AT Command Set mDot firmware with updated libmDot, to fix endian problem with joining LoRaWAN network

Dependencies:   MTS-Serial libmDot mbed-rtos mbed-src

Fork of mDot_AT_firmware by MultiTech

diff -r 000000000000 -r e2b8246361bc doc/mdot-at-commands.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/mdot-at-commands.txt	Thu Jun 25 14:52:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# vim: expandtab sts=8 sw=8 ts=8
+Command         Name                            Description
+General commands
+Command         Name                    Description
+AT              Attention               Attention
+ATI             Request Id              Request Identification
+ATZ             Reset CPU               Reset the CPU
+ATE0/1          Enable/Disable Echo     ATE0: disable, ATE1: enable
+ATV0/1          Enable/Disable Verbose  ATV0: disable, ATV1: enable
+AT&F            Reset Factory Defaults  Reset current configuration to factory defaults
+AT&W            Save Configuration      Save configuration to flash memory
+AT&V            Display Settings        Displays current settings and status
+AT+IPR          Serial Baud Rate        Set serial baud rate, default: 115200 
+AT+DIPR         Debug Baud Rate         Set debug serial baud rate, default: 115200 
+AT+SMODE        Start Up Mode           0: AT command mode, 1: Serial data mode
+AT+LOG          Debug Log Level         Enable/disable debug logging. (0: off, 1:Fatal - 6:Trace)
+Network/Addressing commands
+AT+FREQ         Frequency Band          Configured Frequency Band '868' or '915'
+AT+FSB          Frequency Sub-band      Set the frequency sub-band for US 915, (0:ALL, 1-8)
+AT+PN           Public Network          Enable/disable public network mode. (0: off, 1: on)
+AT+DI           Device ID               Device EUI (unique, set at factory) (8 bytes)
+AT+NA           Network Address         Network address (devAddr in LoraMac) (4 bytes)
+AT+NSK          Network Session Key     Network session encryption key (16 bytes)
+AT+DSK          Data Session Key        Data session encryption key (16 bytes)
+AT+NK           Network Key             Configured network key/passphrase (App Key in LoraMac) ##  AT+NK=0,hex  AT+NK=1,passphrase (Net key = cmac(passphrase)) (16 bytes)
+AT+NI           Network ID              Configured Network EUI/Name (App EUI in LoraMac) AT+NI=0,hex AT+NI=1,network_name  (Net ID = crc64(network_name)) (8 bytes)
+AT+JOIN         Join Network            Join network (acquire network address and session keys)
+AT+NJM          Network Join Mode       0: Manual configuration, 1: OTA Network Join, 2: Auto OTA Network Join on start up (default: 1)
+AT+NJS          Network Join Status     0: Not joined, 1: Joined
+AT+NLC          Network Link Check      Perform network link check, displays dBm above floor, number of gateways in range and optional packet payload if received
+AT+LCC          Link Check Count        Set number of packets between each link check if ACK's are disabled
+AT+ENC          AES Encryption          Enable/disable AES encryption (0: off, 1: on)
+AT+RSSI         Signal Strength         Displays signal strength of received packets, last,min,max,avg
+AT+SNR          Signal To Noise Ratio   Display signal to noise ratio received packets last,min,max,avg
+AT+DP           Data Pending            Indicator of data in queue on server
+AT+PING         Send Ping               Sends ping, displays RSSI and SNR from gateway on pong
+Radio Configuration
+AT+TXDR         Tx Data Rate            Set the Tx data rate for all channels
+AT+TXP          Tx Power                Set the Tx power for all channels
+AT+TXF          Tx Frequency            Set Tx frequency
+AT+TXI          Set Tx inverted         Set Tx signal inverted, (default:off)
+AT+TXCH         Tx Channels             List Tx channel frequencies for sub-band
+AT+RXDR         Rx Data Rate            Set the Rx data rate
+AT+RXF          Rx Frequency            Set the Rx frequency for +RECV,+RECVC
+AT+RXO          Rx Output               Set the Rx output type (0:hexadecimal, 1:binary)
+AT+RXI          Set Rx inverted         Set Rx signal inverted, (default:on)
+AT+FEC          Error Correction        Configure Forward Error Correction bytes (1 to 4)
+AT+CRC          CRC Checking            Enable/disable CRC checking of received packets. (0: off, 1: on)
+AT+ADR          Adaptive Data Rate      Enable/disable Adaptive Data Rate (0: off, 1: on)
+AT+ACK          Require ACK             Enable to require send acknowledgement (0: off, N: number of retries until ACK recevied)
+AT+SEND         Send Once               Sends supplied packet data one time and return response, (max:240 bytes)
+AT+SENDH        Send Once High BW       Sends supplied packet data one time and return response using High Bandwidth channel, (max:240 bytes)
+AT+SENDB        Send Binary             Sends supplied binary (hex) packet data one time and return response
+AT+SENDI        Send Continuous         Sends supplied packet data on interval between sends, output any recevied packets (escape sequence: +++)
+AT+RECV         Receive Once            Receive and display one packet, optional timeout in ms overrides configured Rx Timeout.
+AT+RECVC        Receive Continuous      Continously receive and display packets, optional timeout in ms overrides configured Rx Timeout. (escape sequence: +++)
+AT+TXN          Tx Next                 Get time in ms until next free channel
+Serial data mode options
+AT+SD           Serial Data Mode        Reads serial data and sends Lora packets (escape sequence: +++)
+AT+SDWI         Serial Wake Interval    Serial data wakeup interval to generate wake signal (seconds)
+AT+SDWD         Serial Wake Delay       Time to wait for data after wakeup signal  (milliseconds)
+AT+SDTO         Serial Receive Timeout  Read serial data until timeout (milliseconds)