Based on Terminal lib from Simon Ford, some adds

Fork of TerminalPlus by Max Scordamaglia

--- a/Terminal.cpp	Wed Sep 16 00:08:12 2015 +0000
+++ b/Terminal.cpp	Sat Sep 19 01:08:02 2015 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-/* mbed Terminal Library, for ANSI/VT200 Terminals and ecape codes
+/** mbed TerminalPlus Library, for ANSI/VT200 Terminals and ecape codes
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Max Scordamaglia , https//
+ * fork from Terminal Library
  * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, sford,
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
@@ -114,29 +116,59 @@
 void Terminal::eraseline()
-    // Reset Screen
+    // Erase full line, cursor save
+void Terminal::resetattrib()
+    // reset attrib
+    this->printf("\033[0m");
+void Terminal::bold()
+    // font bold
+    this->printf("\033[1m");
+void Terminal::underscore()
+    // underscore
+    this->printf("\033[4m");
+void Terminal::blink()
+    // font blink
+    this->printf("\033[5m");
+void Terminal::reverse()
+    // font reverse
+    this->printf("\033[7m");
 void Terminal::formatPrintf(char sstr[], int xx, int yy, int padb)
-    char i=0; //mettere lungo come stringa
-    int screenColumn=80; //per ora lo forziamo
-    locate(xx, yy);
-    //this->printf("\033[%d;%dH", xx, yy);
-    this->printf(sstr);
+    int i=0; //mettere lungo come stringa
+    //string tempstr=string(sstr);
+    int screenColumn=78; //per ora lo forziamo
-    /*
-        //prosegui col pad
-        while ((padb>0) && (i<(screenColumn-xx-1))) {
-            this->printf(" "); //migliorare con stringa unica
-            i++;
-            padb--;
-        }
-    */
+    locate(xx, yy);
+    this->printf(sstr);
+    if (yy!=23) this->printf("\033[1A"); // fa davvero cagare. Torna su col cursore per evitare il \n eccetto l'ultima riga. Servirebbe togliere il \n
+    while ((sstr[i]!='\n') && (i<(screenColumn-xx+1))) {
+        i++;
+    }
+    //prosegui col pad
+    while ((padb>0) && (i<(screenColumn-xx-1))) {
+        this->printf(" "); //migliorare con stringa unica
+        i++;
+        padb--;
+    }
@@ -165,20 +197,20 @@
     //riga superiore
-    formatPrintf((char *) &B_TL ,x,y);
-     formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(B_H))),x+1,y); 
+    formatPrintf(createStr(B_TL) ,x,y);
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(B_H))),x+1,y);
     //for(int i=x+1; i<x+w; i++) formatPrintf(&B_H,i,y);
-    formatPrintf(&B_TR,x+w,y);
+    formatPrintf(createStr(B_TR),x+w,y);
     for(int i=y+1; i<y+h; i++) {
-        formatPrintf(&B_V,x,i);
-        formatPrintf(&B_V,x+w,i);
+        formatPrintf(createStr(B_V),x,i);
+        formatPrintf(createStr(B_V),x+w,i);
     //riga inferiore
-    formatPrintf(&B_BL,x,y+h);
-   // for(int i=x+1; i<x+w; i++) formatPrintf(&B_H,i,y+h);
-        formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(B_H))),x+1,y+h); 
-    formatPrintf(&B_BR,x+w,y+h);
+    formatPrintf(createStr(B_BL),x,y+h);
+    // for(int i=x+1; i<x+w; i++) formatPrintf(&B_H,i,y+h);
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(B_H))),x+1,y+h);
+    formatPrintf(createStr(B_BR),x+w,y+h);
 void Terminal::banner()
@@ -186,6 +218,7 @@
     frame(0, 0, 79, 22,1);
+    bold();
     formatPrintf("_____ Boot screen _____\n",27,1);
     formatPrintf("___ Nucleo Scorda IO Terminal ___\n",22,2);
@@ -204,7 +237,50 @@
     formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,18); //azzo funziona...
     formatPrintf("Serial Feedback \n",2,18);
+    resetattrib();
+void Terminal::bannerAdv()
+    cls();
+    frame(0, 0, 79, 22,1);
+    forgcol(3);
+    bold();
+    formatPrintf("_____ Boot screen _____\n",27,1);
+    formatPrintf("___ Nucleo Scorda IO Terminal ___\n",22,2);
+    forgcol(9);
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,3); //top 1/2
+    formatPrintf("Funzione \n",2,4);
+    formatPrintf("Numero \n",32,4);
+    formatPrintf("Parametro \n",51,4);
+    formatPrintf("Status Led 1...... \n",2,6);
+    formatPrintf("Status Virtual Led \n",42,6);
+    formatPrintf("Other Commands.... \n",2,8);
+    formatPrintf("Real Out Serial... \n",42,8);
+    formatPrintf("Input string...... \n",2,10);
+    formatPrintf("Result............ \n",42,10);
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,15); //bottom pot
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,19); //azzo funziona...
+    formatPrintf("Serial Feedback \n",2,20);
+// grigino
+    foreground(0x0f0f0f);
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,5); //top 3/4
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,7); //top 5/6
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,9); //top 7/8
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,11); //top 9/10
+    formatPrintf(string2char(padstr("\n",78,char(196))),1,13); //top 11/12
+    resetattrib();
 void Terminal::readypos()
     formatPrintf("Command: > ",1,23);
@@ -245,4 +321,15 @@
     strcpy(cstr, sttde.c_str());
     // delete [] cstr;
     return cstr;
+char* Terminal::createStr(char car)
+    // unico modo in cui passo un varole ascii ad una funzione aggiungendo il ritorno a capo.
+    //se si potesse evitare sarebbe meglio
+    char *str = (char *) malloc(2 * sizeof(char));
+    if(str == NULL) return NULL;
+    str[0] = car;
+    str[1] = '\0';
+    return str;
\ No newline at end of file