needs more commenting, log file errors, LED feedback

Dependencies:   ARCH_GPRS_V2_HW Blinker GPRSInterface HTTPClient_GPRS RTC_WorkingLibrary SDFileSystem USBDevice mbed

Fork of finalv2 by Cellular building monitoring

diff -r 77d82c39b97c -r 0ec6c4c22623 finalCodev3.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/finalCodev3.cpp	Tue May 05 19:53:49 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+//SEED Team 20 Final Code draft 1 4/16/15
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "ARCH_GPRS_V2_HW.h"
+#include "HTTPClient.h"
+#include "GPRSInterface.h"
+#include "Blinker.h"
+#include "DHT.h"
+#include "i2c_uart.h"
+#include "ARCH_GPRS_Sleep.h"
+#include "ds1307.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+#include <string>
+//Arch GPRS v2 SIM900 pins
+#define PIN_TX                  P1_27
+#define PIN_RX                  P1_26
+#define SDA    P0_5
+#define SCL    P0_4 
+#define BROADCAST_TIME            300 //time between sending data [sec]  
+USBSerial pc;
+//LED Blink
+DigitalOut line11(P0_9);
+DigitalOut line13(P0_2);
+DigitalOut line14(P1_28);
+Blinker yellowLED(LED1), redLED(LED2), greenLED(LED3), blueLED(LED4);
+//USBSerial pc;
+SDFileSystem sd(P1_22, P1_21, P1_20, P1_23, "sd"); // the pinout on the /Arch GPRS v2 mbed board.
+char filename[60];
+DS1307 rtc(SDA,SCL);
+int sec, minute, hours, day, date, month, year;
+char timestamp[17];
+//variables for reading data from SD card
+char APIKey[17];
+char sensors[3][5];
+char sensorBuff[5];
+int tempField, humField, lightField;
+int field1, field2, field3;
+int numSensors;
+bool tempSensorflag=false, lightSensorflag=false, SomeotherSensorflag=false;
+//GPRS setup
+GPRSInterface gprs(PIN_TX,PIN_RX,115200,"internetd.gdsp",NULL,NULL);
+HTTPClient http;
+char* thingSpeakUrl = "";
+char urlBuffer[256];
+char str[1024];
+//char errorR[1024];
+string errorR;
+//DHT sensor(P1_14,SEN51035P);
+DHT sensor(P1_14,SEN11301P); //grove connected DHT22
+AnalogIn lightSensor(P0_12); //TEMT6000 sparkfun break out board ambient light sensor
+int tempData,humData, lightData; //variables to hold enviroment
+//method to connect GPRS to the network
+//@return true if successful, false if failed
+bool connectGPRS(void) {
+    iot_hw.init(); // power on SIM900
+    int count = 0;
+    while(false == gprs.connect() && count < 5) {
+        wait(2);
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    if (count != 5) return true; // success!
+    else return false; //failed
+//method to collect temperature and humidity
+//using grove DHT22 sensors connected to P1_14, P1_13
+void getTempHumid(int* tempData,int* humData){
+    int err = 1;
+    int count = 0;
+    iot_hw.grovePwrOn(); // power on grove pins
+    wait(1); // wait 1 second for device stable status
+    while (err != 0 && count < 4) {
+        err = sensor.readData();
+        count += 1;
+        *tempData = sensor.ReadTemperature(FARENHEIT);
+        *humData = sensor.ReadHumidity();  
+        wait(1);
+        } 
+    iot_hw.grovePwrOff();  //power down grove pins  
+//method to collect light level data
+//using TEMT6000 sparkfun breakout board
+void getLightReading(int* lightData)
+        *lightData = lightSensor*1000;
+int ReadFile (void) {    
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);           // All other times open file in append mode
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/config.txt","r");
+    if (fp==NULL) {
+        fclose(fp);
+        return 0;
+    } else if (fp) {        
+        //fscanf(fp,"%16c %d %s %s", APIKey, &numSensors, sensors[0],sensors[1]);
+        fscanf(fp,"%16c",APIKey);
+//        pc.printf("APIKEY= %s\r\n",APIKey);
+        fscanf(fp,"%d",&numSensors);
+//        pc.printf("number of sensors = %d \r\n",numSensors);
+        for (int i = 0; i<numSensors;i=i+1) {
+            fscanf(fp,"%s",sensors[i]); 
+            //fscanf(fp,"%s",sensorBuff); 
+            strcpy(sensors[i],sensorBuff);
+            //pc.printf("sensor %d = %s\r\n",i,sensors[i]); 
+        }
+        fclose(fp);
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        fclose(fp);
+        return 0;
+    }
+bool stringComparison (const char *string1, const char *string2) {
+  int count = 0;
+  while (string1[count] != 0) {
+    if (string1[count] != string2[count])
+      return false;
+    count++;
+  }
+  return true;
+//method to send 1 field of data to ThingsSpeak
+//blinks green 5 times if successful
+//blinks red 5 times if get statement fails
+//blinks red 10 times if fails to connectGPRS
+void sendData1(int sensor1Data, int field1)
+    if (connectGPRS() == true) { //connect is success
+        urlBuffer[0] = 0;
+        sprintf(urlBuffer, "%s?key=%s&field%d=%d", thingSpeakUrl, APIKey, field1, sensor1Data); //create url 
+        HTTPResult res = http.get(urlBuffer, str,128); //send get request
+        if (res != HTTP_OK) redLED.blink(5);           //get statement failed blink red 5 times
