Update to menu, selection process, insertion of Temp monitoring into correct menu

Dependencies:   mbed N5110v02 TMP102 JoystickIoT

diff -r eebd36a47049 -r ebf4784ce92b main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jan 07 23:14:23 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jan 14 10:41:46 2022 +0000
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
 void ButtonB_isr();                                                             //
 void sw2_isr();                                                                 //
 void menu_timer_isr();                                                          //
+void OnStartup();                                                               // 
+void Run();                                                                     // 
+void ConstantMonitoring();                                                      //   
 int main()
@@ -76,27 +79,8 @@
     lcd.setContrast(0.5);                                                       // change set contrast in range 0.0 to 1.0
-    char buffer[14];                                                            // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14)
-        lcd.clear();                                                            // clear buffer at start of every loop
-        lcd.printString("Smart Cold",0,0);                                      // can directly print strings at specified co-ordinates (must be less than 84 pixels to fit on display)
-        lcd.printString("Storage",0,1);                                         // Just a welcome message before auto moving to main menu
-        lcd.printString("Monitoring",0,2);
-        lcd.printString("",0,2);                                                // Blank Line
-        lcd.printString("V1.0 - 2021",0,4);
-        lcd.printString("David Leaming",0,5);
-        lcd.refresh();                                                          // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
-        wait(5.0);                                                              // leave welcome screen on for designated amount of time
-        lcd.clear();                                                            // clear buffer at start of every loop
-        lcd.refresh();                                                          // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
-        lcd.printString("Use Joystick",0,0);                                    // Instruction for use of menu
-        lcd.printString("To Navigate",0,1);
-        lcd.printString("",0,2);                                                // Blank Line
-        lcd.printString("A = Select",0,3);  
-        lcd.refresh();                                                          // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings
-        wait(5.0);  
-    MainMenu();                                                                 //
+    OnStartup();                                                                //    
+    Run();                                                                      //
@@ -146,54 +130,220 @@
 void menu_timer_isr()
-    g_menu_timer_flag = 1;                                                           // set flag in ISR
+    g_menu_timer_flag = 1;                                                      // set flag in ISR
+void OnStartup()                                                                //Run some start up display 
+    lcd.clear();                                                                // clear buffer at start of every loop
+    lcd.printString("Smart Cold",0,0);                                          // can directly print strings at specified co-ordinates (must be less than 84 pixels to fit on display)
+    lcd.printString("Storage",0,1);                                             // Just a welcome message before auto moving to main menu
+    lcd.printString("Monitoring",0,2);
+    lcd.printString("",0,2);                                                    // Blank Line
+    lcd.printString("V1.0 - 2021",0,4);
+    lcd.printString("David Leaming",0,5);
+    lcd.refresh();                                                              // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
+    wait(5.0);                                                                  // leave welcome screen on for designated amount of time
+    lcd.clear();                                                                // clear buffer at start of every loop
+    lcd.refresh();                                                              // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings 
+    lcd.printString("Use Joystick",0,0);                                        // Instruction for use of menu
+    lcd.printString("To Navigate",0,1);
+    lcd.printString("",0,2);                                                    // Blank Line
+    lcd.printString("A = Select",0,3);  
+    lcd.refresh();                                                              // need to refresh display after setting pixels or writing strings
+    wait(5.0);  
-void MainMenu()
+enum EMenuState                                                                 //An enum controlling the current state of the display.
+    MENUSTATE_Main,
+    MENUSTATE_Monitor,
+    MENUSTATE_OneOff,
+    MENUSTATE_About,
+    MENUSTATTE_Num,                                                             // This is a special enum value that just gives is a way to get the number of elements in the enum.
+void Run()
-    while(1) {
-        if (g_menu_timer_flag){
+    int MenuState;    
+    int SelectedItem = 0;
+    int NumMenuItems = 1;
+    while(1){
+        if (g_menu_timer_flag){         
             g_menu_timer_flag = 0;
+            bool bAButtonWasPressed = g_ButtonA_flag;                           // Get the value of the input flags and reset them
+            bool bBButtonWasPressed = g_ButtonB_flag;           
+            g_ButtonA_flag = 0;
+            g_ButtonB_flag = 0;
             lcd.clear();                                                        // clear buffer at start of every loop
-            joystick.init();                                                    // initialise joystick
-            lcd.printString("---- MENU ----",0,0);                              // can directly print strings at specified co-ordinates (must be less than 84 pixels to fit on display)
-            lcd.printString("M1 - Monitor",0,1);                                // 
-            lcd.printString("M2 - One-off",0,2);                                //
-            lcd.printString("About",0,3);                                       //
-            lcd.refresh();                                                      //
+            int NewMenuState = MENUSTATTE_Num;                                  // The new menu we want to transition to, if any.
+            switch(MenuState)                                                   // Update and Draw whichever menu we're on.
+            {                   
+                case MENUSTATE_Main:
+                {
+                    NumMenuItems = 3;                                           // Dont for get to set this when changing number of items in the menu. We need this to wrap the selection around properly etc.
+                    if(SelectedItem >= NumMenuItems)
+                    {
+                        SelectedItem = 0;                                       // Something has gone wrong, reset selected item.
+                    }
+                    lcd.printString("---- MENU ----",0,0);
+                    lcd.printString("M1 - Monitor",0,1);
+                    lcd.printString("M2 - One-off",0,2);
+                    lcd.printString("About",0,3);
+                    if(bAButtonWasPressed)                                      // If A was pressed then we transition to the selected screen.
