Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of LED2 by Charlie Bailey

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BAILEY_CWS.cpp	Thu Oct 29 11:14:56 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+/*Charlie Bailey
+ Hild Bede*/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ADXL362.h"
+/* This program fetches samples from the AXDL362 and prints the readings in various formats. */
+/* Serial device declaration */
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); // serial tx, rx
+ADXL362 adxl362(p11, p12, p13, p10);  /* Accelerometer (mosi, miso, sclk, cs) */
+DigitalOut led1(LED1); /* LED1 */
+DigitalOut led2(LED2); /* LED2 */
+DigitalOut led3(LED3); /* LED3 */
+DigitalOut led4(LED4); /* LED4 */
+/* Main loop */
+int main()
+float meanx=0, meany=0, meanz=0, stddevx=0, stddevy=0, stddevz=0, sumvarx=0, sumvary=0, sumvarz=0, variancex=0, variancey=0, variancez =0;
+float xval[100]; /* array to store readings */
+float yval[100];
+float zval[100];
+int8_t xdata, ydata, zdata;
+float max_valx, max_valy, max_valz, min_valx, min_valy, min_valz, sumx, sumy, sumz;
+int N=10;
+float T=0.1;
+float L=60;
+int i;
+	int user_cmd; /* User command is stored in this variable */
+	pc.printf("\n\nThis program analyses readings from an accelerometer.");
+	adxl362.init_spi();/* set up SPI interface */
+	adxl362.init_adxl362();/* Set up accelerometer */
+	wait(0.1);/* wait 100ms for accelerometer to initialise */
+	while(1) 
+	{ 
+		/* Print a simple menu */ 
+		pc.printf("\nMenu for anaysing accelerometer readings\n"); 
+		pc.printf("1: Take Readings\n"); 
+		pc.printf("2: Display maximum and minimum values\n"); 
+		pc.printf("3: Display mean values\n"); 
+		pc.printf("4: Display standard deviation of values\n"); 
+		pc.printf("5: Change sample rate \n"); 
+		pc.printf("6: Illuminate LEDs when acceleration exceeds your chosen value \n"); 
+		pc.printf("7: Exit Program\n"); 
+		pc.printf("Command: "); 
+		pc.scanf("%i",&user_cmd); /* Get command from PuTTY terminal */
+		/* Process user command */ 
+		switch(user_cmd) 
+		{ 
+			case(1):
+				pc.printf("Chose number of readings: "); 
+				pc.scanf("%i",&N); /*takes user input */
+				pc.printf("Taking %i readings...\n",N);
+				for (i=0;i<100;i=i+1) /* clears all arrays */
+				{
+				xval[i]=0;
+				yval[i]=0;
+				zval[i]=0;
+				}
+				{
+				max_valx=-1000;
+				max_valy=-1000;
+				max_valz=-1000;
+				min_valx=1000;
+				min_valy=1000;
+				min_valz=1000;
+				sumx=0;
+				sumy=0;
+				sumz=0;
+				}
+				for(i=0;i<N;i=i+1)
+				{ 
+					{
+					adxl362.ACC_GetXYZ8(&xdata, &ydata, &zdata);/* fetch readings */
+					xval[i]=float(xdata); /*store x reading */
+					yval[i]=float(ydata); /*store y reading */
+					zval[i]=float(zdata); /*store z reading */
+					pc.printf("Reading no. %i\t\t x= %i\t\t y= %i\t\t z= %i\n",i+1 ,xdata, ydata, zdata);/* print X-reading */
+					if(max_valx<xval[i])max_valx=xdata;/* update x maximum if necessary */
+					if(max_valy<yval[i])max_valy=ydata;/* update y maximum if necessary */						
+					if(max_valz<zval[i])max_valz=zdata;/* update z maximum if necessary */
+					if(min_valx>xval[i])min_valx=xdata;/* update x minimum if necessary */
+					if(min_valy>yval[i])min_valy=ydata;/* update y minimum if necessary */
+					if(min_valz>zval[i])min_valz=zdata;/* update z minimum if necessary */
+					{
+					sumx = sumx + xval[i];		/* sums all values */
