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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/utils.py	Mon Dec 11 17:54:04 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import inspect
+import os
+import argparse
+import math
+from os import listdir, remove, makedirs
+from shutil import copyfile
+from os.path import isdir, join, exists, split, relpath, splitext, abspath
+from os.path import commonprefix, normpath, dirname
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, call
+from math import ceil
+import json
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import logging
+from intelhex import IntelHex
+def remove_if_in(lst, thing):
+    if thing in lst:
+        lst.remove(thing)
+def compile_worker(job):
+    """Standard task runner used for compiling
+    Positional argumets:
+    job - a dict containing a list of commands and the remaining arguments
+          to run_cmd
+    """
+    results = []
+    for command in job['commands']:
+        try:
+            _, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, work_dir=job['work_dir'],
+                                      chroot=job['chroot'])
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            raise ToolException
+        results.append({
+            'code': _rc,
+            'output': _stderr,
+            'command': command
+        })
+    return {
+        'source': job['source'],
+        'object': job['object'],
+        'commands': job['commands'],
+        'results': results
+    }
+def cmd(command, check=True, verbose=False, shell=False, cwd=None):
+    """A wrapper to run a command as a blocking job"""
+    text = command if shell else ' '.join(command)
+    if verbose:
+        print text
+    return_code = call(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd)
+    if check and return_code != 0:
+        raise Exception('ERROR %d: "%s"' % (return_code, text))
+def run_cmd(command, work_dir=None, chroot=None, redirect=False):
+    """Run a command in the forground
+    Positional arguments:
+    command - the command to run
+    Keyword arguments:
+    work_dir - the working directory to run the command in
+    chroot - the chroot to run the command in
+    redirect - redirect the stderr to a pipe to be used later
+    """
+    if chroot:
+        # Conventions managed by the web team for the mbed.org build system
+        chroot_cmd = [
+            '/usr/sbin/chroot', '--userspec=33:33', chroot
+        ]
+        for element in command:
+            chroot_cmd += [element.replace(chroot, '')]
+        logging.debug("Running command %s", ' '.join(chroot_cmd))
+        command = chroot_cmd
+        work_dir = None
+    try:
+        process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE,
+                        stderr=STDOUT if redirect else PIPE, cwd=work_dir)
+        _stdout, _stderr = process.communicate()
+    except OSError:
+        print "[OS ERROR] Command: "+(' '.join(command))
+        raise
+    return _stdout, _stderr, process.returncode
+def run_cmd_ext(command):
+    """ A version of run command that checks if the command exists befor running
+    Positional arguments:
+    command - the command line you are trying to invoke
+    """
+    assert is_cmd_valid(command[0])
+    process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    _stdout, _stderr = process.communicate()
+    return _stdout, _stderr, process.returncode
+def is_cmd_valid(command):
+    """ Verify that a command exists and is executable
+    Positional arguments:
+    command - the command to check
+    """
+    caller = get_caller_name()
+    cmd_path = find_cmd_abspath(command)
+    if not cmd_path:
+        error("%s: Command '%s' can't be found" % (caller, command))
+    if not is_exec(cmd_path):
+        error("%s: Command '%s' resolves to file '%s' which is not executable"
+              % (caller, command, cmd_path))
+    return True
+def is_exec(path):
+    """A simple check to verify that a path to an executable exists
+    Positional arguments:
+    path - the executable
+    """
+    return os.access(path, os.X_OK) or os.access(path+'.exe', os.X_OK)
+def find_cmd_abspath(command):
+    """ Returns the absolute path to a command.
+        None is returned if no absolute path was found.
+    Positional arguhments:
+    command - the command to find the path of
+    """
+    if exists(command) or exists(command + '.exe'):
+        return os.path.abspath(command)
+    if not 'PATH' in os.environ:
+        raise Exception("Can't find command path for current platform ('%s')"
+                        % sys.platform)
+    path_env = os.environ['PATH']
+    for path in path_env.split(os.pathsep):
+        cmd_path = '%s/%s' % (path, command)
+        if exists(cmd_path) or exists(cmd_path + '.exe'):
+            return cmd_path
+def mkdir(path):
+    """ a wrapped makedirs that only tries to create a directory if it does not
+    exist already
+    Positional arguments:
+    path - the path to maybe create
+    """
+    if not exists(path):
+        makedirs(path)
+def copy_file(src, dst):
+    """ Implement the behaviour of "shutil.copy(src, dst)" without copying the
+    permissions (this was causing errors with directories mounted with samba)
+    Positional arguments:
+    src - the source of the copy operation
+    dst - the destination of the copy operation
+    """
+    if isdir(dst):
+        _, base = split(src)
+        dst = join(dst, base)
+    copyfile(src, dst)
+def delete_dir_files(directory):
+    """ A function that does rm -rf
+    Positional arguments:
+    directory - the directory to remove
+    """
+    if not exists(directory):
+        return
+    for element in listdir(directory):
+        to_remove = join(directory, element)
+        if not isdir(to_remove):
+            remove(to_remove)
+def get_caller_name(steps=2):
+    """
+    When called inside a function, it returns the name
+    of the caller of that function.
