Up-Rev of code, small changes including general tidy of code and adding of missing comments

Dependencies:   mbed N5110v02 TMP102 JoystickIoT

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jan 19 07:34:20 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jan 19 07:37:55 2022 +0000
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
     lcd.printString("  Smart Cold",0,1);                                        // Just a welcome message before auto moving to main menu
     lcd.printString("   Storage",0,2);                                          //
     lcd.printString("  Monitoring",0,3);                                        // 
-    lcd.printString("V09 - Jan 2022",0,4);                                      //
+    lcd.printString("V10 - Jan 2022",0,4);                                      //
     lcd.printString("--------------",0,5);                                      //
     lcd.refresh();                                                              // Need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
     wait(5.0);                                                                  // Leave welcome screen on for designated amount of time