+        else greenLED.blink(5);                        //get statement success blink green 5 times
+        iot_hw.init_io();                              //power down SIM900
+    } else { //failed to connectGPRS
+        redLED.blink(10); //blink red 10 times
+        iot_hw.init_io(); //power down SIM900
+    }
+//method to send 2 field of data to ThingsSpeak
+void sendData2(int sensor1Data, int field1, int sensor2Data, int field2)
+    if (connectGPRS() == true) {
+        urlBuffer[0] = 0;
+        sprintf(urlBuffer, "%s?key=%s&field%d=%d&field%d=%d", thingSpeakUrl, APIKey, field1, sensor1Data, field2, sensor2Data); //create url
+        HTTPResult res = http.get(urlBuffer, str,128); //send get request
+        if (res != HTTP_OK) redLED.blink(5); //get statement failed blink red 5 times
+        else greenLED.blink(5); //get statement success bink green 5 times
+        iot_hw.init_io(); //power down SIM900
+    } else {
+        redLED.blink(10); //blink red 10 times
+        iot_hw.init_io(); //power down SIM900
+    }
+//method to send 3 field of data to ThingsSpeak
+void sendData3(int sensor1Data, int field1, int sensor2Data, int field2, int sensor3Data, int field3)
+    if (connectGPRS() == true) {
+        urlBuffer[0] = 0;
+        sprintf(urlBuffer, "%s?key=%s&field%d=%d&field%d=%d&field%d=%d", thingSpeakUrl, APIKey, field1, sensor1Data, field2, sensor2Data, field3, sensor3Data); //create url to send
+        HTTPResult res = http.get(urlBuffer, str,128); //send get request
+        if (res != HTTP_OK) redLED.blink(5); //get statement failed blink red 5 times
+        else greenLED.blink(5); //get statemnet success blink green 5 times
+        iot_hw.init_io(); //power down SIM900
+    } else {
+        redLED.blink(10); //blink red 10 times
+        iot_hw.init_io(); //power down SIM900
+    }
+//void errorWrite(const char* errorReport) {
+void errorWrite(string errorReport) {
+    rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year); //get time from RTC
+    sprintf(timestamp,"20%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", year, month, date, hours, minute, sec); // create timmestamp
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/ErrorLog.txt","a");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        blueLED.blink(10); //no sd card blink blue 10 times
+    } else {
+        //pc.printf("%s: %s \r\n",timestamp,errorReport);
+        fprintf(fp,"%s: %s \r\n",timestamp,errorReport); 
+        fclose(fp);
+        blueLED.blink(5);
+    }
+//writes data to SDcard for 1 field
+//if no SDcard blink blue 10 times 
+void sdWrite1(int sensor1Data)
+    rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year); //get time from RTC
+    sprintf(timestamp,"20%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", year, month, date, hours, minute, sec); //create time stamp
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/node1.csv","a");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        blueLED.blink(10); //no sd Card blink Blue 10 times 
+    } else {
+        fprintf(fp,"%s, %d \r\n",timestamp,sensor1Data); //write time stamp and data to microSD
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+//writes data to SDcard for 2 fields
+//if no SDcard blink blue 10 times 
+void sdWrite2(int sensor1Data, int sensor2Data)
+    rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year); //get time from RTC
+    sprintf(timestamp,"20%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", year, month, date, hours, minute, sec); //create timestamp
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/node1.csv","a");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        blueLED.blink(10); //no sd Card blink blue 10 times
+    } else {
+        fprintf(fp,"%s, %d, %d\r\n",timestamp, sensor1Data, sensor2Data); //write timestamp+data to SD
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+//writes data to SDcard for 3 fields
+//if no SDcard blink blue 10 times 
+void sdWrite3(int sensor1Data, int sensor2Data,int sensor3Data)
+    rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year); //get time from RTC
+    sprintf(timestamp,"20%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", year, month, date, hours, minute, sec); //create timestamp
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/node1.csv","a");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        blueLED.blink(10); //no sd card blink blue 10 times
+    } else {
+        fprintf(fp,"%s, %d, %d, %d\r\n",timestamp, sensor1Data, sensor2Data, sensor3Data); //write timestamp+data to sd
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+int main() {
+    wdt_sleep.wdtClkSetup(WDTCLK_SRC_IRC_OSC); //set up sleep
+    //test of breadboard
+//    while (1) {
+//        //rtc test
+//        errorR="Test rtc";
+//        rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year);
+//        sprintf(timestamp,"20%.2d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", year, month, date, hours, minute, sec);
