN)
+        self.resources.win_to_unix()
+        # TODO: use some logger to display additional info if verbose
+        self.libraries = []
+        # print 'libraries'
+        # print self.resources.libraries
+        for lib in self.resources.libraries:
+            l, _ = splitext(basename(lib))
+            self.libraries.append(l[3:])
+        self.system_libraries = [
+            'stdc++', 'supc++', 'm', 'c', 'gcc', 'nosys'
+        ]
+        # Read in all profiles, we'll extract compiler options.
+        profiles = self.get_all_profiles()
+        profile_ids = [s.lower() for s in profiles]
+        profile_ids.sort()
+        # TODO: get the list from existing .cproject
+        build_folders = [s.capitalize() for s in profile_ids]
+        build_folders.append('BUILD')
+        # print build_folders
+        objects = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.objects]
+        for bf in build_folders:
+            objects = [o for o in objects if not o.startswith(bf + '/')]
+        # print 'objects'
+        # print objects
+        self.compute_exclusions()
+        self.include_path = [
+            self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.inc_dirs]
+        print 'Include folders: {0}'.format(len(self.include_path))
+        self.as_defines = self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)
+        self.c_defines = self.toolchain.get_symbols()
+        self.cpp_defines = self.c_defines
+        print 'Symbols: {0}'.format(len(self.c_defines))
+        self.ld_script = self.filter_dot(
+            self.resources.linker_script)
+        print 'Linker script: {0}'.format(self.ld_script)
+        self.options = {}
+        profile_ids.remove('develop')
+        for id in profile_ids:
+            # There are 4 categories of options, a category common too
+            # all tools and a specific category for each of the tools.
+            opts = {}
+            opts['common'] = {}
+            opts['as'] = {}
+            opts['c'] = {}
+            opts['cpp'] = {}
+            opts['ld'] = {}
+            opts['id'] = id
+            opts['name'] = opts['id'].capitalize()
+            print
+            print 'Build configuration: {0}'.format(opts['name'])
+            profile = profiles[id]
+            # A small hack, do not bother with src_path again,
+            # pass an empty string to avoid crashing.
+            src_paths = ['']
+            target_name = self.toolchain.target.name
+            toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
+                src_paths, "", target_name, self.TOOLCHAIN, build_profile=[profile])
+            # Hack to fill in build_dir
+            toolchain.build_dir = self.toolchain.build_dir
+            flags = self.toolchain_flags(toolchain)
+            print 'Common flags:', ' '.join(flags['common_flags'])
+            print 'C++ flags:', ' '.join(flags['cxx_flags'])
+            print 'C flags:', ' '.join(flags['c_flags'])
+            print 'ASM flags:', ' '.join(flags['asm_flags'])
+            print 'Linker flags:', ' '.join(flags['ld_flags'])
+            # Most GNU ARM Eclipse options have a parent,
+            # either debug or release.
+            if '-O0' in flags['common_flags'] or '-Og' in flags['common_flags']:
+                opts['parent_id'] = 'debug'
+            else:
+                opts['parent_id'] = 'release'
+            self.process_options(opts, flags)
+            opts['as']['defines'] = self.as_defines
+            opts['c']['defines'] = self.c_defines
+            opts['cpp']['defines'] = self.cpp_defines
+            opts['common']['include_paths'] = self.include_path
+            opts['common']['excluded_folders'] = '|'.join(
+                self.excluded_folders)
+            self.excluded_folders = [item.replace("\\", "/") for item in self.excluded_folders]
+            opts['ld']['library_paths'] = [
+                self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs]
+            opts['ld']['object_files'] = objects
+            opts['ld']['user_libraries'] = self.libraries
+            opts['ld']['system_libraries'] = self.system_libraries
+            opts['ld']['script'] = "linker-script-%s.ld" % id
+            opts['cpp_cmd'] = " ".join(toolchain.preproc)
+            # Unique IDs used in multiple places.
+            # Those used only once are implemented with {{u.id}}.
+            u = UID()
+            uid = {}
+            uid['config'] = u.id
+            uid['tool_c_compiler'] = u.id
+            uid['tool_c_compiler_input'] = u.id
+            uid['tool_cpp_compiler'] = u.id
+            uid['tool_cpp_compiler_input'] = u.id
+            opts['uid'] = uid
+            self.options[id] = opts
+        jinja_ctx = {
+            'name': self.project_name,
+            'ld_script': self.ld_script,
+            # Compiler & linker command line options
+            'options': self.options,
+            # Must be an object with an `id` property, which
+            # will be called repeatedly, to generate multiple UIDs.