+					sumy = sumy + yval[i];					
+					sumz = sumz + zval[i];
+					}
+					{
+					meanx = sumx/N; /*calcualtes means of values*/
+					meany = sumy/N;
+					meanz = sumz/N;
+					}
+					wait(T);/* wait some period of time before next sample */
+					}
+				}
+					for(i=0;i<N;i=i+1) /* sums to allow calculation of standard deviation later */
+					{
+					sumvarx = sumvarx + (xval[i]-meanx)*(xval[i]-meanx) ;
+					sumvary = sumvary + (yval[i]-meany)*(yval[i]-meany) ; 					
+					sumvarz = sumvarz + (zval[i]-meanz)*(zval[i]-meanz) ; 			
+					}
+				break;
+			case(2): 
+				pc.printf("Maximum and minimum values are:\n"); /* prints maximum and minimum x and y values*/
+				{ 
+					pc.printf("Maximum x reading was %+04f\n",max_valx);/* print max x result */
+					pc.printf("Maximum y reading was %+04f\n",max_valy);/* print max y result */
+					pc.printf("Maximum z reading was %+04f\n",max_valz);/* print max z result */
+					pc.printf("Minimum x reading was %+04f\n",min_valx);/* print min x result */
+					pc.printf("Minimum y reading was %+04f\n",min_valy);/* print min y result */
+					pc.printf("Minimum z reading was %+04f\n",min_valz);/* print min z result */
+				} 
+				break;
+			case(3): 
+				pc.printf("Mean values are:\n"); /* prints mean values */
+				{ 
+					pc.printf("Mean of x values was %+04f\n",meanx);/* print mean of x values */
+					pc.printf("Mean of y values was %+04f\n",meany);/* print mean of y values */
+					pc.printf("Mean of z values was %+04f\n",meanz);/* print mean of z values */	
+				} 
+				break;
+			case(4): 
+				pc.printf("Calculating standard deviation...\n"); /* calcuates standard deviation */
+					{
+					variancex = sumvarx/(N-1);
+					variancey = sumvary/(N-1);
+					variancez = sumvarz/(N-1);
+					}
+					{
+					stddevx = sqrt( variancex );
+					stddevy = sqrt( variancey );
+					stddevz = sqrt( variancez );
+					}
+				{ 
+				pc.printf("Standard deviation of x values: %+04f\n",stddevx);/* print mean of x values */
+				pc.printf("Standard deviation of y values: %+04f\n",stddevy);/* print mean of y values */
+				pc.printf("Standard deviation of z values: %+04f\n",stddevz);/* print mean of z values */			
+				} 
+				break;
+			case(5): 
+				pc.printf("Choose sample rate (readings/s), T: \n"); /*allows user to change sample rate*/
+				pc.scanf("%f",&T); /*takes users input*/
+				pc.printf("You chose to take one sample every %f seconds\n",T);
+				break;
+			case(6): 
+				pc.printf("Chose threshold value:\n"); /*allows user to change threshold value*/
+				pc.scanf("%f",&L);
+				pc.printf("You chose %f as your threshold acceleration. \n",L);
+				while (2)
+				{
+					adxl362.ACC_GetXYZ8(&xdata, &ydata, &zdata);/* fetch readings */
+					/* Set LEDs depending upon a threshold value of acceleration */ 
+					if(xdata>=L) 
+					{ 
+						led1=1; 
+					} 
+					else 
+					{
+					led1=0; 
+					}
+					if(ydata>=L) 
+					{ 
+						led2=1; 
+					} 
+					else 
+					{
+					led2=0; 
+					}
+					if(zdata>=L) 
+					{ 
+						led3=1; 
+					} 
+					else 
+					{
+					led3=0; 
+					}
+					wait(T);/* wait some period of time before next sample */
+				}
+				break;
+			case(7): 
+				pc.printf("Program stopping...\n"); 
+				return(0); /* Return from main, ending the program */ 
+				break;
+			default: 
+				pc.printf("Error, invalid command...\n"); 
+		} 
+	}
+return(0);/* normal exit */
+	}