code for taking image and saving to SD card

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

diff -r c88af26224b8 -r 43abfc6827c6 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Mar 03 22:24:57 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 10 21:18:45 2015 +0000
@@ -1,186 +1,239 @@
-Porting example Arduino code for camera module.
+This code uses the LS-Y202 camera module to take an image, and save it an SD card.
+The SD card is interfaced via an SD card shield.
+Porting example Arduino code for camera module:
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h" // for SD card interface
+#include "stdio.h" 
+#include "stdlib.h"
-//int csPin = 4;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx, communicate with PC
+Serial cam(D8, D2); // tx, rx, (Camera to) Nucleo
+SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D10, "sd"); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, name
-Serial mySerial(D0, D1);          // Nucleo D0 is rx and D1 is tx for camera
+uint8_t ZERO = 0x00;
+uint8_t incomingbyte;
+long int addr_var = 0x0000;
+uint8_t MH, ML;
+bool EndFlag=0;
+///// UART FIFO Buffer functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+volatile int rx_in=0; // FIFO buffer end
+volatile int rx_out=0; // FIFO buffer beginning
+const int buffer_size = 255; // 
+char rx_buffer[buffer_size+1]; // actual FIFO buffer
-byte ZERO = 0x00;
-byte incomingbyte;
-long int j=0,k=0,count=0,i=0x0000;
-uint8_t MH,ML;
-boolean EndFlag=0;
-File  myFile;
+// Interrupt when UART recieve
+void cam_Rx_interrupt() {
+// Loop just in case more than one character is in UART's receive FIFO buffer
+// Stop if buffer full
+    while ((cam.readable()) && (((rx_in + 1) % buffer_size) != rx_out)) {
+        rx_buffer[rx_in] = cam.getc();
+        rx_in = (rx_in + 1) % buffer_size;
+    }
+    return;
+// Read and throw away camera return (ACK) bytes
+// Currently coded for five bytes,
+// but may want to allow calling with an input parameter.
+void read_ack() {
+    char ack_bytes[7]; //
+    int i = 0; // loop counter
+    // wait for 5 ack bytes
+    while((rx_in >= rx_out) && (rx_in - rx_out < 5) || (rx_in < rx_out) && (rx_in + buffer_size - rx_out < 5));
+    __disable_irq(); // disable interrupt while reading to ack_bytes buffer
+    for(i=0; i<5; i++) { // fill buffer and throw away
+        ack_bytes[i] = rx_buffer[rx_out];
+        rx_out = (rx_out + 1) % buffer_size; 
+    }
+    ack_bytes[i+1] = NULL; // add null to end for print string
+    pc.printf("\n\rAck bytes: %s\n\r", ack_bytes);
+    __enable_irq(); // 
+    return;
+char get_byte(){ // get a byte from UART buffer
+    char p;
+    while(rx_in == rx_out);// wait for byte
+    __disable_irq(); // disable interrupts
+    p = rx_buffer[rx_out]; // get byte
+    rx_out = (rx_out + 1) % buffer_size; // update buffer start
+    __enable_irq(); // enable interrrupts
+    return p; // return byte
+// Camera Functions ///
 void SendResetCmd()
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x26);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x26);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
-/* Set ImageSize :
-/* <1> 0x22 : 160*120
-/* <2> 0x11 : 320*240
-/* <3> 0x00 : 640*480
-/* <4> 0x1D : 800*600
-/* <5> 0x1C : 1024*768
-/* <6> 0x1B : 1280*960
-/* <7> 0x21 : 1600*1200
-void SetImageSizeCmd(byte Size)
+ Set ImageSize :
+ <1> 0x22 : 160*120
+ <2> 0x11 : 320*240
+ <3> 0x00 : 640*480
+ <4> 0x1D : 800*600
+ <5> 0x1C : 1024*768
+ <6> 0x1B : 1280*960
+ <7> 0x21 : 1600*1200
+void SetImageSizeCmd(char Size)
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x54);
-  mySerial.printf(0x01);
-  mySerial.printf(Size);
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x54);
+  cam.putc(0x01);
+  cam.putc(Size);
-/* Set BaudRate :
-/* <1> 0xAE  :   9600
-/* <2> 0x2A  :   38400
-/* <3> 0x1C  :   57600
-/* <4> 0x0D  :   115200
-/* <5> 0xAE  :   128000
-/* <6> 0x56  :   256000
-void SetBaudRateCmd(byte baudrate)
+ Set BaudRate :
+ <1> 0xAE  :   9600
+ <2> 0x2A  :   38400
+ <3> 0x1C  :   57600
+ <4> 0x0D  :   115200
+ <5> 0xAE  :   128000
+ <6> 0x56  :   256000
+void SetBaudRateCmd(char baudrate)
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x24);
-  mySerial.printf(0x03);
-  mySerial.printf(0x01);
-  mySerial.printf(baudrate);
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x24);
+  cam.putc(0x03);
+  cam.putc(0x01);
+  cam.putc(baudrate);
 void SendTakePhotoCmd()
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x36);
-  mySerial.printf(0x01);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x36);
+  cam.putc(0x01);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
 void SendReadDataCmd()
-  MH=i/0x100;
-  ML=i%0x100;
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x32);
-  mySerial.printf(0x0c);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x0a);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(MH);
-  mySerial.printf(ML);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x20);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x0a);
-  i+=0x20;
+  MH=addr_var/0x100;
+  ML=addr_var%0x100;
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x32);
+  cam.putc(0x0c);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x0a);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(MH);
+  cam.putc(ML);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x20);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x0a);
+  addr_var+=0x20;
 void StopTakePhotoCmd()
-  mySerial.printf(0x56);
-  mySerial.printf(ZERO);
-  mySerial.printf(0x36);
-  mySerial.printf(0x01);
-  mySerial.printf(0x03);
+  cam.putc(0x56);
+  cam.putc(ZERO);
+  cam.putc(0x36);
+  cam.putc(0x01);
+  cam.putc(0x03);
-void setup()
+int main(void)
-//pinMode(csPin, OUTPUT);
-//while (!Serial) {
-//; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
-//Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
-// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default.
-// Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin
-// (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output
-// or the SD library functions will not work.
-//if (!SD.begin(4)) {
-//Serial.println("initialization failed!");
-//Serial.println("initialization done.");
-//Serial.println("please waiting ....");  
-void loop()
-  byte a[32];
-  int ii;       
-  mySerial.begin(115200);
-  delay(200);
+  pc.baud(115200); // for PC terminal display/communications
+  pc.printf("\n\rStarting...\n\r"); // 
+  cam.attach(&cam_Rx_interrupt, Serial::RxIrq); // attach ISR to cam UART recieve
+  uint8_t a[32];
+  int j, count, ii;       
+  cam.baud(115200);
+  wait(0.200);
   SendResetCmd();//Wait 2-3 second to send take picture command
-  delay(2000);
+  wait(2.000);
-  delay(100);
-  mySerial.begin(38400);
-  delay(100);
-  SetImageSizeCmd(0x21);
-  delay(100);
+  wait(0.100);
+  cam.baud(38400);
+  wait(0.100);
+  SetImageSizeCmd(0x00);
+  wait(0.100);
-  delay(3000);
-  while(mySerial.available()>0)
+  wait(3);  
+  // Open SD card dir and file
+  mkdir("/sd/mydir", 0777);
+  FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/sdtest.jpg", "w");
+  if(fp == NULL) {
+    error("\n\rCould not open file for write\n\r");
+  }
+  rx_in = rx_out; // reset FIFO
+  while(!EndFlag) // loop until end of image data
-  }
-  myFile ="pic.jpg", FILE_WRITE); //<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">The file name should not be too long</span></strong>
-  while(!EndFlag)
-  {
-    j=0;
-    k=0;
+    j=0; // reset counters (this is done 32 bytes at a time)
-    SendReadDataCmd();
-    delay(5);
-    while(mySerial.available()>0)
+    SendReadDataCmd(); // 
+    read_ack(); // throw away ack/response bytes from read_data command
+    while(rx_in == rx_out); // wait for data
+    // data comes in 32 byte packets 
+    while((count < 32)) // fill 'a' buffer one byte at a time
-      k++;
-      delayMicroseconds(100); 
-      if((k>5)&&(j<32)&&(!EndFlag))
-      {
-        a[j]=incomingbyte;
-        if((a[j-1]==0xFF)&&(a[j]==0xD9))     //tell if the picture is finished
-        EndFlag=1;
-        j++;
-       count++; 
-      }
-     }
- /*
-    for(j=0;j<count;j++)
+        a[count] = get_byte();
+        if((a[count-1]==0xFF)&&(a[count]==0xD9))
+        {     //tell if the picture is finished
+            EndFlag=1; // end of image
+            count++;
+            break;
+        }
+        count++; 
+    }
+    pc.printf("count: %d \n\r", count);
+    // print data to PC 
+    for(j=0; j<count; j++)
-      if(a[j]<0x10)  Serial.print("0");
-      Serial.print(a[j],HEX);           // observe the image through serial port
-      Serial.print(" ");
+      if(a[j]<0x10)  pc.printf("0");
+      pc.printf("%x", a[j]);
+      pc.printf(" ");
+    pc.printf("\n\r");
+    // send data to SD card
     for(ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
-      myFile.write(a[ii]);
-    //Serial.println();
+      fputc(a[ii],fp);
+    read_ack();// throw away ack/response from end of read_data dat packet
-  myFile.close();
-  //Serial.print("Finished writing data to file");
+  fclose(fp); 
+  pc.printf("\n\rFinished writing data to file\n\r");