+            'u': u,
+        }
+        self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/.project.tmpl', jinja_ctx,
+                      '.project', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+        self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/{0}_cproject.tmpl'.format(target_name), jinja_ctx,
+                      '.cproject', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+        self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/makefile.targets.tmpl', jinja_ctx,
+                      'makefile.targets', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+        self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/mbedignore.tmpl', jinja_ctx, '.mbedignore')
+        print
+        print 'Done. Import the \'{0}\' project in Eclipse.'.format(self.project_name)
+    # override
+    @staticmethod
+    def build(project_name, log_name="build_log.txt", cleanup=True):
+        """
+        Headless build an Eclipse project.
+        The following steps are performed:
+        - a temporary workspace is created,
+        - the project is imported,
+        - a clean build of all configurations is performed and
+        - the temporary workspace is removed.
+        The build results are in the Debug & Release folders.
+        All executables (eclipse & toolchain) must be in the PATH.
+        The general method to start a headless Eclipse build is:
+        $ eclipse \
+        --launcher.suppressErrors \
+        -nosplash \
+        -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild \
+        -data /path/to/workspace \
+        -import /path/to/project \
+        -cleanBuild "project[/configuration] | all"
+        """
+        # TODO: possibly use the log file.
+        # Create a temporary folder for the workspace.
+        tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        cmd = [
+            'mcuxpressoide',
+            '--launcher.suppressErrors',
+            '-nosplash',
+            '-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild',
+            '-data', tmp_folder,
+            '-import', getcwd(),
+            '-cleanBuild', project_name
+        ]
+        p = Popen(' '.join(cmd), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        ret_code = p.returncode
+        stdout_string = "=" * 10 + "STDOUT" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
+        err_string = "=" * 10 + "STDERR" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
+        err_string += err
+        success = any(l.startswith("Finished building target:") for l in out.split("\n"))
+        if success:
+            ret_string = "SUCCESS\n"
+        else:
+            ret_string = "FAILURE: build returned %s \n" % ret_code
+        print "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (stdout_string, out, err_string, ret_string)
+        if log_name:
+            # Write the output to the log file
+            with open(log_name, 'w+') as f:
+                f.write(stdout_string)
+                f.write(out)
+                f.write(err_string)
+                f.write(ret_string)
+        # Cleanup the exported and built files
+        if cleanup:
+            if exists(log_name):
+                remove(log_name)
+            remove('.project')
+            remove('.cproject')
+            if exists('Debug'):
+                shutil.rmtree('Debug')
+            if exists('Release'):
+                shutil.rmtree('Release')
+            if exists('makefile.targets'):
+                remove('makefile.targets')
+        # Always remove the temporary folder.
+        if exists(tmp_folder):
+            shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder)
+        return not(success)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def process_options(self, opts, flags_in):
+        """
+        CDT managed projects store lots of build options in separate
+        variables, with separate IDs in the .cproject file.
+        When the CDT build is started, all these options are brought
+        together to compose the compiler and linker command lines.
+        Here the process is reversed, from the compiler and linker
+        command lines, the options are identified and various flags are
+        set to control the template generation process.
+        Once identified, the options are removed from the command lines.
+        The options that were not identified are options that do not
+        have CDT equivalents and will be passed in the 'Other options'
+        categories.
+        Although this process does not have a very complicated logic,
+        given the large number of explicit configuration options
+        used by the GNU ARM Eclipse managed build plug-in, it is tedious...
+        """
+        # Make a copy of the flags, to be one by one removed after processing.
+        flags = copy.deepcopy(flags_in)
+        if False:
+            print
+            print 'common_flags', flags['common_flags']
+            print 'asm_flags', flags['asm_flags']
+            print 'c_flags', flags['c_flags']
+            print 'cxx_flags', flags['cxx_flags']
+            print 'ld_flags', flags['ld_flags']
+        # Initialise the 'last resort' options where all unrecognised
+        # options will be collected.
