WASD, R to stop, Q to go straight at same speed

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 1:b09a2f277b93:

// EE4333 Robotics Lab 3

// Library Imports

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Serial.h"
#include "stdio.h"

// Function Declarations

    // DE0
    void DE0_Init(int);     // Done, AS - 1/4/16
    // Motor
    void MotorInit(void);   // Done, AS - 1/4/16

    // Control Thread
    void ControlThread(void);
    void IntegratorInit(void);
    // Computational Functions
    float SaturateLimit(float x, float limit);  // Done, AS - 1/4/16
    signed int SignExtend(signed int x);

// ********************************************************************
//                     Global Variable Declarations
// ********************************************************************

    float setpoint_L;                  // Desired speed (mm/sec)
    float setpoint_R;
    float error_L;                          // Velocity Error (mm/sec)
    float error_R;   
    float amp_L;                            // PWM Amplifier Signal
    float amp_R;
    float int_L;                            // Integrator States
    float int_R;
    signed int dPositionLeft;               // Position Data retrieved from DE0
    signed int dPositionRight;
    int dTimeLeft;                          // Time Data retrieved from DE0
    int dTimeRight;
    float omega_L;                          // Angular Velocity of Wheels
    float omega_R;
    signed int PositionLeft;                // Incremented Position
    signed int PositionRight;
    float Rw = 2*2.54;                      // Radius of Wheels ( cm )
    float L = 5.5*2.54;                     //Distance between wheel contacts ( cm )
    float pi = 3.14159265359;
    float s = 0;
    float r = 0;
// *********************************************************************
//                          Pin Declarations - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// *********************************************************************
    DigitalOut DirL(p29);                   // Direction of Left Motor
    DigitalOut DirR(p30);                   // Direction of Right Motor

    // SPI Related Digital I/O Pins
    DigitalOut SpiReset(p11);
    DigitalOut IoReset(p12);

    // PWM

    PwmOut PwmL(p22);
    PwmOut PwmR(p21);

    // Communication Channels

    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                // TX & RX for serial channel via USB cable
    Serial Bluetooth(p9,p10);               // TX(p9) , RX(p10) for bluetooth serial channel

    // SPI : Communication wih DE0

    SPI DE0(p5,p6,p7);                      //Pin 5 is MOSI, Pin 6 MISO, Pin 7 SCLK
    Ticker ControlInterrupt;                // Internal Interrupt to trigger Control Thread

// **************************************************************************************************
//                      DE0 Init - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// **************************************************************************************************

void DE0_Init(int SpiControlWord){
    int mode = 1;
    int bits = 16;
    // Verify Peripheral ID
        // Generates single square pulse to reset DE0 IO
        IoReset = 0;
        IoReset = 1;
        IoReset = 0;
        // Generates single square pulse to reset DE0 SPI
        SpiReset = 0;
        SpiReset = 1;
        SpiReset = 0;
        // Writes to DE0 Control Register
        int ID = DE0.write(SpiControlWord);             // SPI Control Word specifies SPI settings
        if(ID == 23){                                   // DE0 ID 23 (0x0017)
            Bluetooth.printf("\n\r >> DE0 Initialized.\n\r");}
            Bluetooth.printf("\n\r >> Failed to initialize DE0 board.\n\r");}
// **************************************************************************************************
//              Motor Initialization - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// **************************************************************************************************
void MotorInit(void){
    int T = 100;
    DirL = 0;
    DirR = 1;
    PwmL.write(0); // Motor Initially Off
    PwmR.write(0); // Motor Initially Off

// **************************************************************************************************
//                 Control Thread - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// **************************************************************************************************

void ControlThread(void){

    // Read Incremental Position from DE0 QEI
    int dummy = 0x0000;
    dPositionLeft = SignExtend(DE0.write(dummy));
    dTimeLeft = DE0.write(dummy);
    dPositionRight = SignExtend(DE0.write(dummy));
    dTimeRight = DE0.write(dummy);
    // Update Total Incremented Position
    PositionLeft = PositionLeft + dPositionLeft;
    PositionRight = PositionRight + dPositionRight;
    // Computer Angular Speed
    omega_L = (49*dPositionLeft)/dTimeLeft;
    omega_R = (49*dPositionRight)/dTimeRight;
    error_L = setpoint_L - omega_L;
    error_R = setpoint_R - omega_R;
    // PI Controller Gains
    float Kp_L = 4;
    float Ki_L = 0.010;
    float Kp_R = 4;
    float Ki_R = 0.010;
    // Saturate Inegrators if necessary, currently not checking for overflow in the addition
        int_L = int_L + error_L;}
        int_L = int_L;
    if(abs(SaturateLimit((Kp_R*error_R+Ki_R*int_R)/14,1))<1){    //Checks that we are not saturating the Left integrator before summing more error
        int_R = int_R + error_R;}
        int_R = int_R;
    amp_L = SaturateLimit((Kp_L*error_L + Ki_L*int_L),1);
    amp_R = SaturateLimit((Kp_R*error_R + Ki_R*int_R),1);
    //Determine direction bits based on sign of required output signal
    if(amp_L <=0)
        DirL = 0;
        DirL = 1;
    if(amp_R <=0)
        DirR = 1;
        DirR = 0;
    //Write final values to the PWM 

/*// *************************************************
//                SaturateAdd - Not Used
// ***************************************************

signed int SaturateAdd(signed int x, signed int y){
    signed int z = x + y;
    if( (x>0) && (y>0)&& (z<=0) ){
        z = 0x7FFFFFFF;}
    else if( (x<0)&&(y<0)&&(z>=0) ){
        z = 0x80000000;}
    return z;
// ***************************************************
//              SaturateLimit - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// ***************************************************

float SaturateLimit(float x, float limit){              //Ensures we don't ask for more than the PWM can give.
    if (x > limit){
        return limit;
    else if(x < -1*limit){
        return x;}

/// ***************************************************
//                   SignExtend - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// ***************************************************

signed int SignExtend(int x){
            x = x|0xFFFF0000;
        return x;

/// ***************************************************
//                   SignExtend - Done, AS - 1/4/16
// ***************************************************

void IntegratorInit(void){
        int_L = 0;
        int_R = 0;


// **********************************************************************
//                  Manual Control
// **********************************************************************
void ManualControl(char c){
    float ds = 1;
    float dr = 2;
    float rmax = 14;
    if (c=='w'||c=='W'){
        r = r + dr;}
    else if(c=='s'||c=='S'){
        r = r-dr;}
    else if(c=='a'||c=='A'){
        s = s + ds;}
    else if(c=='d'||c=='D'){
        s = s - ds;}
    else if(c=='q'||c=='Q'){
        s = 0;}
    else if(c=='r'||c=='R'){
        s = 0;
        r = 0;}
        Bluetooth.printf("Invalid entry");}
    r = SaturateLimit(r,rmax);
    s = SaturateLimit(s,rmax/2);
    setpoint_R = r+s;
    setpoint_L = r-s;
    Bluetooth.printf("\n\rR :%2.2f",setpoint_R);
    Bluetooth.printf("\n\rL :%2.2f\n\r",setpoint_L);

// *********************************************************************
//                        MAIN FUNCTION
// *********************************************************************

int main(){
   // Initialization 

    ControlInterrupt.attach(&ControlThread, 0.00025);
    char c;

        c = Bluetooth.getc();