
Dependents:   cobaLCDJoyMotor_Thread odometry_omni_3roda_v3 odometry_omni_3roda_v1 odometry_omni_3roda_v2 ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r b74591d5ab33 tools/build_api.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/build_api.py	Mon Dec 11 17:54:04 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import re
+import tempfile
+import datetime
+import uuid
+from types import ListType
+from shutil import rmtree
+from os.path import join, exists, dirname, basename, abspath, normpath, splitext
+from os.path import relpath
+from os import linesep, remove, makedirs
+from time import time
+from intelhex import IntelHex
+from json import load, dump
+from tools.utils import mkdir, run_cmd, run_cmd_ext, NotSupportedException,\
+    ToolException, InvalidReleaseTargetException, intelhex_offset
+from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES, TARGET_MAP
+from tools.libraries import Library
+from tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
+from jinja2.environment import Environment
+from tools.config import Config
+RELEASE_VERSIONS = ['2', '5']
+def prep_report(report, target_name, toolchain_name, id_name):
+    """Setup report keys
+    Positional arguments:
+    report - the report to fill
+    target_name - the target being used
+    toolchain_name - the toolchain being used
+    id_name - the name of the executable or library being built
+    """
+    if not target_name in report:
+        report[target_name] = {}
+    if not toolchain_name in report[target_name]:
+        report[target_name][toolchain_name] = {}
+    if not id_name in report[target_name][toolchain_name]:
+        report[target_name][toolchain_name][id_name] = []
+def prep_properties(properties, target_name, toolchain_name, vendor_label):
+    """Setup test properties
+    Positional arguments:
+    properties - the dict to fill
+    target_name - the target the test is targeting
+    toolchain_name - the toolchain that will compile the test
+    vendor_label - the vendor
+    """
+    if not target_name in properties:
+        properties[target_name] = {}
+    if not toolchain_name in properties[target_name]:
+        properties[target_name][toolchain_name] = {}
+    properties[target_name][toolchain_name]["target"] = target_name
+    properties[target_name][toolchain_name]["vendor"] = vendor_label
+    properties[target_name][toolchain_name]["toolchain"] = toolchain_name
+def create_result(target_name, toolchain_name, id_name, description):
+    """Create a result dictionary
+    Positional arguments:
+    target_name - the target being built for
+    toolchain_name - the toolchain doing the building
+    id_name - the name of the executable or library being built
+    description - a human readable description of what's going on
+    """
+    cur_result = {}
+    cur_result["target_name"] = target_name
+    cur_result["toolchain_name"] = toolchain_name
+    cur_result["id"] = id_name
+    cur_result["description"] = description
+    cur_result["elapsed_time"] = 0
+    cur_result["output"] = ""
+    return cur_result
+def add_result_to_report(report, result):
+    """Add a single result to a report dictionary
+    Positional arguments:
+    report - the report to append to
+    result - the result to append
+    """
+    result["date"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
+    result["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid1())
+    target = result["target_name"]
+    toolchain = result["toolchain_name"]
+    id_name = result['id']
+    result_wrap = {0: result}
+    report[target][toolchain][id_name].append(result_wrap)
+def get_config(src_paths, target, toolchain_name):
+    """Get the configuration object for a target-toolchain combination
+    Positional arguments:
+    src_paths - paths to scan for the configuration files
+    target - the device we are building for
+    toolchain_name - the string that identifies the build tools
+    """
+    # Convert src_paths to a list if needed
+    if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+        src_paths = [src_paths]
+    # Pass all params to the unified prepare_resources()
+    toolchain = prepare_toolchain(src_paths, None, target, toolchain_name)
+    # Scan src_path for config files
+    resources = toolchain.scan_resources(src_paths[0])
+    for path in src_paths[1:]:
+        resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path))
+    # Update configuration files until added features creates no changes
+    prev_features = set()
+    while True:
+        # Update the configuration with any .json files found while scanning
+        toolchain.config.add_config_files(resources.json_files)
+        # Add features while we find new ones
+        features = set(toolchain.config.get_features())
+        if features == prev_features:
+            break
+        for feature in features:
+            if feature in resources.features:
+                resources += resources.features[feature]
+        prev_features = features
+    toolchain.config.validate_config()
+    if toolchain.config.has_regions:
+        _ = list(toolchain.config.regions)
+    cfg, macros = toolchain.config.get_config_data()
+    features = toolchain.config.get_features()
+    return cfg, macros, features
+def is_official_target(target_name, version):
+    """ Returns True, None if a target is part of the official release for the
+    given version. Return False, 'reason' if a target is not part of the
+    official release for the given version.