+        opts['as']['other'] = ''
+        opts['c']['other'] = ''
+        opts['cpp']['other'] = ''
+        opts['ld']['other'] = ''
+        MCPUS = {
+            'Cortex-M0': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m0', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M0+': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m0plus', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M1': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m1', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M3': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m3', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M4': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m4', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M4F': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m4', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv4spd16'},
+            'Cortex-M7': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': None},
+            'Cortex-M7F': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv4spd16'},
+            'Cortex-M7FD': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv5d16'},
+            'Cortex-A9': {'mcpu': 'cortex-a9', 'fpu_unit': 'vfpv3'}
+        }
+        MCPU_NXP = {
+            'cortex-m7' : 'cm7',
+            'cortex-m4' : 'cm4',
+            'cortex-m3' : 'cm3',
+            'cortex-m1' : 'cm1',
+            'cortex-m0' : 'cm0',
+            'cortex-m0.small-multiply' : 'cm0.smallmul',
+            'cortex-m0plus' : 'cm0plus',
+            'cortex-m0plus.small-multiply' : 'cm0plus.smallmul'
+        }
+        # Remove options that are supplied by CDT
+        self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-c')
+        self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-MMD')
+        # As 'plan B', get the CPU from the target definition.
+        core = self.toolchain.target.core
+        opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = None
+        # cortex-m0, cortex-m0-small-multiply, cortex-m0plus,
+        # cortex-m0plus-small-multiply, cortex-m1, cortex-m1-small-multiply,
+        # cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m7.
+        str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mcpu=')
+        if str != None:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = str[len('-mcpu='):]
+            opts['common']['arm.target.family_nxp'] = MCPU_NXP[str[len('-mcpu='):]]
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
+        else:
+            if core not in MCPUS:
+                raise NotSupportedException(
+                    'Target core {0} not supported.'.format(core))
+            opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = MCPUS[core]['mcpu']
+        opts['common']['arm.target.arch'] = 'none'
+        str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-march=')
+        arch = str[len('-march='):]
+        archs = {'armv6-m': 'armv6-m', 'armv7-m': 'armv7-m', 'armv7-a': 'armv7-a'}
+        if arch in archs:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.arch'] = archs[arch]
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
+        opts['common']['arm.target.instructionset'] = 'thumb'
+        if '-mthumb' in flags['common_flags']:
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mthumb')
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-mthumb')
+        elif '-marm' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.instructionset'] = 'arm'
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-marm')
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-marm')
+        opts['common']['arm.target.thumbinterwork'] = False
+        if '-mthumb-interwork' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.thumbinterwork'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mthumb-interwork')
+        opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = None
+        if '-mlittle-endian' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = 'little'
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mlittle-endian')
+        elif '-mbig-endian' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = 'big'
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mbig-endian')
+        opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] = None
+        opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] = None
+        # default, fpv4spd16, fpv5d16, fpv5spd16
+        str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mfpu=')
+        if str != None:
+            fpu = str[len('-mfpu='):]
+            fpus = {
+                'fpv4-sp-d16': 'fpv4spd16',
+                'fpv5-d16': 'fpv5d16',
+                'fpv5-sp-d16': 'fpv5spd16'
+            }
+            fpus_nxp = {
+                'fpv4-sp-d16': 'fpv4',
+                'fpv5-d16': 'fpv5dp',
+                'fpv5-sp-d16': 'fpv5sp'
+            }
+            if fpu in fpus:
+                opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] = fpus[fpu]
+                opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] = fpus_nxp[fpu]
+                self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
+                self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
+        if opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] == None:
+            if core not in MCPUS:
+                raise NotSupportedException(
+                    'Target core {0} not supported.'.format(core))
+            if MCPUS[core]['fpu_unit']:
+                opts['common'][
+                    'arm.target.fpu.unit'] = MCPUS[core]['fpu_unit']
+        # soft, softfp, hard.
+        str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mfloat-abi=')
+        if str != None:
+            opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.abi'] = str[
+                len('-mfloat-abi='):]
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
+            if opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.abi'] == 'hard':
+                opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] += '.hard'
+        # Default optimisation level for Release.
+        opts['common']['optimization.level'] = '-Os'
+        # If the project defines an optimisation level, it is used
+        # only for the Release configuration, the Debug one used '-Og'.
