Final tidy of code following installation of new sensor, more comments added prior to submission

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r c63a5d084db0 -r 793f819e1df6 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 27 08:00:52 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 31 20:41:38 2022 +0000
@@ -96,8 +96,15 @@
 void Run();                                                                     // 
 void StartTemp();                                                               //
 void delete_file(char filename[]);                                              //
-                                                                                //
-                                                                                //
+void HighTemp();                                                                //
+void SuperHighTemp();                                                           //
+void UltraHighTemp();                                                           //
+void LowTemp();                                                                 //
+void SuperLowTemp();                                                            //
+void UltraLowTemp();                                                            //
+void PeripheralsOffHigh();                                                      //
+void PeripheralsOffLow();                                                       // 
+                                                                                // 
 int main()                                                                      //
 {                                                                               //
     init_K64F();                                                                // Initialise the board
@@ -191,7 +198,7 @@
     lcd.printString("  Smart Cold",0,1);                                        // Just a welcome message before auto moving to main menu
     lcd.printString("   Storage",0,2);                                          //
     lcd.printString("  Monitoring",0,3);                                        // 
-    lcd.printString("V17 - Jan 2022",0,4);                                      //
+    lcd.printString("V18 - Jan 2022",0,4);                                      //
     lcd.printString("--------------",0,5);                                      //
     lcd.refresh();                                                              // Need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
     wait(5.0);                                                                  // Leave welcome screen on for designated amount of time
@@ -330,7 +337,7 @@
                     }                                                           //        
                     float T = tmp102.get_temperature();                         // read temperature and print to lcd
-                    pc.printf("T = %f K\n",T);                                  // Print to serial - allows testing without device attached
+                    pc.printf("T = %f C\n",T);                                  // Print to serial - allows testing without device attached
                     int length = sprintf(buffer," T = %.2f C",T);               // print formatted data to buffer - it is important the format specifier ensures the length will fit in the buffer
                     if (length <= 14)                                           // if string will fit on display (assuming printing at x=0)
                     lcd.printString("-- Constant --",0,0);                      // 
@@ -340,49 +347,37 @@
                     lcd.refresh();                                              // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
                     wait(0.5);                                                  // 
-                    if (T >= g_StartTemp + 2) {                                 // High temp alarm condition - in real world would be lot lower!!
-                        LED01 = !LED01;                                         // Flash LED01 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
-                        LED02 = !LED02;                                         // Flash LED02 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
-                        LED03 = !LED03;                                         // Flash LED03 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
-                        printf("WARNING - High Temp!! \n");                     //
-                        Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                               // Warning Buzzer to extremely high 
-                        Buzzer = 0.5;                                           // 
-                        wait(0.5);                                              // 
-                        Buzzer = 0;                                             //
+                    if (T >= g_StartTemp + 2 and T < g_StartTemp + 4) {         // High temp alarm condition - in real world would be lot lower!!
+                        HighTemp();                                             //  
                     }                                                           //
                     else  {                                                     //
-                        LED01 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
-                        LED02 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
-                        LED03 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
-                        Buzzer = 0;                                             // Buzzer off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
+                        PeripheralsOffHigh();                                   //
+                    }                                                           //
+                    if (T >= g_StartTemp + 4 and T < g_StartTemp + 6) {         // High temp alarm condition - in real world would be lot lower!!
+                        SuperHighTemp();                                        //  
                     }                                                           //
-                                                                                //
-                    if (T <= g_StartTemp - 2) {                                 // High temp alarm condition - in real world would be lot lower!!
-                        LED04 = !LED04;                                         // Flash LED01 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
-                        LED05 = !LED05;                                         // Flash LED02 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
-                        LED06 = !LED06;                                         // Flash LED03 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
-                        printf("WARNING - Low Temp!! \n");                      //
-                        Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                               // Warning Buzzer to extremely low
-                        wait(0.5);                                              // 
-                        Buzzer = 0;                                             //
+                    else  {                                                     // 
+                        PeripheralsOffHigh();                                   // 
+                    }                                                           // 
+                    if (T >= g_StartTemp + 6) {                                 // 
+                        UltraHighTemp();                                        // 
+                    }                                                           // 
+                    else  {                                                     //
+                        PeripheralsOffHigh();                                   //
+                    }                                                           //
+                    if (T <= g_StartTemp - 2 and T > g_StartTemp - 4) {         // Low temp alarm condition - in real world would be lot lower!!
