motion primitives

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Motion_Primitive_Test by ECE 4333

diff -r ac5819613d0c -r 96d4e0fa0827 MotionTest.cpp
--- a/MotionTest.cpp	Sat Mar 19 19:50:53 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-// EE4333 Robotics Lab 3
-// Library Imports
-//#include "InterruptIn.h"
-//#include "rtos.h"
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Serial.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-//Function Declarations
-    void DE0_Init(int);
-    void L_MotorInit(void);
-    void R_MotorInit(void);
-    signed int InputLeft(void);
-    signed int InputRight(void);
-    void ControlThread(void);
-    int SaturateAdd(int x, int y);
-    float SaturateLimit(float x, float limit);
-    signed int SignExtend(signed int x);
-    char GUI();
-    void Settings(char x);
-// ********************************************************************
-//                     GLOBAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS
-// ********************************************************************
-    signed int R_setpoint;                // Desired Angular Speed ( rad/sec )
-    signed int L_setpoint;
-    signed int R_setpoint_m;              // Desired Angular Speed ( m/sec )
-    signed int L_setpoint_m;
-    float R_e;                            // Velocity Error
-    float R_u;                            // Control Signal
-    float L_e;
-    float L_u;
-    int L_integrator;                   // Left Integrator State
-    int R_integrator;
-    signed int dPositionLeft;           // DE0 Register 0
-    signed int dPositionRight;
-    int dTimeLeft;                      // DE0 Register 1
-    int dTimeRight;
-    float Circ = 0;
-    float tTot = 0;
-    float AngularSpeedLeft;
-    float AngularSpeedRight;
-    //signed int AngularSpeedLeft;
-    //signed int AngularSpeedRight;
-    //Motion Primitive Variables
-    signed int Arc;
-    float Radius = 0;
-    float VelDes = 0;
-    float tcalc = 0;
-    float O_setpoint;                     //Inner Wheel Speed
-    float I_setpoint;                     //Outer Wheel Speed
-    float L = 5.5*2.54/100; //Distance between wheel contacts  ; //Distance between wheels (in meters)
-    float pi = 3.141259;
-// *********************************************************************
-//                     PROCESSES AND THREADS
-// *********************************************************************
-// *********************************************************************
-//                          PIN DECLARATIONS
-// *********************************************************************
-    // Digital I/O Pins
-    DigitalOut led1(LED1);              // Thread Indicators
-    DigitalOut led2(LED2);              //
-    DigitalOut led3(LED3);              //
-    DigitalOut led4(LED4);              //
-    DigitalOut DirL(p29);               // Direction of Left Motor
-    DigitalOut DirR(p30);               // Direction of Right Motor
-    // SPI Related Digital I/O Pins
-    DigitalOut SpiReset(p11);
-    DigitalOut IoReset(p12);
-    //PWM
-    PwmOut PwmL(p22);
-    PwmOut PwmR(p21);
-    //Serial
-    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);            // tx and rx for PC serial channel via USB cable
-    Serial Bluetooth(p9,p10);           // Pins tx(p9) , rx(p10) for bluetooth serial channel
-    //SPI
-    SPI DE0(p5,p6,p7); //Pin 5 is MOSI, Pin 6 MISO, Pin 7 SCLK
-    //Interrupts
-    Ticker ControlInterrupt;            // Internal Interrupt to trigger Control Thread
-// ***************************************************
-//                      DE0 Init
-// ***************************************************
-void DE0_Init(int SpiControlWord){
-    int mode = 1;
-    int bits = 16;
-    DE0.format(bits,mode);
-    // Verify Peripheral ID
-    // Generates single square pulse to reset DE0 IO
-    IoReset = 0;
-    IoReset = 1;
-    IoReset = 0;
-    // Generates single square pulse to reset DE0 SPI
-    SpiReset = 0;
-    SpiReset = 1;
-    SpiReset = 0;
-    // Writes to DE0 Control Register
-    int ID = DE0.write(SpiControlWord);             // SPI Control Word specifies SPI settings
-    if(ID == 23){                                   // DE0 ID 23 (0x0017)
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r >> DE0 Initialized.\n\r");}
-    else{
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r >> Failed to initialize DE0 board.\n\r");}
-// ***************************************************
-//              Left Motor Initialization
-// ***************************************************
-    // Pwm Pin Left Motor : p21
-    // Direction Pin Left Motor : p29
-void L_MotorInit(void){
-   DirL = 1;                                   // Defaults to 1
-    // Direction bit logic output
-    // 0 : Backwards ( Reverse ) 
-    // 1 : Forwards  ( Advance )
-    PwmL.period_us(100);
-    PwmL.write(0);
-// ***************************************************
-//             Right Motor Initialization
-// ***************************************************
-    // Pwm Pin Right Motor : p22
-    // Direction Pin Right Motor : p30
-void R_MotorInit(void){
-   DirR = 0;                                   // Defaults to 0.
