AS3935 Lightning sensor library

Dependents:   zeus

Fork of AS3935 by valentin spanu

include the mbed library with this snippet

#include "mbed.h"
#include "AS3935.h"

 // frdm-kl25z sd card connections for spi1 
 // ------------------------------------------------
 // Header -- kl25z -- SD/MMC          
 // J2-20  -- PTE1  -- MOSI
 // J9-13  -- PTE4  -- CS
 // J2-14  -- GND   -- Vss (GND) 
 // J9-9   -- PTE2  -- SCK
 // J9-11  -- PTE3  -- MISO
AS3935 ld(PTE1, PTE3, PTE2, PTE4, "ld", 100000); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS, SPI bus freq (hz) 
InterruptIn IntLightning(PTA12); //IRQ AS3935
DigitalOut led1(LED_RED);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

void DetectLightning()
    char OriginInt;
    OriginInt = ld.interruptSource();
    if (OriginInt == 1) { //
        pc.printf(" Noise level too high\r\n");
    if (OriginInt == 4) { //
        pc.printf(" Disturber\r\n");
    if (OriginInt == 8) { // detection
        // pc.printf(" Lightning detection\r\n");
        pc.printf(" Lightning detection, distance=%dkm\r\n", ld.lightningDistanceKm());


int main() {
    pc.printf("\r\nstart lightning detector\r\n");
    ld.setTuneCap(5); // 500kHz
    int MinBlysk = ld.getMinimumLightnings();
    int Noise = ld.getNoiseFloor();
    int TuneCap = ld.getTuneCap();
    int SpikeRej = ld.getSpikeRejection();
    int WatchDog = ld.getWatchdogThreshold();
    pc.printf(" Min wylad: %i", MinBlysk);
    pc.printf(" Noise: %i", Noise);
    pc.printf(" Tune CAP: %i", TuneCap);
    pc.printf(" Spike rej: %i", SpikeRej);
    pc.printf(" Watchdog: %i", WatchDog);
    while(1) {
        led1 = ! led1;

Revisions of AS3935.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
15:afbf7ba667e7 2015-12-14 Read energy registers per the data sheet. File  Diff  Annotate
12:ac6ba62a31c6 2015-06-24 Tune the antenna before calibrating the RCO per the data sheet. The calibrateRCO() method was modified to not overwrite the value of the tuning capacitor from the antenna tune method. File  Diff  Annotate
11:ee2e7a573227 2015-06-24 Store all configuration register values and firmware version to config_data.csv file at startup. Delete obsolete code. File  Diff  Annotate
10:bf33e2946bab 2015-06-23 Add method for reading energy of lightning strike. Add energy data to the log file. Remove call to powerUp() since this was only setting outdoor mode which was done elsewhere. File  Diff  Annotate
9:19a323b1c508 2015-06-18 Update calibrate RCO method. Measure the TRC oscillator. File  Diff  Annotate
8:60e1b6b39e1c 2015-06-17 Merge with tuneAntenna() method. File  Diff  Annotate
7:0d2586164d5b 2015-06-17 Add tuneAntenna() method to the as3935 class. File  Diff  Annotate
6:c9b9e7d3bced 2015-06-16 add routine to get gain setting; change value for indoor setting File  Diff  Annotate
5:28311803e23d 2015-06-15 add init sequence obtained from acurite; File  Diff  Annotate
4:ab1f1b65468b 2015-06-15 Add functions from the as3935 demo source code File  Diff  Annotate
3:c536a9aa2a1c 2015-06-11 fix spi bus frequency init File  Diff  Annotate
2:3b3b435ca8d9 2015-06-11 code cleanup File  Diff  Annotate
1:f2d9ed33c276 2015-06-11 Convert AS3935 library to SPI File  Diff  Annotate
0:346c723cac97 2014-04-05 First release File  Diff  Annotate