Baseline for testing



File content as of revision 0:c428f1d60316:

#ifndef _LCD_
#define _LCD_

#include "mbed.h"

 * LCD commands.
// Clear display:
#define LCD_CLEAR   (1 << 0)

// return cursor and LCD to home position:
#define LCD_HOME   (1 << 1)

// set cursor move direction:
#define LCD_MOVEDIR   (1 << 2)
// shift display when byte written to display
#define LCD_MOVEDIR_SHIFT   (1 << 0)
// increment the cursor after each byte written:
#define LCD_MOVEDIR_ID   (1 << 1)

// Enable display/cursor:
#define LCD_DISPEN   (1 << 3)
// turn cursor blink on:
#define LCD_DISPEN_BLINK   (1 << 0)
// turn cursor on:
#define LCD_DISPEN_CURSOR   (1 << 1)
// turn display on:
#define LCD_DISPEN_DISP   (1 << 2)

// move cursor/shift display:
#define LCD_MCSD         (1 << 4)
// direction of shift (right if set):
#define LCD_MCSD_RL      (1 << 2)
// turn on display shift:
#define LCD_MCSD_SC      (1 << 3)

// set interface length:
#define LCD_SETIFLEN     (1 << 5)
// set character font 5x10 (1) or 5x7 (0)
#define LCD_SETIFLEN_F   (1 << 2)
// set # of display lines 1 if 0, 2 if 1:
#define LCD_SETIFLEN_N   (1 << 3)
// set interface length 8 bits if 1, 4 bits if 0
#define LCD_SETIFLEN_DL   (1 << 4)

// move cursor into CGRAM:
#define LCD_MOVERAM       (1 << 6)

// Move cursor to display:
#define LCD_MOVEDISPLAY   (1 << 7)
#define LCD_DATAREAD  0x00
#define LCD_READ  1
#define LCD_WRITE  0
#define LCD_HIGH  1
#define LCD_LOW  0


#define LCD_wakeUp       0x30  // 
#define LCD_functionSet  0x28  // Sets the interface data type to 4 bits, 2 lines, and font size 5x8. 0x28 = 0010 1000
#define LCD_returnHome   0x02  // Sets the cursor to the beginning of the screen. 0x02 = 0000 0010
#define LCD_setCursor    0x10  // Sets cursor moving and display shift, and direction without changing DDRAM data. 0x10 = 0001 0000
#define LCD_setDisplayOn 0x0C  // Sets Entire Display on, Display on, Cursor on. 0x0C = 0000 1011
#define LCD_setDisplayEdit 0x0E  // Sets Entire Display on, Display on, Cursor on. 0x0C = 0000 1011
#define LCD_setDisplayBlink 0x0F// Sets Entire Display on, Display on, Cursor on. 0x0C = 0000 1011
#define LCD_setDisplayOff 0x08  // Sets Entire Display off, Display on, Cursor on. 0x0C = 0000 1000
#define LCD_entryModeSet 0x06  // Sets Entry Mode. 0x06 = 0000 0110
#define LCD_cursorModeSet 0x06 // Sets Entry Mode. 0x06 = 0000 0110
#define LCD_clearDisplay 0x01  // Resets the whole display to blank

class LCD
        virtual ~LCD();
        void init(void) ;
        void writeByte1(int value);
        void writeByte2(int value);
        void command1(char i) ;
        void command2(char i) ;
        void writedata1(char i) ;
        void writedata2(char i) ;
        void nextline1();
        void nextline2();
        void display(char *show);
        int isBusy(int e1,int e2);
        int isBusy1(void);
        int isBusy2(void);
        void waitBusy();
        void cls() { clear (1,1); };
        void clear(int e1,int e2);
        void locate(int row, int column);
        void putc(const char c);
        void printf(const char* fmt, ...);
        void write(const char* text);
        void writeLine(int line, const char* text );
        void writeCharacter(const char c, int row, int column);
        void writeCharacters(const char* text, int row, int column);
        void writeCommand(char value,int e1,int e2);
        void writeChar   (char value,int e1,int e2);
        void writeData   (char value,int e1,int e2);
        void character (int row, int column, char c);
        int rows() {return 4;}
        int columns() {return 40;}
        int address(int row, int column);
        /* for debugging and development */
        void dump(Serial * pc);
        void setCursorMode (int mode);
            DigitalInOut LCD_E1;
            DigitalInOut LCD_E2;
            DigitalInOut LCD_RS;
            DigitalInOut LCD_RW;
            BusInOut LCD_DATA;
            int _row;
            int _column;
            char isOutput;
            char displayBuffer[4][40];

