cansat program1
Dependencies: ADXL345 BME280 HMC5883L ITG3200 MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library XBee agzIDLIST cansat mbed
Fork of Cansat_program4_1 by
- Committer:
- s1200058
- Date:
- 2015-08-10
- Revision:
- 11:19091694455e
- Parent:
- 10:ce253d8a5f2c
- Child:
- 12:5724d4a57a4c
File content as of revision 11:19091694455e:
/**********************************************/ //更新情報 /**********************************************/ #include "mbed.h" #include "XBee.h" #include "MBed_Adafruit_GPS.h" //#include "AigamozuControlPackets.h" #include "agzIDLIST.h" #include "aigamozuSetting.h" #include "HMC5883L.h" #include "VNH5019.h" #include "cansat.h" #include "math.h" #include "BME280.h" #define SIGMA_MIN 0.0001 #define STOP 0 //compass initial #define CAL 1 //compass calibration #define RUN 2 //compass run ///////////////////////////////////////// // //Pin Setting // ///////////////////////////////////////// VNH5019 agz_motorShield(p21,p22,p23,p24,p25,p26); ///////////////////////////////////////// // //Connection Setting // ///////////////////////////////////////// //Serial Connect Setting: PC <--> mbed Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //Serial Connect Setting: GPS <--> mbed Serial * gps_Serial; //Serial Connect Setting: XBEE <--> mbed XBee xbee(p13,p14); ZBRxResponse zbRx = ZBRxResponse(); // compass HMC5883L compass(p9, p10); //set up GPS module //set up AigamozuControlPackets library //AigamozuControlPackets agz(agz_motorShield); CanSat cansat(agz_motorShield); //set up for tempratures... #if defined(TARGET_LPC1768) BME280 sensor(p9, p10); #else BME280 sensor(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); #endif DigitalIn short_in(p29); DigitalOut short_out(p30); DigitalInOut nic(p5); ///////////////////////////////////////// // //For Compass data // ///////////////////////////////////////// Ticker compass_interrupt; double heading0 = 0.0; double heading1 = 0.0; double heading2 = 0.0; double heading3 = 0.0; double headingLPF = 0.0; double initHeading; double tgtHeading; double preHeading = 0.0; int maxX, minX, maxY, minY; const int ofsX = -122; //calibration x const int ofsY = -137; //calibration y int16_t raw[3]; ///////////////////////////////////////// // //For Kalman data // ///////////////////////////////////////// #define FIRST_S2_1 1.0e-8 #define FIRST_S2_2 1.0e-6 #define COUNTER_MAX 10000 #define ERROR_RANGE 0.001 double x_cur,x_prev,y_cur,y_prev;//緯度と経度の時刻tと時刻t-1での推定値 double s2x_cur=FIRST_S2_1,s2x_prev=FIRST_S2_1,s2y_cur=FIRST_S2_1,s2y_prev=FIRST_S2_1;//緯度経度のの時刻tと時刻t-1での共分散 double s2_R=FIRST_S2_2;//GPSセンサの分散 double s2_Q=FIRST_S2_2; double Kx=0,Ky=0;//カルマンゲイン double zx,zy;//観測値 void Kalman(double Latitude,double Longitude); int change = 0; int mode = 2; //ロボットのモード double target_x = 37.52260177176629,target_y = 139.93881346945034; double goal_Pressure, goal_Temperature,goal_Humidity; //地表地点の気圧、気温、湿度 Timer sep_Timer; const int sep_Time = 30000; //seperate time in ms int fall_flag = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////// // //Kalman Processing // ///////////////////////////////////////// void calc_Kalman(){ //calc Kalman gain Kx = (s2x_prev+s2_Q)/(s2x_prev+s2_R+s2_Q); Ky = (s2y_prev+s2_Q)/(s2y_prev+s2_R+s2_Q); //estimate x_cur = x_prev + Kx*(zx-x_prev); y_cur = y_prev + Ky*(zy-y_prev); //calc sigma s2x_cur = (1-Kx)*(s2x_prev+s2_Q); s2y_cur = (1-Ky)*(s2y_prev+s2_Q); } void Kalman(double Latitude,double Longitude){ zx = Latitude; zy = Longitude; calc_Kalman(); //更新 x_prev = x_cur; y_prev = y_cur; s2x_prev = s2x_cur; s2y_prev = s2y_cur; //robotK\x,robotK_yに格納する cansat.set_robotKalman_x(x_cur); cansat.set_robotKalman_y(y_cur); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // //Get