+//        pc.printf("%s: %s\r\n",timestamp,errorR);
+//        //rgb test
+//        int n=5;
+//        int t=1;
+//        pc.printf("line11 blink\r\n");
+//        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+//            line11 = 1;
+//            wait(t);
+//            line11 = 0;
+//            wait(t);
+//        }
+//        pc.printf("line13 blink\r\n");
+//        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+//            line13 = 1;
+//            wait(t);
+//            line13 = 0;
+//            wait(t);
+//        }
+//        pc.printf("line11 blink\r\n");
+//        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+//            line14 = 1;
+//            wait(t);
+//            line14 = 0;
+//            wait(t);
+//        }
+//        //light sensor test
+//        getLightReading(&lightData);
+//        pc.printf("light reading: %d \r\n",lightData);
+//        wait(15);
+//    }
+    //read SD card
+    while (ReadFile()==0) {
+        wait(5);
+        redLED.blink(10);
+    }
+    greenLED.blink(10);
+    //identify sensors and find order of fields
+    int field=1;
+    for (int i=0;i<numSensors;i=i+1) {
+        if (stringComparison(sensors[i],"temp")==true) {
+            tempSensorflag=true;
+            tempField=field;
+            humField=field+1;
+            field=field+1;
+        } else if (stringComparison(sensors[i],"light")==true) {
+            lightSensorflag=true;
+            lightField=field;
+        } else if (stringComparison(sensors[i],"some other sensor")==true) {
+            SomeotherSensorflag=true;
+        }
+        field=field+1;
+    }
+    //set up CSV file
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    rtc.gettime( &sec, &minute, &hours, &day, &date, &month, &year);
+    sprintf(filename,"/sd/DataLog_20%.2d.%.2d.%.2d_%.2d.%.2d.csv",year, month, date, hours, minute);
+    FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"a");
+    if (fp == NULL) {
+        //no sd card
+        redLED.blink(10);
+    } else {
+        //print header
+        fprintf(fp,"Timestamp, sensor1, sensor2 \r\n");
+        fclose(fp);
+        blueLED.blink(5);
+    }
+    //Debug Mode
+    for (int dd=0;dd<30;dd=dd+1) {
+        if (numSensors == 3) {
+            } else if (numSensors ==2) {
+                if (tempSensorflag==true) {
+                    if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                        getLightReading(&lightData);
+                        getTempHumid(&tempData,&humData);
+                        sendData3(tempData,tempField,humData,humField,lightData,lightField);
+                        sdWrite3(tempData,humData,lightData);
+                    } else if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) { 
+                    }  
+                } else if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                    if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) {
+                        getLightReading(&lightData);
+                    }
+                }   
+            } else {
+                if (tempSensorflag==true) {
+                    getTempHumid(&tempData,&humData);
+                    sendData2(tempData,tempField,humData,humField);
+                    sdWrite2(tempData,humData);
+                } else if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                    getLightReading(&lightData);
+                    sendData1(lightData,lightField);
+                    sdWrite1(lightData);
+                } else if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) {
+                }
+            }
+            wait(30);
+        }
+    //normal mode
+    while (1) {
+        if (numSensors == 3) {
+        } else if (numSensors ==2) {
+            if (tempSensorflag==true) {
+                if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                    getLightReading(&lightData);
+                    getTempHumid(&tempData,&humData);
+                    sendData3(tempData,tempField,humData,humField,lightData,lightField);
+                    sdWrite3(tempData,humData,lightData);
+                } else if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) { 
+                }  
+            } else if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) {
+                    getLightReading(&lightData);
+                }
+            }   
+        } else {
+            if (tempSensorflag==true) {
+                getTempHumid(&tempData,&humData);
+                sendData2(tempData,tempField,humData,humField);
+                sdWrite2(tempData,humData);
+            } else if (lightSensorflag==true) {
+                getLightReading(&lightData);
+                sendData1(lightData,lightField);
+                sdWrite1(lightData);
+            } else if (SomeotherSensorflag==true) {
+            }
+        }
+        wdt_sleep.sleep(BROADCAST_TIME);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file