+    Positional arguments:
+    target_name - Name if the target (ex. 'K64F')
+    version - The release version string. Should be a string contained within
+              RELEASE_VERSIONS
+    """
+    result = True
+    reason = None
+    target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
+    if hasattr(target, 'release_versions') \
+       and version in target.release_versions:
+        if version == '2':
+            # For version 2, either ARM or uARM toolchain support is required
+            required_toolchains = set(['ARM', 'uARM'])
+            if not len(required_toolchains.intersection(
+                    set(target.supported_toolchains))) > 0:
+                result = False
+                reason = ("Target '%s' must support " % target.name) + \
+                    ("one of the folowing toolchains to be included in the") + \
+                    ((" mbed 2.0 official release: %s" + linesep) %
+                     ", ".join(required_toolchains)) + \
+                    ("Currently it is only configured to support the ") + \
+                    ("following toolchains: %s" %
+                     ", ".join(target.supported_toolchains))
+        elif version == '5':
+            # For version 5, ARM, GCC_ARM, and IAR toolchain support is required
+            required_toolchains = set(['ARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'IAR'])
+            required_toolchains_sorted = list(required_toolchains)
+            required_toolchains_sorted.sort()
+            supported_toolchains = set(target.supported_toolchains)
+            supported_toolchains_sorted = list(supported_toolchains)
+            supported_toolchains_sorted.sort()
+            if not required_toolchains.issubset(supported_toolchains):
+                result = False
+                reason = ("Target '%s' must support " % target.name) + \
+                    ("ALL of the folowing toolchains to be included in the") + \
+                    ((" mbed OS 5.0 official release: %s" + linesep) %
+                     ", ".join(required_toolchains_sorted)) + \
+                    ("Currently it is only configured to support the ") + \
+                    ("following toolchains: %s" %
+                     ", ".join(supported_toolchains_sorted))
+            elif not target.default_lib == 'std':
+                result = False
+                reason = ("Target '%s' must set the " % target.name) + \
+                    ("'default_lib' to 'std' to be included in the ") + \
+                    ("mbed OS 5.0 official release." + linesep) + \
+                    ("Currently it is set to '%s'" % target.default_lib)
+        else:
+            result = False
+            reason = ("Target '%s' has set an invalid release version of '%s'" %
+                      version) + \
+                ("Please choose from the following release versions: %s" %
+                 ', '.join(RELEASE_VERSIONS))
+    else:
+        result = False
+        if not hasattr(target, 'release_versions'):
+            reason = "Target '%s' " % target.name
+            reason += "does not have the 'release_versions' key set"
+        elif not version in target.release_versions:
+            reason = "Target '%s' does not contain the version '%s' " % \
+                     (target.name, version)
+            reason += "in its 'release_versions' key"
+    return result, reason
+def transform_release_toolchains(toolchains, version):
+    """ Given a list of toolchains and a release version, return a list of
+    only the supported toolchains for that release
+    Positional arguments:
+    toolchains - The list of toolchains
+    version - The release version string. Should be a string contained within
+              RELEASE_VERSIONS
+    """
+    if version == '5':
+        return ['ARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'IAR']
+    else:
+        return toolchains
+def get_mbed_official_release(version):
+    """ Given a release version string, return a tuple that contains a target
+    and the supported toolchains for that release.
+    Ex. Given '2', return (('LPC1768', ('ARM', 'GCC_ARM')),
+                           ('K64F', ('ARM', 'GCC_ARM')), ...)
+    Positional arguments:
+    version - The version string. Should be a string contained within
+              RELEASE_VERSIONS
+    """
+    mbed_official_release = (
+        tuple(
+            tuple(
+                [
+                    TARGET_MAP[target].name,
+                    tuple(transform_release_toolchains(
+                        TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains, version))
+                ]
+            ) for target in TARGET_NAMES \
+            if (hasattr(TARGET_MAP[target], 'release_versions')
+                and version in TARGET_MAP[target].release_versions)
+        )
+    )
+    for target in mbed_official_release:
+        is_official, reason = is_official_target(target[0], version)
+        if not is_official:
+            raise InvalidReleaseTargetException(reason)
+    return mbed_official_release
+def add_regions_to_profile(profile, config, toolchain_class):
+    """Add regions to the build profile, if there are any.
+    Positional Arguments:
+    profile - the profile to update
+    config - the configuration object that owns the region
+    toolchain_class - the class of the toolchain being used
+    """
+    if not profile:
+        return
+    regions = list(config.regions)
+    for region in regions:
+        for define in [(region.name.upper() + "_ADDR", region.start),
+                       (region.name.upper() + "_SIZE", region.size)]:
+            profile["common"].append("-D%s=0x%x" %  define)
+    active_region = [r for r in regions if r.active][0]
+    for define in [("MBED_APP_START", active_region.start),
+                   ("MBED_APP_SIZE", active_region.size)]:
+        profile["ld"].append(toolchain_class.make_ld_define(*define))
+    print("Using regions in this build:")
+    for region in regions:
+        print("  Region %s size 0x%x, offset 0x%x"
+              % (region.name, region.size, region.start))
+def prepare_toolchain(src_paths, build_dir, target, toolchain_name,
+                      macros=None, clean=False, jobs=1,
+                      notify=None, silent=False, verbose=False,
+                      extra_verbose=False, config=None,
+                      app_config=None, build_profile=None):
+    """ Prepares resource related objects - toolchain, target, config
+    Positional arguments:
+    src_paths - the paths to source directories
+    target - ['LPC1768', 'LPC11U24', etc.]
+    toolchain_name - ['ARM', 'uARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR']
+    Keyword arguments:
+    macros - additional macros
+    clean - Rebuild everything if True
+    jobs - how many compilers we can run at once
+    notify - Notify function for logs
+    silent - suppress printing of progress indicators
+    verbose - Write the actual tools command lines used if True
+    extra_verbose - even more output!
