

RevisionDateWhoCommit message
45:f1db729741f7 2022-02-04 sesa514652 Submission default tip
44:5d8fab3e055f 2022-02-04 sesa514652 Loop counts to 100 for ease of demo
43:c58a59e081eb 2022-02-04 sesa514652 After wand
42:960c132136d9 2022-02-04 sesa514652 BEFORE WAND
41:16cd48d6e834 2022-02-04 sesa514652 More Voids;
40:0d55297c8b34 2022-02-03 sesa514652 more functions
39:a31b49f3e65e 2022-02-03 sesa514652 Object recognition working and in separate menu
38:71cfbdd2076d 2022-02-02 sesa514652 commenting out unused code object recognition getting close
37:323ec7d23454 2022-02-02 sesa514652 Array getting Compared with Deadband.
36:3e975536e8d7 2022-02-01 sesa514652 Compare array working, to find a suitbale home for it to be called upon request located in y isr jut now
35:36c7605dda06 2022-02-01 sesa514652 Changes to the way in what data is stored in array
34:dfe7f5799582 2022-01-29 sesa514652 Commented out
33:3717bc4e2fa8 2022-01-29 sesa514652 Using For for loop and if statement for the logic, previous if's can be removed .. comment out
32:9c206f993cf5 2022-01-28 sesa514652 Cases added
31:91a3c61d33e6 2022-01-28 sesa514652 Scan Void creations
30:9d39318ef584 2022-01-28 sesa514652 changing wait time to try to get more accurate scans ;
29:1aef0ecf9840 2022-01-28 sesa514652 if statement in
28:aab0aa846cf6 2022-01-26 sesa514652 Tidy up of code comments included.
27:d48bf4e8f1a0 2022-01-25 sesa514652 BAck to main menu after scan. to get logic working
26:8826ed43fad2 2022-01-24 sesa514652 Scan Over 5 array complete data being logged to create logic to input now.; Printf works withh all 5 *5 scans
25:9798017b837d 2022-01-23 sesa514652 Sensor Reading and filling array, To get the Change ironed out the get the scan working off a button press.
24:a88c4941a25e 2022-01-21 sesa514652 Checking if statement for scans, problem with data which is input .. try with scan
23:f72175fb49ed 2022-01-19 sesa514652 Putting data into array, created function for the collection checking prints out values seems to work ok
22:82b01fdfc61f 2022-01-18 sesa514652 Addition of cin,cout, and if statement to simulate sensor reads to try to begin object recognition
21:2e37f80e8b5b 2022-01-18 sesa514652 Working further with arrays and trying get information stored within array
20:4e1f2917a857 2022-01-17 sesa514652 Added Arrays to store data
19:32f9fc794ef8 2022-01-16 sesa514652 Delete off many old code, switch in while loop working as expected now
18:bb36d96142dd 2022-01-15 sesa514652 Attempting to have the Sensor read due to the button being pressed.
17:dee80717e423 2022-01-15 sesa514652 trying with FSM in main while 1;
16:2646c1c4e62e 2022-01-13 sesa514652 Switch in while loop,
15:234321e80678 2022-01-13 sesa514652 Start of menu,
14:2eddfd5fc1ce 2022-01-13 sesa514652 Commit Moving back to revision were de-bounce is issue but other functions work
13:034ffa96643d 2022-01-08 sesa514652 Using Pin detect to rid de-bouncing issue -- This causes the Error to reoccur with the Printf / LCD
12:ceea378d5691 2022-01-08 sesa514652 Counter for pressing working - To get rid of the button denouncing
11:1dec05b7d1c1 2022-01-07 sesa514652 Button Pressing now recorded on Screen No error thanks to event
10:42e70b596099 2022-01-07 sesa514652 Button Press recording on screen, to make this action occur instantly
9:cdd7d9a123f9 2022-01-06 sesa514652 Interrupt causing issues when button is pressed
8:770d168713cc 2022-01-06 sesa514652 Button's included to complete testing of interrupt for user input
7:ce70a873aa70 2022-01-06 sesa514652 String working, Addition of class type to code
6:f7f30e0e3bed 2022-01-05 sesa514652 Testing with structs to work out string struct;
5:9b2c976ca318 2022-01-05 sesa514652 Formatting
4:167ce930c9d5 2022-01-05 sesa514652 Added first user created function saving for POC to be able to use later
3:6ecb75a2675c 2021-12-16 sesa514652 Piezo double beep
2:bb3dbda4d1f5 2021-12-16 sesa514652 piezo included
1:757728321abd 2021-12-16 sesa514652 reading distance
0:1f799c7cce2b 2021-12-16 sesa514652 Screen and US combined code