Simply creates a servo object from a motor object, to allow the control of the angle. uses the solar panel to look for the brightest spot, then stops.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Lab6_Basic by ECE 111 At Oregon State University

--- a/Servo.cpp	Fri Nov 18 03:59:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/Servo.cpp	Tue Nov 14 13:02:54 2017 -0800
@@ -1,88 +1,121 @@
- #include "mbed.h"
- #include "Servo.h"
- // gloabl varevlbe used only inseide the class 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+// gloabl varevlbe used only inseide the class
 int value_current;
 int value_target;
-int sum;
 float value_target_raw;
 Ticker tick;
 SLCD slcd;
 int n;
-int counter;
 char buffer[50];
+unsigned int counter;
 Servo::Servo(PinName analog_input,PinName Positive, PinName Negative,PinName Speed):
-     _feedback(analog_input),_motor(Positive,Negative,Speed) {
-      sum=0;
-     /* input is angle intger from 0 - 180 
-     *  
-     */
-void Servo::set(int degree) {
-   if(degree > 90){
-   value_target = degree;   // set the value target as the input of the function
-   tick.attach(this,&Servo::move,0.001); // set the ticker to call move every 0.001 sec
+  _feedback(analog_input), _motor(Positive,Negative,Speed) 
-  else{
-   value_target = degree-15;   // set the value target as the input of the function
-   tick.attach(this,&Servo::move,0.001);   
-      } 
-       }//End of Move
-void Servo::move() {
+   Degree should be a value from 0 to 180.
+   Degree is really from 0 to 100(percent).
+void Servo::set(int degree) 
+  /*
+     Sets value_target to the degree value that user wants servo to go to.
+  */
+  value_target = degree;
+  /*
+     Counter to store number of tries for motor to be in position.
+  */
+  counter = 0;
+  /*
+     Add the servo's move function to the ticker, runs every 1ms.
+  */
+  tick.attach(this, &Servo::move, 0.01); // set the ticker to call move every 0.001 sec
-value_current = (int)((int)(_feedback*1000)*0.30769230769);
+void Servo::move() 
+  /*
+     value_target is destination
+     value_current is read from analog
+     slcd for the LCD display
+  */
-if(value_target > value_current){ 
-        _motor.Direction(LEFT);
-      //  _motor.Speed(10);
-        //wait(0.1);
-        n = sprintf (buffer, "%d", value_current);
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.Home();  
-        slcd.printf(buffer); 
-       }
-else if(value_target < value_current){
-        _motor.Direction(RIGHT);
-      //  _motor.Speed(counter);
-        n = sprintf (buffer, "%d", value_current);
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.Home();  
-        slcd.printf(buffer);
-        }     
-else if((value_target == value_current))
- {
-        tick.detach();
-        _motor.Stop();
-        n = sprintf (buffer, "%d", value_current);
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.Home();  
-        slcd.printf(buffer);
-       }
+  /* Read the potentiometer value. */
+  value_current = _feedback*100;
+  /*
+     When target value is higher relative to
+     the value read from the potentiometer
+     rotate to the left (Couter-Clockwise).
+  */
+  if(value_target > value_current)
+  {
+    _motor.Direction(LEFT);
+    counter ++;
+  }
+  /*
+     When target value is lower relative to
+     the value read from the potentiometer
+     rotate to the right.  (Clockwise).
+  */
+  else if(value_target < value_current)
+  {
+    _motor.Direction(RIGHT);
+    counter ++;
+  }
+  /*
+     When the motor has been set 2000 times
+     change the target value to the current
+     value of the analog reading, set the
+     counter to 0. 
-      }
-void Servo::check() {
-  for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++){
-    sum += _feedback.read_u16();  
+     Used to prevent rocking between values
+     when the MBED cannot get the value from
+     the potentiometer.
+  */
+  else if(counter > 2000)
+  {
+    value_target = value_current;
+    counter = 0;
+  }
+  /*
+     If no if statements are true, stop
+     the motor and detatch the tick process.
+  */
+  else
+  {
+    tick.detach();
+    _motor.Stop();
-  value_current = sum / 100;
-  sum = 0;
-  n = sprintf (buffer, "%x", value_current);
+  /*
+     Sprintf to copy the current value into,
+     the buffer( n stores status of sprintf()).
+  */
+  n = sprintf (buffer, "%d", value_current);
+  slcd.clear();                /* Clear the SLCD */
+  slcd.Home();              /* Set the decimal point on SLCD */
+  slcd.printf(buffer);   /* Write the buffer to the SLCD */
+   Check function to write to SLCD,
+   not used.
+void Servo::check()
+  value_current = _feedback*100;
+  n = sprintf (buffer, "%d", value_current);
-  slcd.Home();  
+  slcd.Home();
-      }
\ No newline at end of file
+   Returns current position of the analog dial.
+   0 to 100.
+unsigned int Servo::get()
+  value_current = _feedback*100;
+  return value_current;