+    config - a Config object to use instead of creating one
+    app_config - location of a chosen mbed_app.json file
+    build_profile - a list of mergeable build profiles
+    """
+    # We need to remove all paths which are repeated to avoid
+    # multiple compilations and linking with the same objects
+    src_paths = [src_paths[0]] + list(set(src_paths[1:]))
+    # If the configuration object was not yet created, create it now
+    config = config or Config(target, src_paths, app_config=app_config)
+    target = config.target
+    try:
+        cur_tc = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise KeyError("Toolchain %s not supported" % toolchain_name)
+    profile = {'c': [], 'cxx': [], 'common': [], 'asm': [], 'ld': []}
+    for contents in build_profile or []:
+        for key in profile:
+            profile[key].extend(contents[toolchain_name][key])
+    if config.has_regions:
+        add_regions_to_profile(profile, config, cur_tc)
+    toolchain = cur_tc(target, notify, macros, silent, build_dir=build_dir,
+                       extra_verbose=extra_verbose, build_profile=profile)
+    toolchain.config = config
+    toolchain.jobs = jobs
+    toolchain.build_all = clean
+    toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+    return toolchain
+def merge_region_list(region_list, destination, padding=b'\xFF'):
+    """Merege the region_list into a single image
+    Positional Arguments:
+    region_list - list of regions, which should contain filenames
+    destination - file name to write all regions to
+    padding - bytes to fill gapps with
+    """
+    merged = IntelHex()
+    print("Merging Regions:")
+    for region in region_list:
+        if region.active and not region.filename:
+            raise ToolException("Active region has no contents: No file found.")
+        if region.filename:
+            print("  Filling region %s with %s" % (region.name, region.filename))
+            part = intelhex_offset(region.filename, offset=region.start)
+            part_size = (part.maxaddr() - part.minaddr()) + 1
+            if part_size > region.size:
+                raise ToolException("Contents of region %s does not fit"
+                                    % region.name)
+            merged.merge(part)
+            pad_size = region.size - part_size
+            if pad_size > 0 and region != region_list[-1]:
+                print("  Padding region %s with 0x%x bytes" % (region.name, pad_size))
+                merged.puts(merged.maxaddr() + 1, padding * pad_size)
+    if not exists(dirname(destination)):
+        makedirs(dirname(destination))
+    print("Space used after regions merged: 0x%x" %
+          (merged.maxaddr() - merged.minaddr() + 1))
+    with open(destination, "wb+") as output:
+        merged.tofile(output, format='bin')
+def scan_resources(src_paths, toolchain, dependencies_paths=None,
+                   inc_dirs=None, base_path=None, collect_ignores=False):
+    """ Scan resources using initialized toolcain
+    Positional arguments
+    src_paths - the paths to source directories
+    toolchain - valid toolchain object
+    dependencies_paths - dependency paths that we should scan for include dirs
+    inc_dirs - additional include directories which should be added to
+               the scanner resources
+    """
+    # Scan src_path
+    resources = toolchain.scan_resources(src_paths[0], base_path=base_path,
+                                         collect_ignores=collect_ignores)
+    for path in src_paths[1:]:
+        resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path, base_path=base_path,
+                                               collect_ignores=collect_ignores))
+    # Scan dependency paths for include dirs
+    if dependencies_paths is not None:
+        for path in dependencies_paths:
+            lib_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(path)
+            resources.inc_dirs.extend(lib_resources.inc_dirs)
+    # Add additional include directories if passed
+    if inc_dirs:
+        if type(inc_dirs) == ListType:
+            resources.inc_dirs.extend(inc_dirs)
+        else:
+            resources.inc_dirs.append(inc_dirs)
+    # Load resources into the config system which might expand/modify resources
+    # based on config data
+    resources = toolchain.config.load_resources(resources)
+    # Set the toolchain's configuration data
+    toolchain.set_config_data(toolchain.config.get_config_data())
+    if  (hasattr(toolchain.target, "release_versions") and
+            "5" not in toolchain.target.release_versions and
+            "rtos" in toolchain.config.lib_config_data):
+        if "Cortex-A" in toolchain.target.core:
+            raise NotSupportedException(
+                ("%s Will be supported in mbed OS 5.6. "
+                    "To use the %s, please checkout the mbed OS 5.4 release branch. "
+                    "See https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/Renesas-GR-PEACH/#important-notice "
+                    "for more information") % (toolchain.target.name, toolchain.target.name))
+        else:
+            raise NotSupportedException("Target does not support mbed OS 5")
+    return resources
+def build_project(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
+                  libraries_paths=None, linker_script=None,
+                  clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False, name=None,
+                  macros=None, inc_dirs=None, jobs=1, silent=False,
+                  report=None, properties=None, project_id=None,
+                  project_description=None, extra_verbose=False, config=None,
+                  app_config=None, build_profile=None, stats_depth=None):
+    """ Build a project. A project may be a test or a user program.
+    Positional arguments:
+    src_paths - a path or list of paths that contain all files needed to build
+                the project
+    build_path - the directory where all of the object files will be placed
+    target - the MCU or board that the project will compile for
+    toolchain_name - the name of the build tools
+    Keyword arguments:
+    libraries_paths - The location of libraries to include when linking
+    linker_script - the file that drives the linker to do it's job
+    clean - Rebuild everything if True
+    notify - Notify function for logs
+    verbose - Write the actual tools command lines used if True
+    name - the name of the project
+    macros - additional macros
+    inc_dirs - additional directories where include files may be found
+    jobs - how many compilers we can run at once
+    silent - suppress printing of progress indicators
+    report - a dict where a result may be appended
+    properties - UUUUHHHHH beats me
+    project_id - the name put in the report
+    project_description - the human-readable version of what this thing does
+    extra_verbose - even more output!