+        str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-O')
+        if str != None:
+            levels = {
+                '-O0': 'none', '-O1': 'optimize', '-O2': 'more',
+                '-O3': 'most', '-Os': 'size', '-Og': 'debug'
+            }
+            if str in levels:
+                opts['common']['optimization.level'] = levels[str]
+                self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
+        include_files = []
+        for all_flags in [flags['common_flags'], flags['c_flags'], flags['cxx_flags']]:
+            while '-include' in all_flags:
+                ix = all_flags.index('-include')
+                str = all_flags[ix + 1]
+                if str not in include_files:
+                    include_files.append(str)
+                self.remove_option(all_flags, '-include')
+                self.remove_option(all_flags, str)
+        opts['common']['include_files'] = include_files
+        if '-ansi' in flags['c_flags']:
+            opts['c']['compiler.std'] = '-ansi'
+            self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], str)
+        else:
+            str = self.find_options(flags['c_flags'], '-std')
+            std = str[len('-std='):]
+            c_std = {
+                'c90': 'c90', 'c89': 'c90', 'gnu90': 'gnu90', 'gnu89': 'gnu90',
+                'c99': 'c99', 'c9x': 'c99', 'gnu99': 'gnu99', 'gnu9x': 'gnu98',
+                'c11': 'c11', 'c1x': 'c11', 'gnu11': 'gnu11', 'gnu1x': 'gnu11'
+            }
+            if std in c_std:
+                opts['c']['compiler.std'] = c_std[std]
+                self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], str)
+        if '-ansi' in flags['cxx_flags']:
+            opts['cpp']['compiler.std'] = '-ansi'
+            self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], str)
+        else:
+            str = self.find_options(flags['cxx_flags'], '-std')
+            std = str[len('-std='):]
+            cpp_std = {
+                'c++98': 'cpp98', 'c++03': 'cpp03',
+                'gnu++98': 'gnupp98', 'gnu++03': 'gnupp03',
+                'c++0x': 'cpp03', 'gnu++0x': 'gnupp03',
+                'c++11': 'cpp11', 'gnu++11': 'gnupp11',
+                'c++1y': 'cpp11', 'gnu++1y': 'gnupp11',
+                'c++14': 'cpp14', 'gnu++14': 'gnupp14',
+                'c++1z': 'cpp1z', 'gnu++1z': 'gnupp1z',
+            }
+            if std in cpp_std:
+                opts['cpp']['compiler.std'] = cpp_std[std]
+                self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], str)
+        # Common optimisation options.
+        optimization_options = {
+            '-flto': 'optimization.lto',
+            '--ffat-lto-objects': 'optimization.lto_objects'
+        }
+        for option in optimization_options:
+            opts['common'][optimization_options[option]] = False
+            if option in flags['common_flags']:
+                opts['common'][optimization_options[option]] = True
+                self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
+        # Common warning options.
+        warning_options = {
+            '-fsyntax-only': 'warnings.syntaxonly',
+            '-pedantic': 'warnings.pedantic',
+            '-pedantic-errors': 'warnings.pedanticerrors',
+            '-w': 'warnings.nowarn',
+            '-Wall': 'warnings.allwarn',
+            '-Wextra': 'warnings.extrawarn',
+            '-Wconversion': 'warnings.conversion',
+            '-Werror': 'warnings.toerrors',
+        }
+        for option in warning_options:
+            opts['common'][warning_options[option]] = False
+            if option in flags['common_flags']:
+                opts['common'][warning_options[option]] = True
+                self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
+        # Common debug options.
+        debug_levels = {
+            '-g': 'default',
+            '-g1': 'minimal',
+            '-g3': 'max',
+        }
+        opts['common']['debugging.level'] = 'none'
+        for option in debug_levels:
+            if option in flags['common_flags']:
+                opts['common'][
+                    'debugging.level'] = debug_levels[option]
+                self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
+        opts['common']['debugging.prof'] = False
+        if '-p' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['debugging.prof'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-p')
+        opts['common']['debugging.gprof'] = False
+        if '-pg' in flags['common_flags']:
+            opts['common']['debugging.gprof'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-gp')
+        # Assembler options.
+        opts['as']['usepreprocessor'] = False
+        while '-x' in flags['asm_flags']:
+            ix = flags['asm_flags'].index('-x')
+            str = flags['asm_flags'][ix + 1]
+            if str == 'assembler-with-cpp':
+                opts['as']['usepreprocessor'] = True
+            else:
+                # Collect all other assembler options.
+                opts['as']['other'] += ' -x ' + str
+            self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-x')
+            self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], 'assembler-with-cpp')
+        opts['as']['nostdinc'] = False
+        if '-nostdinc' in flags['asm_flags']:
+            opts['as']['nostdinc'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-nostdinc')
+        opts['as']['verbose'] = False
+        if '-v' in flags['asm_flags']:
+            opts['as']['verbose'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-v')
+        # C options.
