This is a library for managing the mbed real time clock, including functions for setting and getting the rtc in text format, getting and setting the timezone offset, and getting and setting the calibration register, both directly, and by using an adjustment API to automatically set the calibration value.

Dependents:   mbed_escm2000

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jun 16 21:11:44 2011 +0000
Commit message:
v1.02 minor documentation updates

Changed in this revision

TimeUtilities.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TimeUtilities.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/TimeUtilities.cpp	Wed Jun 08 11:36:11 2011 +0000
+++ b/TimeUtilities.cpp	Thu Jun 16 21:11:44 2011 +0000
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 /// @author David Smart, Smartware Computing
 /// Version History
+/// 20110616
+/// \li minor documentation changes
 /// 20110601
 /// \li discovered the CCALEN flag to enable calibration
 /// 20110529
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #ifdef WIN32
-// Fake it out for Win32
+// Fake it out for Win32 development and testing
 struct LPC {
     unsigned long CCR;          // Clock Control register
     unsigned long GPREG0;       // General Purpose Register - Battery backed
@@ -175,88 +177,3 @@
     return success;
-#if 0
-// GetNumber will get from the user a number using the
-/// specified number of digits.
-/// They can enter a number from 0 to 10^(digits-1)
-/// @param digits is the number of digits to enter
-/// @param pValue is a pointer to where to store the result
-/// @returns true if a number was entered
-/// @returns false if they entered a non-digit
-int GetNumber(int digits, int * pValue) {
-    int tempValue = 0;
-    int i;
-    while (digits--) {
-        while (!pc.readable())
-            wdt.Service();
-        i = pc.getc();
-        if (i == ' ') i = '0';      // special case for leading blank
-        if (i >= '0' && i <= '9') {
-            pc.putc(i);
-            tempValue = tempValue * 10 + (i - '0');
-        } else
-            return false;
-    }
-    *pValue = tempValue;
-    return true;
-/// RTC_Set will interactively set the Real Time Clock
-/// It will allow you to enter the date and time information
-/// and then create a timestamp. After this, it will set
-/// the RTC to that timestamp.
-void RTC_Set(void) {
-    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-    struct tm *t = localtime(&seconds);
-    pc.printf("RTC Set:\r\n");
-    GetTimeString(seconds, tzOffsetHr, tzOffsetMin);
-    pc.printf("    Enter the time MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS\r\n");
-    while (1) {
-        int _m, _d, _y, _H, _M, _S;
-        printf("                 > ");
-        if (GetNumber(2, &_m)) {
-            pc.putc('/');
-            if (!GetNumber(2, &_d))
-                continue;
-            pc.putc('/');
-            if (!GetNumber(4, &_y))
-                continue;
-            t->tm_mon = _m - 1;
-            t->tm_mday = _d;
-            t->tm_year = _y - 1900;
-        } else {
-            pc.printf("%02d/%02d/%04d", t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_year+1900);
-        }
-        pc.putc(' ');
-        if (GetNumber(2, &_H)) {
-            pc.putc(':');
-            if (!GetNumber(2, &_M))
-                continue;
-            pc.putc(':');
-            if (!GetNumber(2, &_S))
-                continue;
-            t->tm_hour = _H;
-            t->tm_min = _M;
-            t->tm_sec = _S;
-            pc.printf("\r\n");
-            pc.printf("%02d/%02d/%04d ", t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_year+1900);
-            pc.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
-            // convert to timestamp and display (1256729737)
-            time_t seconds = mktime(t);
-            seconds = seconds - (time_t)(tzOffsetHr * 3600 + tzOffsetMin * 60);
-            set_time(seconds);
-            break;
-        } else {
-            pc.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
-            break;          // they can bail here
-        }
-    }
--- a/TimeUtilities.h	Wed Jun 08 11:36:11 2011 +0000
+++ b/TimeUtilities.h	Thu Jun 16 21:11:44 2011 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 /// Also supports setting the clock, timezone offsets and calibration
 /// of the RTC subsystem.
-/// @version 1.01
 /// @note Copyright &copr; 2011 by Smartware Computing, all rights reserved.
 ///     Individuals may use this application for evaluation or non-commercial
 ///     purposes. Within this restriction, changes may be made to this application
@@ -21,6 +19,8 @@
 /// @note
 /// History
+/// v1.02 
+/// \li 20110616 Minor documentation updates
 /// v1.01 29 May 2011
 /// \li Slightly improved documentation.
 /// unlabeled 29 May 2011
@@ -42,14 +42,18 @@
 /// RealTimeClock is an interface to the mbed RTC module
 /// It provides interfaces to get and set the time in text representation
-/// as well as a means to get and set the timezone offset, so that it 
+/// as well as a means to get and set the timezone offset so that it 
 /// maintains time in UTC format.
 /// Additionally, it provides an interface to adjust the calibration
 /// registers of the RTC, to compensate for 32 kHz clock error, whether
 /// based on the oscillator itself or on some bias to ambient temperature.
-/// @note The timezone offset is stored in RTC register GPREG0
+/// @note It is recommended that the system has a battery connected to
+/// the mbed battery backup pin.
+/// @note The timezone offset is stored in RTC register GPREG0 which
+/// is battery backed, permitting recovery on the next startup.
 /// Example:
 /// @code
@@ -58,8 +62,7 @@
 /// void main() {
 ///    bool success;
 ///    char TimeTest[] = "05/29/2011 14:15:18 (-6:00)";
-///       char buf[50];
+///        char buf[50];
 ///        success = rtc.SetTime(Test);
 ///     rtc.GetTimeString(buf);
 ///     printf("success: %i, time: %s\n", success, buf);
@@ -71,16 +74,20 @@
 class RealTimeClock
-    /// Constructor for the RealTimeClock interface
+    /// Constructor for the RealTimeClock interface, usually implemented
+    /// outside of main( )
+    ///
-    /// Destructor for the RealTimeClock
+    /// Destructor for the RealTimeClock, usually not executed
+    ///
     /// GetTimeString gets the formatted time applying the internal time-zone offset of hours and minutes
     /// It places the formatted string into the buffer in the format of
     /// Sun May 29 07:19:24 2011 (tzo: -6:00)
+    ///
     /// The internal timezone offset can be set with SetTimeOffset
     /// @param buffer is a pointer to a buffer large enough (>= 40 chars) for the formatted time string