+    config - a Config object to use instead of creating one
+    app_config - location of a chosen mbed_app.json file
+    build_profile - a dict of flags that will be passed to the compiler
+    stats_depth - depth level for memap to display file/dirs
+    """
+    # Convert src_path to a list if needed
+    if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+        src_paths = [src_paths]
+    # Extend src_paths wiht libraries_paths
+    if libraries_paths is not None:
+        src_paths.extend(libraries_paths)
+        inc_dirs.extend(map(dirname, libraries_paths))
+    if clean and exists(build_path):
+        rmtree(build_path)
+    mkdir(build_path)
+    toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
+        src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name, macros=macros,
+        clean=clean, jobs=jobs, notify=notify, silent=silent, verbose=verbose,
+        extra_verbose=extra_verbose, config=config, app_config=app_config,
+        build_profile=build_profile)
+    # The first path will give the name to the library
+    name = (name or toolchain.config.name or
+            basename(normpath(abspath(src_paths[0]))))
+    toolchain.info("Building project %s (%s, %s)" %
+                   (name, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name))
+    # Initialize reporting
+    if report != None:
+        start = time()
+        # If project_id is specified, use that over the default name
+        id_name = project_id.upper() if project_id else name.upper()
+        description = project_description if project_description else name
+        vendor_label = toolchain.target.extra_labels[0]
+        prep_report(report, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name, id_name)
+        cur_result = create_result(toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name,
+                                   id_name, description)
+        if properties != None:
+            prep_properties(properties, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name,
+                            vendor_label)
+    try:
+        # Call unified scan_resources
+        resources = scan_resources(src_paths, toolchain, inc_dirs=inc_dirs)
+        # Change linker script if specified
+        if linker_script is not None:
+            resources.linker_script = linker_script
+        # Compile Sources
+        objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, resources.inc_dirs)
+        resources.objects.extend(objects)
+        # Link Program
+        if toolchain.config.has_regions:
+            res, _ = toolchain.link_program(resources, build_path, name + "_application")
+            region_list = list(toolchain.config.regions)
+            region_list = [r._replace(filename=res) if r.active else r
+                           for r in region_list]
+            res = join(build_path, name) + ".bin"
+            merge_region_list(region_list, res)
+        else:
+            res, _ = toolchain.link_program(resources, build_path, name)
+        memap_instance = getattr(toolchain, 'memap_instance', None)
+        memap_table = ''
+        if memap_instance:
+            # Write output to stdout in text (pretty table) format
+            memap_table = memap_instance.generate_output('table', stats_depth)
+            if not silent:
+                print memap_table
+            # Write output to file in JSON format
+            map_out = join(build_path, name + "_map.json")
+            memap_instance.generate_output('json', stats_depth, map_out)
+            # Write output to file in CSV format for the CI
+            map_csv = join(build_path, name + "_map.csv")
+            memap_instance.generate_output('csv-ci', stats_depth, map_csv)
+        resources.detect_duplicates(toolchain)
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            cur_result["output"] = toolchain.get_output() + memap_table
+            cur_result["result"] = "OK"
+            cur_result["memory_usage"] = (memap_instance.mem_report
+                                          if memap_instance is not None else None)
+            cur_result["bin"] = res
+            cur_result["elf"] = splitext(res)[0] + ".elf"
+            cur_result.update(toolchain.report)
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        return res
+    except Exception as exc:
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            if isinstance(exc, NotSupportedException):
+                cur_result["result"] = "NOT_SUPPORTED"
+            else:
+                cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            toolchain_output = toolchain.get_output()
+            if toolchain_output:
+                cur_result["output"] += toolchain_output
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        # Let Exception propagate
+        raise
+def build_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
+                  dependencies_paths=None, name=None, clean=False,
+                  archive=True, notify=None, verbose=False, macros=None,
+                  inc_dirs=None, jobs=1, silent=False, report=None,
+                  properties=None, extra_verbose=False, project_id=None,
+                  remove_config_header_file=False, app_config=None,
+                  build_profile=None):
+    """ Build a library
+    Positional arguments:
+    src_paths - a path or list of paths that contain all files needed to build
+                the library
+    build_path - the directory where all of the object files will be placed
+    target - the MCU or board that the project will compile for
+    toolchain_name - the name of the build tools
+    Keyword arguments:
+    dependencies_paths - The location of libraries to include when linking
+    name - the name of the library
+    clean - Rebuild everything if True
+    archive - whether the library will create an archive file
+    notify - Notify function for logs
+    verbose - Write the actual tools command lines used if True
+    macros - additional macros
+    inc_dirs - additional directories where include files may be found
+    jobs - how many compilers we can run at once
+    silent - suppress printing of progress indicators
+    report - a dict where a result may be appended
+    properties - UUUUHHHHH beats me
+    extra_verbose - even more output!