-    // Direction bit logic output
-    // 0 : Forwards  ( Advance ) 
-    // 1 : Backwards ( Reverse )
-    PwmR.period_us(100);
-    PwmR.write(0);
-/// ***************************************************
-//                 Control Thread
-// ***************************************************
-void ControlThread(void){
-    // Read Incremental Position from DE0 QEI
-    int dummy = 0x0000;                                // Pushes dummy information which DE0 ignores, store return from QEI register
-    dPositionLeft = SignExtend(DE0.write(dummy));      //Extends the 16-bit signed ints into 32-bit containers
-    dTimeLeft = DE0.write(dummy);
-    dPositionRight = SignExtend(DE0.write(dummy));
-    dTimeRight = DE0.write(dummy);
-    // Computer Angular Speed and Angular Speed Error
-    AngularSpeedLeft = (123*dPositionLeft)/dTimeLeft;   //123 is the constant derived from the gear ratios and properties of the motor
-    AngularSpeedRight = (123*dPositionRight)/dTimeRight;
-    L_e = O_setpoint - AngularSpeedLeft;
-    R_e = I_setpoint - AngularSpeedRight;
-    float Kp_L = 2.5;
-    float Ki_L = 0.010;
-    float Kp_R = 2.5;
-    float Ki_R = 0.010;
-    // Saturate Inegrators if necessary
-    if(abs(SaturateLimit((Kp_L*L_e+Ki_L*L_integrator)/35,1))<1){    //Checks that we are not saturating the Left integrator before summing more error
-        L_integrator = L_integrator +L_e;}
-    else{
-        L_integrator = L_integrator;
-    }
-    if(abs(SaturateLimit((Kp_R*R_e+Ki_R*R_integrator)/35,1))<1){    //Checks that we are not saturating the Left integrator before summing more error
-        R_integrator = R_integrator +R_e;}
-    else{
-        R_integrator = R_integrator;
-    }
-    L_u = SaturateLimit( (Kp_L*L_e+Ki_L*L_integrator),1);           //Checks that we are not saturating the Left integrator before summing more error
-    R_u = SaturateLimit( (Kp_R*R_e+Ki_R*R_integrator),1);           //Checks that we are not saturating the Left integrator before summing more error
-    //Determine direction bits based on sign of required output signal
-    if(L_u <=0)
-        DirL = 0;
-    else
-        DirL = 1;
-    if(R_u <=0)
-        DirR = 1;
-    else
-        DirR = 0;
-    //Write final values to the PWM    
-    PwmL.write(abs(L_u));
-    PwmR.write(abs(R_u));
-/*// *************************************************** NOT USED
-//                SaturateAdd
-// ***************************************************
-signed int SaturateAdd(signed int x, signed int y){
-    signed int z = x + y;
-    if( (x>0) && (y>0)&& (z<=0) ){
-        z = 0x7FFFFFFF;}
-    else if( (x<0)&&(y<0)&&(z>=0) ){
-        z = 0x80000000;}
-    return z;
-/// ***************************************************
-//              SaturateLimit
-// ***************************************************
-float SaturateLimit(float x, float limit){              //Ensures we don't ask for more than the PWM can give.