+    Keyword arguments:
+    steps - the number of steps up the stack the calling function is
+    """
+    return inspect.stack()[steps][3]
+def error(msg):
+    """Fatal error, abort hard
+    Positional arguments:
+    msg - the message to print before crashing
+    """
+    print("ERROR: %s" % msg)
+    sys.exit(1)
+def rel_path(path, base, dot=False):
+    """Relative path calculation that optionaly always starts with a dot
+    Positional arguments:
+    path - the path to make relative
+    base - what to make the path relative to
+    Keyword arguments:
+    dot - if True, the path will always start with a './'
+    """
+    final_path = relpath(path, base)
+    if dot and not final_path.startswith('.'):
+        final_path = './' + final_path
+    return final_path
+class ToolException(Exception):
+    """A class representing an exception throw by the tools"""
+    pass
+class NotSupportedException(Exception):
+    """A class a toolchain not supporting a particular target"""
+    pass
+class InvalidReleaseTargetException(Exception):
+    pass
+def split_path(path):
+    """spilt a file name into it's directory name, base name, and extension
+    Positional arguments:
+    path - the file name to split
+    """
+    base, has_ext = split(path)
+    name, ext = splitext(has_ext)
+    return base, name, ext
+def get_path_depth(path):
+    """ Given a path, return the number of directory levels present.
+        This roughly translates to the number of path separators (os.sep) + 1.
+        Ex. Given "path/to/dir", this would return 3
+        Special cases: "." and "/" return 0
+    Positional arguments:
+    path - the path to calculate the depth of
+    """
+    normalized_path = normpath(path)
+    path_depth = 0
+    head, tail = split(normalized_path)
+    while tail and tail != '.':
+        path_depth += 1
+        head, tail = split(head)
+    return path_depth
+def args_error(parser, message):
+    """Abort with an error that was generated by the arguments to a CLI program
+    Positional arguments:
+    parser - the ArgumentParser object that parsed the command line
+    message - what went wrong
+    """
+    parser.error(message)
+    sys.exit(2)
+def construct_enum(**enums):
+    """ Create your own pseudo-enums
+    Keyword arguments:
+    * - a member of the Enum you are creating and it's value
+    """
+    return type('Enum', (), enums)
+def check_required_modules(required_modules, verbose=True):
+    """ Function checks for Python modules which should be "importable"
+        before test suite can be used.
+        @return returns True if all modules are installed already
+    """
+    import imp
+    not_installed_modules = []
+    for module_name in required_modules:
+        try:
+            imp.find_module(module_name)
+        except ImportError:
+            # We also test against a rare case: module is an egg file
+            try:
+                __import__(module_name)
+            except ImportError as exc:
+                not_installed_modules.append(module_name)
+                if verbose:
+                    print "Error: %s" % exc
+    if verbose:
+        if not_installed_modules:
+            print ("Warning: Module(s) %s not installed. Please install " + \
+                   "required module(s) before using this script.")\
+                % (', '.join(not_installed_modules))
+    if not_installed_modules:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def dict_to_ascii(dictionary):
+    """ Utility function: traverse a dictionary and change all the strings in
+    the dictionary to ASCII from Unicode. Useful when reading ASCII JSON data,
+    because the JSON decoder always returns Unicode string. Based on
+    http://stackoverflow.com/a/13105359
+    Positional arguments:
+    dictionary - The dict that contains some Unicode that should be ASCII
+    """
+    if isinstance(dictionary, dict):
+        return OrderedDict([(dict_to_ascii(key), dict_to_ascii(value))
+                            for key, value in dictionary.iteritems()])
+    elif isinstance(dictionary, list):
+        return [dict_to_ascii(element) for element in dictionary]
+    elif isinstance(dictionary, unicode):
+        return dictionary.encode('ascii')
+    else:
+        return dictionary
+def json_file_to_dict(fname):
+    """ Read a JSON file and return its Python representation, transforming all
+    the strings from Unicode to ASCII. The order of keys in the JSON file is
+    preserved.
+    Positional arguments:
+    fname - the name of the file to parse
+    """
+    try:
+        with open(fname, "r") as file_obj:
+            return dict_to_ascii(json.load(file_obj,
+                                           object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
+    except (ValueError, IOError):
+        sys.stderr.write("Error parsing '%s':\n" % fname)
+        raise
+# Wowza, double closure
+def argparse_type(casedness, prefer_hyphen=False):
+    def middle(lst, type_name):
+        def parse_type(string):
+            """ validate that an argument passed in (as string) is a member of
+            the list of possible arguments. Offer a suggestion if the case of
+            the string, or the hyphens/underscores do not match the expected
+            style of the argument.