+    project_id - the name that goes in the report
+    remove_config_header_file - delete config header file when done building
+    app_config - location of a chosen mbed_app.json file
+    build_profile - a dict of flags that will be passed to the compiler
+    """
+    # Convert src_path to a list if needed
+    if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+        src_paths = [src_paths]
+    # Build path
+    if archive:
+        # Use temp path when building archive
+        tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp')
+        mkdir(tmp_path)
+    else:
+        tmp_path = build_path
+    # Clean the build directory
+    if clean and exists(tmp_path):
+        rmtree(tmp_path)
+    mkdir(tmp_path)
+    # Pass all params to the unified prepare_toolchain()
+    toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
+        src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name, macros=macros,
+        clean=clean, jobs=jobs, notify=notify, silent=silent,
+        verbose=verbose, extra_verbose=extra_verbose, app_config=app_config,
+        build_profile=build_profile)
+    # The first path will give the name to the library
+    if name is None:
+        name = basename(normpath(abspath(src_paths[0])))
+    toolchain.info("Building library %s (%s, %s)" %
+                   (name, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name))
+    # Initialize reporting
+    if report != None:
+        start = time()
+        # If project_id is specified, use that over the default name
+        id_name = project_id.upper() if project_id else name.upper()
+        description = name
+        vendor_label = toolchain.target.extra_labels[0]
+        prep_report(report, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name, id_name)
+        cur_result = create_result(toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name,
+                                   id_name, description)
+        cur_result['type'] = 'library'
+        if properties != None:
+            prep_properties(properties, toolchain.target.name, toolchain_name,
+                            vendor_label)
+    for src_path in src_paths:
+        if not exists(src_path):
+            error_msg = "The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path
+            if report != None:
+                cur_result["output"] = error_msg
+                cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+                add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+            raise Exception(error_msg)
+    try:
+        # Call unified scan_resources
+        resources = scan_resources(src_paths, toolchain,
+                                   dependencies_paths=dependencies_paths,
+                                   inc_dirs=inc_dirs)
+        # Copy headers, objects and static libraries - all files needed for
+        # static lib
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.headers, build_path, resources=resources)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.objects, build_path, resources=resources)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.libraries, build_path,
+                             resources=resources)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.json_files, build_path,
+                             resources=resources)
+        if resources.linker_script:
+            toolchain.copy_files(resources.linker_script, build_path,
+                                 resources=resources)
+        if resources.hex_files:
+            toolchain.copy_files(resources.hex_files, build_path,
+                                 resources=resources)
+        # Compile Sources
+        objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, resources.inc_dirs)
+        resources.objects.extend(objects)
+        if archive:
+            toolchain.build_library(objects, build_path, name)
+        if remove_config_header_file:
+            config_header_path = toolchain.get_config_header()
+            if config_header_path:
+                remove(config_header_path)
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            cur_result["output"] = toolchain.get_output()
+            cur_result["result"] = "OK"
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        return True
+    except Exception as exc:
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            if isinstance(exc, ToolException):
+                cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+            elif isinstance(exc, NotSupportedException):
+                cur_result["result"] = "NOT_SUPPORTED"
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            toolchain_output = toolchain.get_output()
+            if toolchain_output:
+                cur_result["output"] += toolchain_output
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        # Let Exception propagate
+        raise
+### Legacy methods ###
+def mbed2_obj_path(target_name, toolchain_name):
+    real_tc_name = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name].__name__
+    return join("TARGET_" + target_name, "TOOLCHAIN_" + real_tc_name)
+def build_lib(lib_id, target, toolchain_name, verbose=False,
+              clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1, silent=False,
+              report=None, properties=None, extra_verbose=False,
+              build_profile=None):
+    """ Legacy method for building mbed libraries
+    Positional arguments:
+    lib_id - the library's unique identifier
+    target - the MCU or board that the project will compile for
+    toolchain_name - the name of the build tools
+    Keyword arguments:
+    clean - Rebuild everything if True
+    verbose - Write the actual tools command lines used if True
+    macros - additional macros
+    notify - Notify function for logs
+    jobs - how many compilers we can run at once
+    silent - suppress printing of progress indicators
+    report - a dict where a result may be appended
+    properties - UUUUHHHHH beats me
+    extra_verbose - even more output!
+    build_profile - a dict of flags that will be passed to the compiler
+    """
+    lib = Library(lib_id)
+    if not lib.is_supported(target, toolchain_name):
+        print('Library "%s" is not yet supported on target %s with toolchain %s'
+              % (lib_id, target.name, toolchain_name))
+        return False
+    # We need to combine macros from parameter list with macros from library
+    # definition
+    lib_macros = lib.macros if lib.macros else []
+    if macros:
+        macros.extend(lib_macros)
+    else:
+        macros = lib_macros
+    src_paths = lib.source_dir
+    build_path = lib.build_dir
+    dependencies_paths = lib.dependencies
+    inc_dirs = lib.inc_dirs
+    inc_dirs_ext = lib.inc_dirs_ext
+    if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+        src_paths = [src_paths]
+    # The first path will give the name to the library
+    name = basename(src_paths[0])
+    if report != None:
+        start = time()
+        id_name = name.upper()
+        description = name
+        vendor_label = target.extra_labels[0]
+        cur_result = None
+        prep_report(report, target.name, toolchain_name, id_name)
+        cur_result = create_result(target.name, toolchain_name, id_name,
+                                   description)
+        if properties != None:
+            prep_properties(properties, target.name, toolchain_name,
+                            vendor_label)
