IoT test for the CORE-1000

Dependencies:   mbed Nucleo_IoT LCDLib HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library

Dependents:   Nucleo_IoT

diff -r 000000000000 -r 11e5a993a331 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 10 08:24:44 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "ultrasonic.h"
+#include "ledControl.h"
+#define led_cmd     1
+#define buzzer_cmd  2
+#define motor_cmd   3
+#define ON          1
+#define OFF         0
+void buzzer();
+void RGB_LED(void);
+void analog_sen();
+void digital_sen();
+void PIR_sen();
+void PSD_sen();
+int dht_read(void);
+void dth11();
+//void dist(int distance);
+void ultrasonic_sensor();
+void DC_motor(void);
+void callback();        // uart receive
+void sensordata(void);
+void dist(int distance)
+    //put code here to happen when the distance is changed
+    printf("Distance %dmm\r\n", distance);
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+// buzzer
+DigitalOut mybuzzer(PC_4); 
+// led
+DigitalOut myled [4] = { PC_9, PB_2, PC_2, PC_3};  
+// switch
+DigitalIn mysw[4] = {PC_10,PC_11, PC_12, PA_13 }; 
+PwmOut mypwmR(PB_5);
+PwmOut mypwmG(PB_3);
+PwmOut mypwmB(PA_10);
+// 2x16 Text LCD 
+TextLCD lcd(PC_6,PC_8,PC_5,PC_0,PB_7,PC_13,PB_12);
+// analog sensor
+AnalogIn analog_value(PC_1);
+// digital sensor
+DigitalIn Sensor_DIN(PA_6);
+// PIR sensor 
+DigitalIn pir(PD_2);
+// PSD sensor
+AnalogIn psd(PB_0);   
+// DHT11 
+#define DHTLIB_OK                0
+Timer tmr;
+DigitalInOut data_pin(PB_10);
+//ultra sonic 
+ultrasonic mu(PC_7, PA_9, .1, 1, &dist);    //Set the trigger pin to D8 and the echo pin to D9 have updates every .1 seconds and a timeout after 1 second, and call dist when the distance changes
+//DC motor
+DigitalOut mo_in1(PB_14);
+DigitalOut mo_in2(PB_15);
+DigitalOut mo_en(PB_1);
+char buffer[17];
+int humidity;
+int temperature;
+float analog_meas; // analog sensor input data 
+char din_dect;      // digital sensor input data
+char pir_dect;      // pir sensor detect
+float psd_meas;     // psd sensor data
+//long dist_cal;      // psd sensor distance
+//int distance;
+// serial comm
+Serial pi(PA_11, PA_12);
+bool receive_flag = 0;
+unsigned int buf_cnt = 0;
+char uartBuff[1000];
+char uartRcev[1000];
+char sensor_data[6];
+int main(void)
+    lcd.gotoxy(1,1);
+    lcd.printf("Core-1000");
+    lcd.gotoxy(1,2);
+    lcd.printf("IoT Practice");
+    buzzer();
+    pi.baud(115200);
+    pi.attach(&callback);
+    while (1) 
+    {
+        if(receive_flag == 1)   // pi -> nucleo cmd 
+        {
+            printf("%d %d \n\r", uartRcev[0], uartRcev[1]);
+            // receive command -- actuators
+            if(uartRcev[0] == led_cmd) // RGB LED ON/OFF
+            {
+                if(uartRcev[1] == ON) // RGB ON
+                {
+                    mypwmR.period_ms(10);
+                    mypwmR.pulsewidth_ms(5);
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                    led = !led;
+                    mypwmR.pulsewidth_ms(0);
+                }
+            }
+            if(uartRcev[0] == buzzer_cmd) // Buzzer ON/OFF
+            {
+                if(uartRcev[1] == ON) // buzzer ON
+                {
+                    mybuzzer = 1; 
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                    mybuzzer = 0; 
+                }
+            }
+            if(uartRcev[0] == motor_cmd) // Motor ON/OFF
+            {
+                if(uartRcev[1] == ON) // motor ON
+                {
+                    mo_in1 = 0;
+                    mo_in2 = 1;
+                    mo_en = 1;  
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                    mo_in1 = 0;
+                    mo_in2 = 0;
+                    mo_en = 0;  
+                }
+            }
+            receive_flag = 0;
+        }
+        sensordata();
+        wait(1);
+        // send sensor data
+    } 
+void sensordata(void)
+    char analog_val[10];
+    int analog;
+    analog_sen();   //analog_meas
+    digital_sen();   //din_dect
+    PIR_sen();      //pir_dect
+//  PSD_sen();      //psd_meas
+    dht_read();     //humidity, temperature
+//  ultrasonic_sensor();   //distance
+    analog = analog_meas;   // float -> int
+    analog_val[0] = (char)(analog >> 8);
+    analog_val[1] = (char)(analog);
+    pi.putc(analog_val[0]);
+    pi.putc(analog_val[1]);
