Based on Terminal lib from Simon Ford, some adds

Fork of TerminalPlus by Max Scordamaglia

diff -r ee2311717b80 -r d045e3561533 Terminal.cpp
--- a/Terminal.cpp	Fri Sep 11 00:15:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/Terminal.cpp	Mon Sep 14 21:33:00 2015 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     // Cursor Home    <ESC>[{ROW};{COLUMN}H
     //  this->printf("\033[%d;%dH%c", row + 1, column + 1); //original
-    this->printf("\033[%d;%dH", row + 1, column + 1);
+    this->printf("\033[%d;%dH", row+1 , column+1 );
 static int rgb888tobgr111(int colour)
@@ -63,6 +63,40 @@
     this->printf("\033[%dm", c);
+void Terminal::reset()
+    // Reset Screen
+    this->printf("\033c");
+void Terminal::eraseline()
+    // Reset Screen
+    this->printf("\033[2K");
+void Terminal::formatPrintf(char sstr[], int xx, int yy, int padb)
+    char i=0; //mettere lungo come stringa
+    int screenColumn=80; //per ora lo forziamo
+    locate(xx, yy);
+    //this->printf("\033[%d;%dH", xx, yy);
+    this->printf(sstr);
+    //prosegui col pad
+    while ((padb>0) && (i<(screenColumn-xx-1))) {
+        this->printf(" "); //migliorare con stringa unica
+        i++;
+        padb--;
+    }
 void Terminal::frame(int x, int y, int w, int h, int boxtype)
     char B_H=0, B_V=0, B_TL=0, B_TR=0, B_BL=0, B_BR=0 ;
@@ -104,5 +138,29 @@
     this->printf((char *) B_BL);
     for(int i=x+1; i<x+w; i++) this->printf((char *) B_H);
     this->printf((char *) B_BR);
+void Terminal::banner()
+       cls(); 
+    formatPrintf("_____ Boot screen _____\n",25,1);
+    formatPrintf("___ Nucleo Scorda IO Test ___\n",22,2);
+ //   formatPrintf(fA.string2char(fA.padstr("-\n",78,'-')),1,5); //azzo funziona...
+    formatPrintf("Parsing \n",2,5);
+    formatPrintf("Funzione\n",2,7);
+    formatPrintf("Numero\n",22,7);
+    formatPrintf("Parametro\n",42,7);
+ //   formatPrintf(fA.string2char(fA.padstr("-\n",78,'-')),1,10); //azzo funziona...
+    formatPrintf("Status \n",2,10);
+    formatPrintf("Led 1 \n",2,12);
+    formatPrintf("Virtual Led \n",22,12);
+    formatPrintf("Other Commands \n",42,12);
+    formatPrintf("Real Out Serial\n",62,12);
+    formatPrintf("Input string\n",2,15);
+    formatPrintf("Result\n",42,15);
+ //   formatPrintf(fA.string2char(fA.padstr("-\n",78,'-')),1,18); //azzo funziona...
+    formatPrintf("Serial Input \n",2,18);
+void Terminal::readypos(){
+        formatPrintf("Command: > ",2,23);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file