+    for src_path in src_paths:
+        if not exists(src_path):
+            error_msg = "The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path
+            if report != None:
+                cur_result["output"] = error_msg
+                cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+                add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+            raise Exception(error_msg)
+    try:
+        # Toolchain instance
+        # Create the desired build directory structure
+        bin_path = join(build_path, mbed2_obj_path(target.name, toolchain_name))
+        mkdir(bin_path)
+        tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp', mbed2_obj_path(target.name,
+                                                            toolchain_name))
+        mkdir(tmp_path)
+        toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
+            src_paths, tmp_path, target, toolchain_name, macros=macros,
+            notify=notify, silent=silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose,
+            build_profile=build_profile, jobs=jobs, clean=clean)
+        toolchain.info("Building library %s (%s, %s)" %
+                       (name.upper(), target.name, toolchain_name))
+        # Take into account the library configuration (MBED_CONFIG_FILE)
+        config = toolchain.config
+        config.add_config_files([MBED_CONFIG_FILE])
+        # Scan Resources
+        resources = []
+        for src_path in src_paths:
+            resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(src_path))
+        # Add extra include directories / files which are required by library
+        # This files usually are not in the same directory as source files so
+        # previous scan will not include them
+        if inc_dirs_ext is not None:
+            for inc_ext in inc_dirs_ext:
+                resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(inc_ext))
+        # Dependencies Include Paths
+        dependencies_include_dir = []
+        if dependencies_paths is not None:
+            for path in dependencies_paths:
+                lib_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(path)
+                dependencies_include_dir.extend(lib_resources.inc_dirs)
+                dependencies_include_dir.extend(map(dirname, lib_resources.inc_dirs))
+        if inc_dirs:
+            dependencies_include_dir.extend(inc_dirs)
+        # Add other discovered configuration data to the configuration object
+        for res in resources:
+            config.load_resources(res)
+        toolchain.set_config_data(toolchain.config.get_config_data())
+        # Copy Headers
+        for resource in resources:
+            toolchain.copy_files(resource.headers, build_path,
+                                 resources=resource)
+        dependencies_include_dir.extend(
+            toolchain.scan_resources(build_path).inc_dirs)
+        # Compile Sources
+        objects = []
+        for resource in resources:
+            objects.extend(toolchain.compile_sources(resource, dependencies_include_dir))
+        needed_update = toolchain.build_library(objects, bin_path, name)
+        if report != None and needed_update:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            cur_result["output"] = toolchain.get_output()
+            cur_result["result"] = "OK"
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        return True
+    except Exception:
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            toolchain_output = toolchain.get_output()
+            if toolchain_output:
+                cur_result["output"] += toolchain_output
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        # Let Exception propagate
+        raise
+# We do have unique legacy conventions about how we build and package the mbed
+# library
+def build_mbed_libs(target, toolchain_name, verbose=False,
+                    clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1, silent=False,
+                    report=None, properties=None, extra_verbose=False,
+                    build_profile=None):
+    """ Function returns True is library was built and false if building was
+    skipped
+    Positional arguments:
+    target - the MCU or board that the project will compile for
+    toolchain_name - the name of the build tools
+    Keyword arguments:
+    verbose - Write the actual tools command lines used if True
+    clean - Rebuild everything if True
+    macros - additional macros
+    notify - Notify function for logs
+    jobs - how many compilers we can run at once
+    silent - suppress printing of progress indicators
+    report - a dict where a result may be appended
+    properties - UUUUHHHHH beats me
+    extra_verbose - even more output!
+    build_profile - a dict of flags that will be passed to the compiler
+    """
+    if report != None:
+        start = time()
+        id_name = "MBED"
+        description = "mbed SDK"
+        vendor_label = target.extra_labels[0]
+        cur_result = None
+        prep_report(report, target.name, toolchain_name, id_name)
+        cur_result = create_result(target.name, toolchain_name, id_name,
+                                   description)
+        if properties != None:
+            prep_properties(properties, target.name, toolchain_name,
+                            vendor_label)
+    # Check toolchain support
+    if toolchain_name not in target.supported_toolchains:
+        supported_toolchains_text = ", ".join(target.supported_toolchains)
+        print('%s target is not yet supported by toolchain %s' %
+              (target.name, toolchain_name))
+        print('%s target supports %s toolchain%s' %
+              (target.name, supported_toolchains_text, 's'
+               if len(target.supported_toolchains) > 1 else ''))
+        if report != None:
+            cur_result["result"] = "SKIP"
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        return False
+    try:
+        # Source and Build Paths
+        build_target = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, "TARGET_" + target.name)
+        build_toolchain = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, mbed2_obj_path(target.name, toolchain_name))
+        mkdir(build_toolchain)
+        # Toolchain
+        tmp_path = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, '.temp', mbed2_obj_path(target.name, toolchain_name))
+        mkdir(tmp_path)
+        toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
+            [""], tmp_path, target, toolchain_name, macros=macros,verbose=verbose,
+            notify=notify, silent=silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose,
+            build_profile=build_profile, jobs=jobs, clean=clean)
+        # Take into account the library configuration (MBED_CONFIG_FILE)
+        config = toolchain.config
+        config.add_config_files([MBED_CONFIG_FILE])
+        toolchain.set_config_data(toolchain.config.get_config_data())
+        # CMSIS
+        toolchain.info("Building library %s (%s, %s)" %
+                       ('CMSIS', target.name, toolchain_name))
+        cmsis_src = MBED_CMSIS_PATH
+        resources = toolchain.scan_resources(cmsis_src)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.headers, build_target)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.linker_script, build_toolchain)
+        toolchain.copy_files(resources.bin_files, build_toolchain)
+        objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, tmp_path)