+                    {
+                        if(SelectedItem == 0)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Monitor;
+                        }
+                        else if(SelectedItem == 1)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_OneOff;
+                        }
+                        else if(SelectedItem == 2)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_About;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;      
+                case MENUSTATE_Monitor:
+                {
+                    NumMenuItems = 1;                                           // Dont for get to set this when changing number of items in the menu. We need this to wrap the selection around properly etc.
+                    if(SelectedItem >= NumMenuItems)
+                    {
+                        NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                          // Something has gone wrong, drop back to the main menu.
+                    }
+                    lcd.printString("-- Monitor --",0,0);
+                    lcd.printString("Back",0,1);                    
+                    //TODO: Whatever the monitor screen should display...
+                    if(bAButtonWasPressed)
+                    {
+                        if(SelectedItem == 0)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;      
+                case MENUSTATE_OneOff:
+                {
+                    NumMenuItems = 1;                                           //TOVEY: Dont for get to set this when changing number of items in the menu. We need this to wrap the selection around properly etc.
+                    if(SelectedItem >= NumMenuItems)
+                    {
+                        NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                          //Something has gone wrong, drop back to the main menu.
+                    }
+                    lcd.printString("-- One-off --",0,0);
+                    lcd.printString("Back",0,1);                    
+                    //TODO: Whatever the One-off screen should display...
+                    if(bAButtonWasPressed)
+                    {
+                        if(SelectedItem == 0)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;
+                        }
+                    }                   
+                }
+                break;      
+                case MENUSTATE_About:
+                {
+                    NumMenuItems = 1;                                           // Dont for get to set this when changing number of items in the menu. We need this to wrap the selection around properly etc.
+                    if(SelectedItem >= NumMenuItems)
+                    {
+                        NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                          // Something has gone wrong, drop back to the main menu.
+                    }
+                    lcd.printString("-- About --",0,0);
+                    lcd.printString("Back",0,1);                    
+                    //TODO: Whatever the about screen should display...
+                    if(bAButtonWasPressed)
+                    {
+                        if(SelectedItem == 0)
+                        {
+                            NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                default:
+                {
+                    NewMenuState = MENUSTATE_Main;                              // Something has gone wrong, drop back to the main menu.
+                }
+            };
-            switch (joystick.get_direction())  {                                // Call to check direction joystick is pointing
-                    printf("Direction = %i\n");                                 //
-                case N:                                                         //
-                option--;                                                       //
-                break;                                                          //
-                case S:                                                         //
-                option++;                                                       //
-                break;                                                          //
-            }
-            if (option < 0)  {                                                  // If last/bottom menu item is selcted and user presses joystick down
-                option = 2;                                                     // Selection circle to move to first/top menu option
-            }
-            if (option < 2)  {                                                  // If first/top menu item is selcted and user presses joystick up
-                option = 0;                                                     // Selection circle to move to last/bottom menu option
+            if(NewMenuState != MENUSTATTE_Num)                                  // If we have requested a new menu state.
+            {
+                printf("Transitioning to MenuState: %i\n", NewMenuState);       //
+                MenuState = NewMenuState;                                       // We want to transition the menu to a new state.
+                                                                                // Do any bookkeeping needed when moving to new state.
+                SelectedItem = 0;                                               // Reset the selected item.   
+                lcd.clear();                                                    // Clear the display for one frame on state transition.
+            }                                                                   // Could do something else like invert colour etc here.
+            else
+            {
+                                                                                                                // If we have not selected to move to a new menu.
+                unsigned int SelectionMarkerRadius = 4       ;                                                  // Draw a marker circle at end of line to show which is the currently selected item.
+                unsigned int SelectionMarkerX = WIDTH - (2 * SelectionMarkerRadius);
+                unsigned int SelectionMarkerY = (HEIGHT / 5) * (SelectedItem + 1);                              //+1 because of the menu title.
+                lcd.drawCircle(SelectionMarkerX, SelectionMarkerY, SelectionMarkerRadius, FILL_BLACK);                                                             
+                                                                                // Handle Joystick Input
+                switch (joystick.get_direction())  {                            // Call to check direction joystick is pointing
+                        printf("Direction = %i\n");                             //
+                    case N:                                                     //
+                    SelectedItem--;                                             //
+                    break;                                                      //
+                    case S:                                                     //
+                    SelectedItem++;                                             //
+                    break;                                                      //
+                }
+                if(SelectedItem < 0)                                            //Wrap the selection around to the start/end of the menu if it goes below 0 or above NumMenuItems.
+                {                   
+                    SelectedItem = NumMenuItems - 1;
+                }
+                else if(SelectedItem >= NumMenuItems)
+                {
+                    SelectedItem = 0;
+                }
-            if (option == 1) {                                                  //
-                lcd.drawCircle (55,20,2,0);                                     //
-            }    
-            if (option == 2) {                                                  //
-                lcd.drawCircle (35,35,2,0);                                     //
-            }
-            if (option == 3) {                                                  //
-                lcd.drawCircle (20,50,2,0);                                     //
-            }                                             
+            lcd.refresh();                                                      //Finally update the display.
+        }
+    }       
 void ConstantMonitoring()              
+    char buffer[14];                                                            // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14)
     while (1) {
         lcd.normalMode();                                                       // normal colour mode
@@ -225,5 +375,5 @@
-    }
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