+        opts['c']['nostdinc'] = False
+        if '-nostdinc' in flags['c_flags']:
+            opts['c']['nostdinc'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], '-nostdinc')
+        opts['c']['verbose'] = False
+        if '-v' in flags['c_flags']:
+            opts['c']['verbose'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], '-v')
+        # C++ options.
+        opts['cpp']['nostdinc'] = False
+        if '-nostdinc' in flags['cxx_flags']:
+            opts['cpp']['nostdinc'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-nostdinc')
+        opts['cpp']['nostdincpp'] = False
+        if '-nostdinc++' in flags['cxx_flags']:
+            opts['cpp']['nostdincpp'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-nostdinc++')
+        optimization_options = {
+            '-fno-exceptions': 'optimization.noexceptions',
+            '-fno-rtti': 'optimization.nortti',
+            '-fno-use-cxa-atexit': 'optimization.nousecxaatexit',
+            '-fno-threadsafe-statics': 'optimization.nothreadsafestatics',
+        }
+        for option in optimization_options:
+            opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = False
+            if option in flags['cxx_flags']:
+                opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = True
+            if option in flags['common_flags']:
+                opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = True
+        opts['cpp']['verbose'] = False
+        if '-v' in flags['cxx_flags']:
+            opts['cpp']['verbose'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-v')
+        # Linker options.
+        linker_options = {
+            '-nostartfiles': 'nostart',
+            '-nodefaultlibs': 'nodeflibs',
+            '-nostdlib': 'nostdlibs',
+        }
+        for option in linker_options:
+            opts['ld'][linker_options[option]] = False
+            if option in flags['ld_flags']:
+                opts['ld'][linker_options[option]] = True
+                self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], option)
+        opts['ld']['gcsections'] = False
+        if '-Wl,--gc-sections' in flags['ld_flags']:
+            opts['ld']['gcsections'] = True
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-Wl,--gc-sections')
+        opts['ld']['flags'] = []
+        to_remove = []
+        for opt in flags['ld_flags']:
+            if opt.startswith('-Wl,--wrap,'):
+                opts['ld']['flags'].append(
+                    '--wrap=' + opt[len('-Wl,--wrap,'):])
+                to_remove.append(opt)
+        for opt in to_remove:
+            self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], opt)
+        # Other tool remaining options are separated by category.
+        opts['as']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['asm_flags'], '-W')
+        opts['c']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['c_flags'], '-W')
+        opts['c']['otheroptimizations'] = self.find_options(flags[
+            'c_flags'], '-f')
+        opts['cpp']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['cxx_flags'], '-W')
+        opts['cpp']['otheroptimizations'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['cxx_flags'], '-f')
+        # Other common remaining options are separated by category.
+        opts['common']['optimization.other'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['common_flags'], '-f')
+        opts['common']['warnings.other'] = self.find_options(
+            flags['common_flags'], '-W')
+        # Remaining common flags are added to each tool.
+        opts['as']['other'] += ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['asm_flags'])
+        opts['c']['other'] += ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + ' '.join(flags['c_flags'])
+        opts['cpp']['other'] += ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['cxx_flags'])
+        opts['ld']['other'] += ' ' + \
+            ' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + ' '.join(flags['ld_flags'])
+        if len(self.system_libraries) > 0:
+            opts['ld']['other'] += ' -Wl,--start-group '
+            opts['ld'][
+                'other'] += ' '.join('-l' + s for s in self.system_libraries) + ' '
+            opts['ld'][
+                'other'] += ' '.join('-l' + s for s in self.libraries)
+            opts['ld']['other'] += ' -Wl,--end-group '
+        # Strip all 'other' flags, since they might have leading spaces.
+        opts['as']['other'] = opts['as']['other'].strip()
+        opts['c']['other'] = opts['c']['other'].strip()
+        opts['cpp']['other'] = opts['cpp']['other'].strip()
+        opts['ld']['other'] = opts['ld']['other'].strip()
+        if False:
+            print
+            print opts
+            print
+            print 'common_flags', flags['common_flags']
+            print 'asm_flags', flags['asm_flags']
+            print 'c_flags', flags['c_flags']
+            print 'cxx_flags', flags['cxx_flags']
+            print 'ld_flags', flags['ld_flags']