+        toolchain.copy_files(objects, build_toolchain)
+        # mbed
+        toolchain.info("Building library %s (%s, %s)" %
+                       ('MBED', target.name, toolchain_name))
+        # Common Headers
+        toolchain.copy_files([MBED_HEADER], MBED_LIBRARIES)
+        library_incdirs = [dirname(MBED_LIBRARIES), MBED_LIBRARIES]
+        for dir, dest in [(MBED_DRIVERS, MBED_LIBRARIES_DRIVERS),
+                          (MBED_PLATFORM, MBED_LIBRARIES_PLATFORM),
+                          (MBED_HAL, MBED_LIBRARIES_HAL)]:
+            resources = toolchain.scan_resources(dir)
+            toolchain.copy_files(resources.headers, dest)
+            library_incdirs.append(dest)
+        # Target specific sources
+        hal_src = MBED_TARGETS_PATH
+        hal_implementation = toolchain.scan_resources(hal_src)
+        toolchain.copy_files(hal_implementation.headers +
+                             hal_implementation.hex_files +
+                             hal_implementation.libraries +
+                             [MBED_CONFIG_FILE],
+                             build_target, resources=hal_implementation)
+        toolchain.copy_files(hal_implementation.linker_script, build_toolchain)
+        toolchain.copy_files(hal_implementation.bin_files, build_toolchain)
+        incdirs = toolchain.scan_resources(build_target).inc_dirs
+        objects = toolchain.compile_sources(hal_implementation,
+                                            library_incdirs + incdirs)
+        toolchain.copy_files(objects, build_toolchain)
+        # Common Sources
+        mbed_resources = None
+        for dir in [MBED_DRIVERS, MBED_PLATFORM, MBED_HAL]:
+            mbed_resources += toolchain.scan_resources(dir)
+        objects = toolchain.compile_sources(mbed_resources,
+                                            library_incdirs + incdirs)
+        # A number of compiled files need to be copied as objects as opposed to
+        # way the linker search for symbols in archives. These are:
+        #   - mbed_retarget.o: to make sure that the C standard lib symbols get
+        #                 overridden
+        #   - mbed_board.o: mbed_die is weak
+        #   - mbed_overrides.o: this contains platform overrides of various
+        #                       weak SDK functions
+        #   - mbed_main.o: this contains main redirection
+        separate_names, separate_objects = ['mbed_retarget.o', 'mbed_board.o',
+                                            'mbed_overrides.o', 'mbed_main.o', 'mbed_sdk_boot.o'], []
+        for obj in objects:
+            for name in separate_names:
+                if obj.endswith(name):
+                    separate_objects.append(obj)
+        for obj in separate_objects:
+            objects.remove(obj)
+        toolchain.build_library(objects, build_toolchain, "mbed")
+        for obj in separate_objects:
+            toolchain.copy_files(obj, build_toolchain)
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            cur_result["output"] = toolchain.get_output()
+            cur_result["result"] = "OK"
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        return True
+    except Exception as exc:
+        if report != None:
+            end = time()
+            cur_result["result"] = "FAIL"
+            cur_result["elapsed_time"] = end - start
+            toolchain_output = toolchain.get_output()
+            if toolchain_output:
+                cur_result["output"] += toolchain_output
+            cur_result["output"] += str(exc)
+            add_result_to_report(report, cur_result)
+        # Let Exception propagate
+        raise
+def get_unique_supported_toolchains(release_targets=None):
+    """ Get list of all unique toolchains supported by targets
+    Keyword arguments:
+    release_targets - tuple structure returned from get_mbed_official_release().
+                      If release_targets is not specified, then it queries all
+                      known targets
+    """
+    unique_supported_toolchains = []
+    if not release_targets:
+        for target in TARGET_NAMES:
+            for toolchain in TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains:
+                if toolchain not in unique_supported_toolchains:
+                    unique_supported_toolchains.append(toolchain)
+    else:
+        for target in release_targets:
+            for toolchain in target[1]:
+                if toolchain not in unique_supported_toolchains:
+                    unique_supported_toolchains.append(toolchain)
+    if "ARM" in unique_supported_toolchains:
+        unique_supported_toolchains.append("ARMC6")
+    return unique_supported_toolchains
+def mcu_toolchain_list(release_version='5'):
+    """  Shows list of toolchains
+    """
+    if isinstance(release_version, basestring):
+        # Force release_version to lowercase if it is a string
+        release_version = release_version.lower()
+    else:
+        # Otherwise default to printing all known targets and toolchains
+        release_version = 'all'
+    version_release_targets = {}
+    version_release_target_names = {}
+    for version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        version_release_targets[version] = get_mbed_official_release(version)
+        version_release_target_names[version] = [x[0] for x in
+                                                 version_release_targets[
+                                                     version]]
+    if release_version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        release_targets = version_release_targets[release_version]
+    else:
+        release_targets = None
+    unique_supported_toolchains = get_unique_supported_toolchains(
+        release_targets)
+    columns = ["mbed OS %s" % x for x in RELEASE_VERSIONS] + unique_supported_toolchains
+    return "\n".join(columns)
+def mcu_target_list(release_version='5'):
+    """  Shows target list
+    """
+    if isinstance(release_version, basestring):
+        # Force release_version to lowercase if it is a string
+        release_version = release_version.lower()
+    else:
+        # Otherwise default to printing all known targets and toolchains
+        release_version = 'all'
+    version_release_targets = {}
+    version_release_target_names = {}
+    for version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        version_release_targets[version] = get_mbed_official_release(version)
+        version_release_target_names[version] = [x[0] for x in
+                                                 version_release_targets[
+                                                     version]]
+    if release_version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        release_targets = version_release_targets[release_version]
+    else:
+        release_targets = None
+    target_names = []
+    if release_targets:
+        target_names = [x[0] for x in release_targets]
+    else:
+        target_names = TARGET_NAMES
+    return "\n".join(target_names)
+def mcu_toolchain_matrix(verbose_html=False, platform_filter=None,
+                         release_version='5'):
+    """  Shows target map using prettytable
+    Keyword arguments:
+    verbose_html - emit html instead of a simple table
+    platform_filter - remove results that match the string
+    release_version - get the matrix for this major version number
+    """
+    # Only use it in this function so building works without extra modules