+    pi.putc(din_dect);
+    pi.putc(pir_dect);
+    pi.putc(temperature);
+    pi.putc(humidity);
+//    printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\r\n", analog_val[0], analog_val[1], din_dect, pir_dect, temperature, humidity);  // analog, digital, pir, temp, humi // use windows debug 
+void callback() {
+    char buf = 0;
+    myled[0] =1;
+    buf = pi.getc();
+    uartBuff[buf_cnt] = buf;
+    if(uartBuff[buf_cnt] == '\r' )
+    {
+        //printf("%c", buf);
+        uartBuff[buf_cnt+1] = 0;
+        memcpy(uartRcev,uartBuff,sizeof(uartRcev) );
+        memset(uartBuff,0,sizeof(uartBuff));
+        buf_cnt = 0;
+        receive_flag = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        buf_cnt++;
+    }
+// sensors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void analog_sen()
+        analog_meas =; // Converts and read the analog input value (value from 0.0 to 1.0)
+        analog_meas = analog_meas * 3300; // Change the value to be in the 0 to 3300 range
+        //data char type --> send 
+//        printf("measure = %.0f mV\n\r", analog_meas);
+void digital_sen()
+        if (Sensor_DIN == 0)    din_dect = 1; // detected 
+        else                    din_dect = 0; // not detected           
+void PIR_sen()
+    if(pir)
+    {
+        pir_dect = 1; 
+        wait(0.25);
+    }
+    else    pir_dect = 0;       
+void PSD_sen()
+    psd_meas =; // Converts and read the analog input value (value from 0.0 to 1.0)
+    //psd_meas = psd_meas * 3300; // Change the value to be in the 0 to 3300 range
+    psd_meas = (psd_meas * 3300); 
+// DHT11 Library
+int dht_read(void){
+    uint8_t bits[5];
+    uint8_t cnt = 7;
+    uint8_t idx = 0;
+    tmr.stop();
+    tmr.reset();
+    for(int i=0; i< 5; i++) bits[i] = 0;
+    data_pin.output();
+    data_pin.write(0);
+    wait_ms(18);
+    data_pin.write(1);
+    wait_us(40);
+    data_pin.input();
+    unsigned int loopCnt = 10000;
+    while(!!loopCnt--)return DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+    loopCnt = 10000;
+    while(!loopCnt--)return DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+    for(int i=0; i<40; i++){      
+        loopCnt = 10000;      
+        while(! == 0)return DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+        //unsigned long t = micros();
+        tmr.start();
+        loopCnt = 10000;    
+        while(!loopCnt--)return DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
+        if(tmr.read_us() > 40) bits[idx] |= (1 << cnt);    
+        tmr.stop();
+        tmr.reset();      
+        if(cnt == 0){   // next byte?     
+            cnt = 7;    // restart at MSB
+            idx++;      // next byte!       
+        }else cnt--;   
+    }
+    // as bits[1] and bits[3] are allways zero they are omitted in formulas.
+    humidity    = bits[0]; 
+    temperature = bits[2]; 
+    uint8_t sum = bits[0] + bits[2];  
+    if(bits[4] != sum)return DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM;  
+    return DHTLIB_OK;
+void dth11()
+        if(!dht_read())
+        {
+            printf("Hum %2d%%  Tmp %2dc\n\r", humidity, temperature);
+            wait(0.5);  
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            printf("Sensor Error !!!\n\r");
+        }        
+void ultrasonic_sensor()
+    mu.startUpdates();//start mesuring the distance
+    //Do something else here
+    mu.checkDistance();     //call checkDistance() as much as possible, as this is where the class checks if dist needs to be called.
+// actuators  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void buzzer()
+    mybuzzer = 1; // LED is ON
+    wait(0.2); // 200 ms
+    mybuzzer = 0; // LED is OFF
+    wait(1.0); // 1 sec
+void RGB_LED(void)
+    mypwmR.period_ms(10);
+    mypwmR.pulsewidth_ms(5);
+    wait(1);
+    mypwmR.pulsewidth_ms(0);
+    mypwmG.period_ms(10);
+    mypwmG.pulsewidth_ms(5);
+    wait(1);
+    mypwmG.pulsewidth_ms(0);
+    mypwmB.period_ms(10);
+    mypwmB.pulsewidth_ms(5);
+    wait(1);
+    mypwmB.pulsewidth_ms(0);     
+void DC_motor(void)
+      mo_in1 = 0;
+      mo_in2 = 1;
+      mo_en = 1;  
+      wait_ms( 2000 );
+      mo_en = 0; 
+      wait_ms( 2000 );
+      mo_in1 = 1;
+      mo_in2 = 0;
+      mo_en = 1; 
+      wait_ms( 2000 );
+      mo_en = 0; 
+      wait_ms( 2000 );
\ No newline at end of file