NNN40 XmppClient first commit
Dependencies: WIFI_API_32kRAM mbed
How to use Demo code
- Step1: Create Accounts, the accounts information as follow, (Demo server used Openfire3.9.3)
- Server Address: xmpp.koryo.com.tw
- Account1's name and password (nnn40b/123456)
- Account2's name and password (app2/123456)
- Step2: Burn demo code to NNN40 module.
You can drag and drop the sample code to NNN40 module.
- Step3: Login XMPP client by mobile or PC side.
Our demonstration is presented in Android phone, and we install ”Xabber” application for XMPP client login. We use “app2” account to login “xmpp.koryo.com.tw” server.
- Step4: Login XMPP client by NNN40 module.
After turning on NNN40 module, the module will login to XMPP automatically. In addition, the module also sends a message to name2.
- Step5: Turn on or turn off LED
you can chat with module and ask module to turn on or turn off LED.
How to install Openfire (XMPP Server)
If you want setup XMPP server by yourself, the Installation Guide as follow:
the download link as follow (Openfire3.9.3):
DEMO video
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
4:b419c498752b | 2015-10-13 | lester0507 | update SSID and Password |
3:c135331e4ae8 | 2015-10-13 | lester0507 | fix login bug for openfire3.10.2 |
2:02d26be97892 | 2015-10-13 | lester0507 | fix login bug for openfire3.10.2 |
1:1571d6a1cb27 | 2015-09-15 | lester0507 | remove mbed-src, add mbed lib. |
0:464110a4a6f1 | 2015-09-15 | lester0507 | first commit |