+    from prettytable import PrettyTable
+    if isinstance(release_version, basestring):
+        # Force release_version to lowercase if it is a string
+        release_version = release_version.lower()
+    else:
+        # Otherwise default to printing all known targets and toolchains
+        release_version = 'all'
+    version_release_targets = {}
+    version_release_target_names = {}
+    for version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        version_release_targets[version] = get_mbed_official_release(version)
+        version_release_target_names[version] = [x[0] for x in
+                                                 version_release_targets[
+                                                     version]]
+    if release_version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+        release_targets = version_release_targets[release_version]
+    else:
+        release_targets = None
+    unique_supported_toolchains = get_unique_supported_toolchains(
+        release_targets)
+    prepend_columns = ["Target"] + ["mbed OS %s" % x for x in RELEASE_VERSIONS]
+    # All tests status table print
+    columns = prepend_columns + unique_supported_toolchains
+    table_printer = PrettyTable(columns)
+    # Align table
+    for col in columns:
+        table_printer.align[col] = "c"
+    table_printer.align["Target"] = "l"
+    perm_counter = 0
+    target_counter = 0
+    target_names = []
+    if release_targets:
+        target_names = [x[0] for x in release_targets]
+    else:
+        target_names = TARGET_NAMES
+    for target in sorted(target_names):
+        if platform_filter is not None:
+            # FIlter out platforms using regex
+            if re.search(platform_filter, target) is None:
+                continue
+        target_counter += 1
+        row = [target]  # First column is platform name
+        for version in RELEASE_VERSIONS:
+            if target in version_release_target_names[version]:
+                text = "Supported"
+            else:
+                text = "-"
+            row.append(text)
+        for unique_toolchain in unique_supported_toolchains:
+            if (unique_toolchain in TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains or
+                (unique_toolchain == "ARMC6" and
+                 "ARM" in TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains)):
+                text = "Supported"
+                perm_counter += 1
+            else:
+                text = "-"
+            row.append(text)
+        table_printer.add_row(row)
+    result = table_printer.get_html_string() if verbose_html \
+             else table_printer.get_string()
+    result += "\n"
+    result += "Supported targets: %d\n"% (target_counter)
+    if target_counter == 1:
+        result += "Supported toolchains: %d"% (perm_counter)
+    return result
+def get_target_supported_toolchains(target):
+    """ Returns target supported toolchains list
+    Positional arguments:
+    target - the target to get the supported toolchains of
+    """
+    return TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains if target in TARGET_MAP \
+        else None
+def print_build_results(result_list, build_name):
+    """ Generate result string for build results
+    Positional arguments:
+    result_list - the list of results to print
+    build_name - the name of the build we are printing result for
+    """
+    result = ""
+    if len(result_list) > 0:
+        result += build_name + "\n"
+        result += "\n".join(["  * %s" % f for f in result_list])
+        result += "\n"
+    return result
+def print_build_memory_usage(report):
+    """ Generate result table with memory usage values for build results
+    Aggregates (puts together) reports obtained from self.get_memory_summary()
+    Positional arguments:
+    report - Report generated during build procedure.
+    """
+    from prettytable import PrettyTable
+    columns_text = ['name', 'target', 'toolchain']
+    columns_int = ['static_ram', 'total_flash']
+    table = PrettyTable(columns_text + columns_int)
+    for col in columns_text:
+        table.align[col] = 'l'
+    for col in columns_int:
+        table.align[col] = 'r'
+    for target in report:
+        for toolchain in report[target]:
+            for name in report[target][toolchain]:
+                for dlist in report[target][toolchain][name]:
+                    for dlistelem in dlist:
+                        # Get 'memory_usage' record and build table with
+                        # statistics
+                        record = dlist[dlistelem]
+                        if 'memory_usage' in record and record['memory_usage']:
+                            # Note that summary should be in the last record of
+                            # 'memory_usage' section. This is why we are
+                            # grabbing last "[-1]" record.
+                            row = [
+                                record['description'],
+                                record['target_name'],
+                                record['toolchain_name'],
+                                record['memory_usage'][-1]['summary'][
+                                    'static_ram'],
+                                record['memory_usage'][-1]['summary'][
+                                    'total_flash'],
+                            ]
+                            table.add_row(row)
+    result = "Memory map breakdown for built projects (values in Bytes):\n"
+    result += table.get_string(sortby='name')
+    return result
+def write_build_report(build_report, template_filename, filename):
+    """Write a build report to disk using a template file
+    Positional arguments:
+    build_report - a report generated by the build system
+    template_filename - a file that contains the template for the style of build
+                        report
+    filename - the location on disk to write the file to
+    """
+    build_report_failing = []
+    build_report_passing = []
+    for report in build_report:
+        if len(report["failing"]) > 0:
+            build_report_failing.append(report)
+        else:
+            build_report_passing.append(report)
+    env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.with_'])
+    env.loader = FileSystemLoader('ci_templates')
+    template = env.get_template(template_filename)
+    with open(filename, 'w+') as placeholder:
+        placeholder.write(template.render(
+            failing_builds=build_report_failing,
+            passing_builds=build_report_passing))
+def merge_build_data(filename, toolchain_report, app_type):
+    path_to_file = dirname(abspath(filename))
+    try:
+        build_data = load(open(filename))
+    except (IOError, ValueError):
+        build_data = {'builds': []}
+    for tgt in toolchain_report.values():
+        for tc in tgt.values():
+            for project in tc.values():
+                for build in project:
+                    try:
+                        build[0]['elf'] = relpath(build[0]['elf'], path_to_file)
+                        build[0]['bin'] = relpath(build[0]['bin'], path_to_file)
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                    if 'type' not in build[0]:
+                        build[0]['type'] = app_type
+                    build_data['builds'].append(build[0])
+    dump(build_data, open(filename, "wb"), indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))