GPS function // ///////////////////////////////////////// void Get_GPS(Adafruit_GPS *myGPS){ static int flag = 0; if (myGPS->fix) { cansat.nowStatus = GPS_AVAIL; cansat.set_robot_x((double)myGPS->latitudeH + (double)(myGPS->latitudeL / 10000.0)); cansat.set_robot_y((double)myGPS->longitudeH +(double)(myGPS->longitudeL / 10000.0)); if(flag < COUNTER_MAX){ flag++; } if(flag == 5){ x_prev = cansat.get_robot_x(); y_prev = cansat.get_robot_y(); } if(flag >= 6){ if(abs(x_prev - cansat.get_robot_x()) < ERROR_RANGE && abs(y_prev - cansat.get_robot_y()) < ERROR_RANGE){ Kalman(cansat.get_robot_x(), cansat.get_robot_y()); change = 1; } else{ change = 0; } //printf("%.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14lf %.14le %.14le \n", //agz.get_agzPoint_lati(),agz.get_agzPoint_longi(), //agz.get_agzPointKalman_lati(),agz.get_agzPointKalman_longi(), //agz.get_agzCov_lati(),agz.get_agzCov_longi()); } } else cansat.nowStatus = GPS_UNAVAIL; } //ロボットの動き方 char robot_Action(int robot_angle, int target_angle) { int n, t, r; t = target_angle; r = robot_angle; n = r - t; if(n<0) n *= -1; if(t==r) { //前進 return 'f'; } else if(n < 4) { if(t > r) t -= 8; else r -= 8; if(r-t > 0) return 'l'; else return 'r'; } else if(n >= 4) { if(t > r) t -= 8; else r -= 8; if(r-t > 0) return 'r'; else return 'l'; } return 'b'; } //対象とロボットの角度 double robot_compass(double robot_x, double robot_y) { double angle = 0; if(robot_x==0&&robot_y>0) return 0; else if(robot_x>0&&robot_y==0) //東 return 90; else if(robot_x==0&&robot_y<0) //南 return 180; else if(robot_x<0&&robot_y==0) //西 return 270; else if(robot_x>=0&&robot_y>=0) { //北東 if(robot_x<=robot_y) angle = atan2(robot_x, robot_y); else angle = (M_PI/2) - atan2(robot_y, robot_x); return angle * 180.0 / M_PI; } else if(robot_x>=0&&robot_y<0) { //南東 if(robot_x>abs(robot_y)){ angle = (M_PI/2) - atan2(abs(robot_y), robot_x); } else{ angle = atan2(abs(robot_y), robot_x); } return angle * 180.0 / M_PI + 90; } else if(robot_x<0&&robot_y<0) { //南西 if(abs(robot_x)<abs(robot_y)){ angle = atan2(abs(robot_x), abs(robot_y)); } else{ angle = (M_PI/2) - atan2(abs(robot_y), abs(robot_x)); } return angle * 180.0 / M_PI + 180; } else if(robot_x<0&&robot_y>=0) { //北西 if(abs(robot_x)>robot_y){ angle = (M_PI/2) - atan2(robot_y, abs(robot_x)); } else{ angle = atan2(abs(robot_x), robot_y); } return 360 - angle * 180.0 / M_PI; } return -1; } int calc_angle(double c){ if(c > 337.5 ||(c >=0 && c < 22.5)) return 0; else if(c >= 22.5 && c < 67.5) return 1; else if(c >= 67.5 && c < 112.5) return 2; else if(c >= 112.5 && c < 157.5) return 3; else if(c >= 157.5 && c < 202.5) return 4; else if(c >= 202.5 && c < 247.5) return 5; else if(c >= 247.5 && c < 292.5) return 6; else if(c >= 292.5 && c < 337.5) return 7; else return 8; } void Compass_intrpt(){ compass.getXYZ(raw); double heading = atan2(static_cast<double>(raw[2]-ofsY), static_cast<double>(raw[0]-ofsX)); //y=raw[2] if(heading < 0)heading += 2*M_PI; if(heading > 2*M_PI)heading -= 2*M_PI; heading3 = heading2; heading2 = heading1; heading1 = heading0; heading0 = heading; headingLPF = (heading0 + heading1 + heading2 + heading3)/4; //low pass filter headingLPF = headingLPF * 180.0 / M_PI; // pc.printf("heading=%f\r\n",headingLPF); cansat.set_compass(raw[0], raw[2], raw[1], headingLPF); cansat.set_robot_angle(calc_angle(headingLPF)); } /****************************** スタンバイモード ******************************/ void standby(){ cansat.control_Motor(1, cansat.get_speed()); if(short_in == 0){ mode = 1; } } /****************************** 落下モード ******************************/ void falling(){ cansat.set_temperature(sensor.getTemperature()); cansat.set_pressure(sensor.getPressure()); cansat.set_humidity(sensor.getHumidity()); if(cansat.get_pressure() >= goal_Pressure){ if(fall_flag == 0){ nic = 1; fall_flag = 1; sep_Timer.reset(); } if(sep_Timer.read_ms() >= sep_Time){ mode = 2; nic = 0; } } } /****************************** 走行モード ******************************/ void running(){ double r = 6378.137; double y1 = cansat.get_target_y(); double y2 = cansat.get_robot_y(); double x1 = cansat.get_target_x(); double x2 = cansat.get_robot_x(); double dx = x2 - x1; cansat.set_target_distance(r*acos(sin(y1)*sin(y2)+cos(y1)*cos(y2)*cos(dx))); if(cansat.get_target_distance() < 10) cansat.set_speed(32); else if(cansat.get_target_distance() < 20 && cansat.get_target_distance() > 10) cansat.set_speed(64); else cansat.set_speed(128); if(cansat.get_compass_z() < 0) { //ひっくり返っている cansat.control_Motor(0, cansat.get_speed()); } else { switch(robot_Action(cansat.get_robot_angle(), cansat.get_target_angle())) { case 'f': //前進 cansat.control_Motor(0, cansat.get_speed()); break; case 'l': cansat.control_Motor(2, cansat.get_speed()); break; case 'r': cansat.control_Motor(3, cansat.get_speed()); break; } } if(cansat.get_target_distance() <= 1){ mode = 100; } } /****************************** 停止モード ******************************/ void stopping(){ cansat.control_Motor(0, cansat.get_speed()); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // //Main Processing // ///////////////////////////////////////// int main() { //start up time wait(3); //set pc frequency to 57600bps pc.baud(PC_BAUD_RATE); //set xbee frequency to 57600bps xbee.begin(XBEE_BAUD_RATE); //Compass setting compass.init(); //GPS setting gps_Serial = new Serial(p28,p27); Adafruit_GPS myGPS(gps_Serial); Timer refresh_Timer; const int refresh_Time = 1000; //refresh time in ms int count = 0; myGPS.begin(GPS_BAUD_RATE); //GPS Send Command myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY); myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ); myGPS.sendCommand(PGCMD_ANTENNA); wait_ms(2000); //interrupt start refresh_Timer.start(); cansat.set_target(target_x, target_y); wait_ms(10000); compass_interrupt.attach(&Compass_intrpt, 0.5); printf("start\n"); // int mode = -1; short_out = 1; //ショートピンの出力:high nic.output(); nic = 0; int log = 0; while (true) { switch(mode){ //スタートモード:パラシュートが開くまではこのモードを実行 case -1: standby(); break; //落下モード:落下時はこのモード。気圧計または、時間でロボットとパラシュートを分離する case 1: falling(); break; //走行モード:ターゲットにむかって走行を行う case 2: running(); break; //停止モード:ターゲット case 100: stopping(); break; } /* while(1){ printf("compass x : %i, compass y : %i, compass z : %i\n", raw[0], raw[1], raw[2]); printf("set compass x : %i, set compass y : %i, set compass z : %i\n", cansat.get_compass_x(), cansat.get_compass_y(), cansat.get_compass_z()); printf("compass angle : %f\n", headingLPF); printf("set compass angle : %f\n", cansat.get_compass_angle()); printf("robot angle : %d\n", calc_angle(headingLPF)); printf("set robot angle : %d\n", cansat.get_robot_angle()); } */; //recive gps module //check if we recieved a new message from GPS, if so, attempt to parse it, if ( myGPS.newNMEAreceived() ) { if ( !myGPS.parse(myGPS.lastNMEA()) ) { continue; } else{ count++; } } //一定時間ごとに自分のGPSデータを取得し、AigamozuControlPacketsないのagzPointとagzPointKalmanに格納する if (refresh_Timer.read_ms() >= refresh_Time) { refresh_Timer.reset(); //print_gps(count); Get_GPS(&myGPS); log++; pc.printf("%d times, x:%f, y:%f, speed:%d\n", log, cansat.get_robot_x(), cansat.get_robot_y(), cansat.get_speed()); pc.printf("moter command: %c\n", cansat.motor_command); pc.printf("robot_angle:%d, target_angle:%d, robot_compass:%f, %04.2f hPa\n",cansat.get_robot_angle(), cansat.get_target_angle(), cansat.get_compass_z(), cansat.get_pressure()); } } }