+                        LowTemp();                                              //
                     }                                                           //
                     else  {                                                     //    
-                        LED04 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
-                        LED05 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
-                        LED06 = 1;                                              // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
-                        Buzzer = 0;                                             // Buzzer off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
+                        PeripheralsOffLow();                                    //               
                     }                                                           //
                     if(bAButtonWasPressed)                                      // Check if button was pressed
                     {                                                           //
                         if(SelectedItem == 0)                                   // 
                         {                                                       //
                             NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                      // Transition back to the main menu
-                            LED01 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
-                            LED02 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
-                            LED03 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
-                            LED04 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
-                            LED05 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
-                            LED06 = 1;                                          // Turn off LED upon transition back to main menu
+                            PeripheralsOffHigh();                               // 
+                            PeripheralsOffLow();                                //
                         }                                                       //
                     }                                                           //
                 }                                                               //
@@ -437,7 +432,7 @@
                     }                                                           //                                    
                     if (fp == NULL) {                                           // if it can't open the file then print error message
-                        printf("Error! Unable to open file! Returning to main menu.\n");                    //                        
+                        printf("Error! Unable to open file! Returning to main menu.\n");  //                        
                         NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                          // Something has gone wrong, drop back to the main menu.
                     }                                                           //
                     else                                                        //
@@ -576,7 +571,86 @@
 {                                                                               //
     Direction d = joystick.get_direction();                                     //
-        g_StartTemp = fsm[g_state].output;                                      // set ouput depending on current state
-        wait(fsm[g_state].time);                                                // wait in that state for desired time           
-        g_state = fsm[g_state].nextState[d];                                    // read input and update curent state 
+        g_StartTemp = fsm[g_state].output;                                      // Set ouput depending on current state
+        wait(fsm[g_state].time);                                                // Wait in that state for desired time           
+        g_state = fsm[g_state].nextState[d];                                    // Read input and update curent state 
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                // 
+void HighTemp()                                                                 //
+{                                                                               // 
+    LED01 = !LED01;                                                             // Flash LED01 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    printf("WARNING - High Temp!! \n");                                         //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely high 
+    Buzzer = 0.5;                                                               // 
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                // 
+void SuperHighTemp()                                                            //
+{                                                                               // 
+    LED01 = !LED01;                                                             // Flash LED01 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    LED02 = !LED02;                                                             // Flash LED02 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    printf("WARNING - Super High Temp!! \n");                                   //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely high 
+    Buzzer = 0.5;                                                               // 
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                // 
+void UltraHighTemp()                                                            //
+{                                                                               // 
+    LED01 = !LED01;                                                             // Flash LED01 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    LED02 = !LED02;                                                             // Flash LED02 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    LED03 = !LED03;                                                             // Flash LED02 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of cold blowers
+    printf("WARNING - Ultra High Temp!! \n");                                   //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely high 
+    Buzzer = 0.5;                                                               // 
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
 }                                                                               //
+                                                                                //
+void LowTemp()                                                                  //
+{                                                                               //
+    LED04 = !LED04;                                                             // Flash LED04 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    printf("WARNING - Low Temp!! \n");                                          //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely low
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                //                                                                                                                                           //
+void SuperLowTemp()                                                             //
+{                                                                               //
+    LED04 = !LED04;                                                             // Flash LED04 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    LED05 = !LED05;                                                             // Flash LED05 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    printf("WARNING - Super Low Temp!! \n");                                    //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely low
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                //
+void UltraLowTemp()                                                             //
+{                                                                               //
+    LED04 = !LED04;                                                             // Flash LED04 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    LED05 = !LED05;                                                             // Flash LED05 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    LED06 = !LED06;                                                             // Flash LED06 if temperature is over specified - Simulated starting of heaters
+    printf("WARNING - Ultra Low Temp!! \n");                                    //
+    Buzzer.period(1.0/554.0);                                                   // Warning Buzzer to extremely low
+    wait(0.5);                                                                  // 
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 //
+}                                                                               //
+                                                                                // 
+void PeripheralsOffHigh()                                                       //
+{                                                                               // 
+    LED01 = 1;                                                                  // LED01 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
+    LED02 = 1;                                                                  // LED02 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
+    LED03 = 1;                                                                  // LED03 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 // Buzzer off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of cold blowers
+}                                                                               // 
+                                                                                // 
+void PeripheralsOffLow()                                                        // 
+{                                                                               //
+    LED04 = 1;                                                                  // LED04 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
+    LED05 = 1;                                                                  // LED05 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
+    LED06 = 1;                                                                  // LED06 off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
+    Buzzer = 0;                                                                 // Buzzer off if temperature is below specified - Simulated stopping of heaters
+}                                                                               // 
\ No newline at end of file