-    if (x > limit){
-        return limit;
-        }
-    else if(x < -limit){
-        return(-limit);
-        }
-    else{
-        return x;}
-/// ***************************************************
-//                   Sign Extend
-// ***************************************************
-signed int SignExtend(int x){
-        if(x&0x00008000){
-            x = x|0xFFFF0000;
-        }
-        return x;
-// ***************************************************
-//                   Startup GUI
-// ***************************************************
-char GUI(){
-    char x;
-    Bluetooth.printf("\n\r (C)ircle or (L)ine? >>");        //Determine Trajectory Type
-    Bluetooth.scanf("%c", &x);                              
-    return x;                                               //Return trajectory type
-    }
-// ***************************************************
-//                   Setpoint Collection
-// ***************************************************
-void Settings(char x){
-    char dir;                                               //Direction Variable
-    float dist;                                             //Distance Variable
-    if(x == 'c' || x == 'C')                                //If the user chooses a circle
-    {
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\rCircle Radius? (m)");         //Determine circle radius
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%f", &Radius);
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\rDesired Speed? (m)");         //Speed
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%f", &VelDes);
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r Desired Direction? (L) or (R)"); //Direction of Travel
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%c",&dir);
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r Desired Distance? (m)");     //Determine maximum distance
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%c",&dist);
-        float Circ = 2*pi*Radius;
-        float tTot = Circ/VelDes;
-        if(dir == 'l' || dir == 'L')                        //If counterclockwise direction, the right wheel is faster
-        {
-            I_setpoint = (Radius+L/2)*2*pi/((2*2.54/100)*tTot);    //Set right wheel speed
-            if(I_setpoint>35)
-            {
-                I_setpoint = 35;
-                Bluetooth.printf("Setpoint limit exceeded. Capping outer wheel speed at %2.2f m/s", O_setpoint*0.05094);
-                O_setpoint = I_setpoint*(Radius-L/2)/(Radius+L/2);
-                return
-            }
-        }
-        else                                                //Clockwise, the left wheel is faster
-        {
-            O_setpoint = (Radius+L/2)*2*pi/((2*2.54/100)*tTot); //Set Left wheel speed
-            if(O_setpoint>35)
-            {
-                O_setpoint = 35;
-                Bluetooth.printf("Setpoint limit exceeded. Capping outer wheel speed at %2.2f m/s", O_setpoint*0.05094);
-            }
-            I_setpoint = (Radius-L/2)*2*pi/((2*2.54/100)*tTot);    
-        }
-    }
-    else                                                //If the user chooses a line instead
-    {
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r Desired Speed? (m) >>"); //We only need maximum speed and maximum distance
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%f", &VelDes);
-        Bluetooth.printf("\n\r Desired Distance? (m)"); //Determine maximum distance
-        Bluetooth.scanf("%c",&dist);
-        O_setpoint = VelDes/0.05094;                    //Saturate if necessary
-        if(O_setpoint>35)
-        {
-            O_setpoint = 35;
-            Bluetooth.printf("\n\r Speed maximum exceeded. Capping outer wheel speed at %f m/s", O_setpoint*0.05094);
-        }
-        I_setpoint = O_setpoint;                        //For a straight line both wheel speeds must be equal
-    }
-    return;
-// *********************************************************************
-//                        MAIN FUNCTION
-// *********************************************************************
-int main(){
-   // Initialization 
-   DE0_Init(0x8004);                                                
-   L_MotorInit();
-   R_MotorInit();
-   L_integrator = 0;
-   R_integrator = 0;
-   ControlInterrupt.attach(&ControlThread, 0.0005);
-   float WAvg,VAvg;                         //Reported Speeds
-   //Motion Primitives Initialization
-   Arc = 0;                                 // Arc Length (start at 0) 
-   Settings(GUI());                         // Ask user for input and pass to Settings
-   // Display Global Variables to Console
-   while(1){
-       WAvg = (AngularSpeedLeft + AngularSpeedRight);           //Angular Average
-       VAvg = (AngularSpeedLeft + AngularSpeedRight)*0.02483*2; //Velocity Average with unit conversion
-       Bluetooth.printf("\n\r||SetLeft: %2.3f ||WLeft: %2.3f rad/s ||SetRight: %2.3f ||WRight: %2.3f rad/s||WAverage: %2.3f||VAverage: %2.3f",O_setpoint,AngularSpeedLeft,I_setpoint,AngularSpeedRight,WAvg,VAvg);
-       wait(0.75);
-   } 