ZigBee Receive Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi
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This example shows how to receive data. A remote XBee module has sent a packet to our local XBee module though the air. The local XBee module receives the packet and sends it to the mbed cpu through the serial port. This library decodes the packet and calls a user defined method to process the packet.
Local Setup¶
The local setup includes:
- The mbed module and its debug connection to the PC (normally an usb cable)
So you can see the sample application debug messages. For that you have to configure the DEBUG_TX and DEBUG_RX pins in config.h (See Debugging the library chapter for more info) - The connection between the mbed module and the local XBee module
That includes at least at least wiring and configuring RADIO_TX and RADIO_RX in config.h. Wiring RADIO_RESET is highly recommended as well. See Initializing modules chapter for more info. - The local XBee module persistent configuration
This library expects that the local XBee module has the default settings stored. You can verify those setting previously to run the example using XCTU tool.