+            """
+            if prefer_hyphen:
+                newstring = casedness(string).replace("_", "-")
+            else:
+                newstring = casedness(string).replace("-", "_")
+            if string in lst:
+                return string
+            elif string not in lst and newstring in lst:
+                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                    "{0} is not a supported {1}. Did you mean {2}?".format(
+                        string, type_name, newstring))
+            else:
+                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                    "{0} is not a supported {1}. Supported {1}s are:\n{2}".
+                    format(string, type_name, columnate(lst)))
+        return parse_type
+    return middle
+# short cuts for the argparse_type versions
+argparse_uppercase_type = argparse_type(str.upper, False)
+argparse_lowercase_type = argparse_type(str.lower, False)
+argparse_uppercase_hyphen_type = argparse_type(str.upper, True)
+argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type = argparse_type(str.lower, True)
+def argparse_force_type(case):
+    """ validate that an argument passed in (as string) is a member of the list
+    of possible arguments after converting it's case.
+    """
+    def middle(lst, type_name):
+        """ The parser type generator"""
+        def parse_type(string):
+            """ The parser type"""
+            for option in lst:
+                if case(string) == case(option):
+                    return option
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                "{0} is not a supported {1}. Supported {1}s are:\n{2}".
+                format(string, type_name, columnate(lst)))
+        return parse_type
+    return middle
+# these two types convert the case of their arguments _before_ validation
+argparse_force_uppercase_type = argparse_force_type(str.upper)
+argparse_force_lowercase_type = argparse_force_type(str.lower)
+def argparse_many(func):
+    """ An argument parser combinator that takes in an argument parser and
+    creates a new parser that accepts a comma separated list of the same thing.
+    """
+    def wrap(string):
+        """ The actual parser"""
+        return [func(s) for s in string.split(",")]
+    return wrap
+def argparse_filestring_type(string):
+    """ An argument parser that verifies that a string passed in corresponds
+    to a file"""
+    if exists(string):
+        return string
+    else:
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+            "{0}"" does not exist in the filesystem.".format(string))
+def argparse_profile_filestring_type(string):
+    """ An argument parser that verifies that a string passed in is either
+    absolute path or a file name (expanded to
+    mbed-os/tools/profiles/<fname>.json) of a existing file"""
+    fpath = join(dirname(__file__), "profiles/{}.json".format(string))
+    if exists(string):
+        return string
+    elif exists(fpath):
+        return fpath
+    else:
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+            "{0} does not exist in the filesystem.".format(string))
+def columnate(strings, separator=", ", chars=80):
+    """ render a list of strings as a in a bunch of columns
+    Positional arguments:
+    strings - the strings to columnate
+    Keyword arguments;
+    separator - the separation between the columns
+    chars - the maximum with of a row
+    """
+    col_width = max(len(s) for s in strings)
+    total_width = col_width + len(separator)
+    columns = math.floor(chars / total_width)
+    output = ""
+    for i, string in zip(range(len(strings)), strings):
+        append = string
+        if i != len(strings) - 1:
+            append += separator
+        if i % columns == columns - 1:
+            append += "\n"
+        else:
+            append = append.ljust(total_width)
+        output += append
+    return output
+def argparse_dir_not_parent(other):
+    """fail if argument provided is a parent of the specified directory"""
+    def parse_type(not_parent):
+        """The parser type"""
+        abs_other = abspath(other)
+        abs_not_parent = abspath(not_parent)
+        if abs_not_parent == commonprefix([abs_not_parent, abs_other]):
+            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+                "{0} may not be a parent directory of {1}".format(
+                    not_parent, other))
+        else:
+            return not_parent
+    return parse_type
+def argparse_deprecate(replacement_message):
+    """fail if argument is provided with deprecation warning"""
+    def parse_type(_):
+        """The parser type"""
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Deprecated." + replacement_message)
+    return parse_type
+def print_large_string(large_string):
+    """ Breaks a string up into smaller pieces before print them
+    This is a limitation within Windows, as detailed here:
+    https://bugs.python.org/issue11395
+    Positional arguments:
+    large_string - the large string to print
+    """
+    string_limit = 1000
+    large_string_len = len(large_string)
+    num_parts = int(ceil(float(large_string_len) / float(string_limit)))
+    for string_part in range(num_parts):
+        start_index = string_part * string_limit
+        if string_part == num_parts - 1:
+            sys.stdout.write(large_string[start_index:])
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(large_string[start_index:
+                                          start_index + string_limit])
+    sys.stdout.write("\n")
+def intelhex_offset(filename, offset):
+    """Load a hex or bin file at a particular offset"""
+    _, inteltype = splitext(filename)
+    ih = IntelHex()
+    if inteltype == ".bin":
+        ih.loadbin(filename, offset=offset)
+    elif inteltype == ".hex":
+        ih.loadhex(filename)
+    else:
+        raise ToolException("File %s does not have a known binary file type"
+                            % filename)
+    return ih