DigiMEsh DIOs, ADCs and PWMs example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Dependencies:   XBeeLib mbed

Fork of XBeeZB_dio_adc by Digi International Inc.

This example shows how to handle remote XBee modules DigitalInputOutputs, ADCs and PWMs. The example configures the remote XBee module pins to the desired functionality and then operates on those pins.

See Handling remote modules DIOs ADCs and PWMs chapter for more information.

Common Setup

Make sure you have a valid Example Common Setup

Example Setup


You have to configure the remote device 64-bit address by customizing the REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_MSB and REMOTE_NODE_ADDR64_LSB defines with the remote XBee module 64-bit address.


On the Remote XBee module, wire following peripherals to the pins specified on the table and schematics or change the application pins according to your hardware setup:

DIO2/ADC218ADC (Analog Input)
DIO3/ADC317Digital Input
RSSI/DIO106PWM (Analog Output)
DIO411Digital Output


Running the example

Build and deploy the example to the mbed module.
Reset the mbed module so the example starts. You should see the example debug information through the debug interface configured in the 'Local Setup' chapter.
The application will do following operations:

  • Configure the remote XBee module pins according to the table above.
  • Do following loop every 5 seconds:
    • Read DIO3_AD3 digital value
    • Toggle LED associated to DIO4_AD4
    • Read DIO2_AD2 analog value
    • Set the led associated to PWM0 to different intensity levels

Files at this revision

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Fri Jul 29 12:14:30 2016 +0200
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XBeeLib.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/XBeeLib.lib	Thu Jul 28 10:28:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/XBeeLib.lib	Fri Jul 29 12:14:30 2016 +0200
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/mbed.bld	Thu Jul 28 10:28:37 2016 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Jul 29 12:14:30 2016 +0200
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