MARMEX_VB test application program. This application works on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only. This application expects to have the MARMEX_VB module on a "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard (slot2) with MARMEX_OB module (on slot1)

Dependencies:   MARMEX_VB NokiaLCD mbed

This is the library test program.
The program can test features of the library (refer to MARMEX-VB's API document) and can save captured data into BMP file.


This test program can run on "mbed NXP LPC1768" only.

Picture : sample of test program operation
The modules of MARMEX-VB and MARMEX-OB are set on the "MAPLE mini type-B (MARM03-BASE)" baseboard.
The image data from camera is mirrored and alpha graphics added by software.



File content as of revision 7:125538c50c22:

/** MARMEX_OB OLED screen drawing library
 *  @class   MARMEX_OB_oled
 *  @author  tedd
 *  @version 0.54 (optimized for "line data transfer")
 *  @date    19-Jun-2014
 *  Released under the MIT License:
 *  MARMEX_OB_oled OLED screen drawing library for mbed
 *  This code has been written based on sample code and advises
 *    from Ochiai-san (Marutsu-Elec). Thank you!
 *  SPI mode:
 *    9bit or 8bit SPI mode can be selected by disabling/enabling "#define MARMEX_OB_SPI_8BIT_MODE".
 *    See source code in this (MARMEX_OB_oled.h) file.


#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "NokiaLCD.h"

 *  MARMEX_OB_oled_oled OLED screen SPI access length setting
 *  Enabling "MARMEX_OB_SPI_8BIT_MODE" makes 9bit SPI access by 8bit * 2 times.
 *  This may be useful if other 8bit access SPI device on same SPI bus.
 *  If disabled (just coment out the "#define MARMEX_OB_SPI_8BIT_MODE"), SPI access willbe done by 9 bit format.

/** MARMEX_OB_oled OLED screen drawing class
 *  This is a driver code for MARMEX_OB_oled board OLED screen.
 *  This class inherits NokiaLCD class of
 *  To use this class, import the NokiaLCD class from here..
 *  Example:
 *  @code
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "MARMEX_OB_oled.h"
 * //  oled1 is for MARMEX_OB_oled board on MAPLE slot 1
 * //  oled2 is for MARMEX_OB_oled board on MAPLE slot 2
 * //MARMEX_OB_oled   oled1( p5, p7,  p8, p30, p11 ); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, power_control
 * MARMEX_OB_oled   oled2( p5, p7, p26, p21, p17 ); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, power_control
 * int main() {
 *     oled2.background( 0x000000 );
 *     oled2.cls();
 *     for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
 *         oled2.fill(  (MARMEX_OB_oled::WIDTH / 8) * i,  0,  (MARMEX_OB_oled::WIDTH / 8),  128, ((i & 0x4) ? 0xFF0000 : 0x000000) | ((i & 0x2) ? 0x00FF00 : 0x000000) |((i & 0x1) ? 0x0000FF : 0x000000) );
 *     oled2.fill(  50,  50,  64,  64, 0xCCCCCC );
 *     oled2.locate( 0, 3 );
 *     oled2.printf( "Hello World!" );
 *     oled2.locate( 0, 4 );
 *     oled2.printf( "SPI = %s", MERMEX_OB_SPI_MODE_STR );
 *     for (int i = 0; i < MARMEX_OB_oled::WIDTH; i++ ) {
 *         oled2.pixel( i, 80 + sin( (float)i / 5.0 ) * 10, 0x000000 );
 *     }
 * }
 *  @endcode

class MARMEX_OB_oled : public NokiaLCD


    /** General parameters for MARMEX_OB_oled */
    enum  {
        ROWS          = 15,         /**< # of rows (lines) for displaying characters  */
        COLS          = 16,         /**< # of columns (width) for displaying characters  */
        WIDTH         = 128,        /**< screen width [pixels]  */
        HEIGHT        = 128,        /**< screen height [pixels]  */
        SPI_FREQUENCY = 12000000    /**< SPI (sclk) SPI_FREQUENCY  */

    /** Constants for power() function */
    enum  {
        OFF   = 0,  /**< : to turning-OFF  */
        ON          /**< : to turning-ON   */

    /** Create a MARMEX_OB_oled object connected to specified SPI and DigitalOut pins
     *  @param mosi SPI-MOSI pin (for MAPLE board, use p5)
     *  @param sclk SPI-SCLK pin (for MAPLE board, use p8)
     *  @param cs   chip select signal (for MAPLE board, use p8(slot1), p26(slot2))
     *  @param rst  reset signal (for MAPLE board, use p30(slot1), p21(slot2))
     *  @param power_pin backlight power control signal (for MAPLE board, use p11(slot1), p17(slot2))
     *  Example of MARMEX_OB_oled on MAPLE board:
     *  @code
     *  #include "mbed.h"
     *  #include "MARMEX_OB_oled.h"
     *  MARMEX_OB_oled   oled_on_maple_slot1( p5, p7,  p8, p30, p11 ); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, power_control
     *  MARMEX_OB_oled   oled_on_maple_slot2( p5, p7, p26, p21, p17 ); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, power_control
     *  ...
     *  ..
     *  @endcode

    MARMEX_OB_oled( PinName mosi, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName rst, PinName power_pin ) : NokiaLCD( mosi, sclk, cs, rst, NokiaLCD::LCD6100 ), _power_pin( power_pin ) {
        power( ON );

    /** Write a character to the LCD
     * @param c The character to write to the display
    int putc( int c );

    /** Write a formated string to the LCD
     * @param format A printf-style format string, followed by the
     *               variables to use in formating the string.
     *  !!! 16th character in the string will be disappeared
     *  !!! This problem is due to difference of screen size NokiaLCD library and its internal mechanism...
    int printf( const char* format, ... );

    /** Set the foreground colour
     * @param c 24-bit colour
    void foreground(int c);

    /** Set the background colour
     * @param c 24-bit colour
    void background(int c);


    /** reset MARMEX_OB_oled
     *  Executes hardware reset and initialize.
     *  See MARMEX_OB_oled manual for the initialization sequence and values
     *  For gamma correction table, using math function to make the code simple

    void reset( void ) {

#define GAMMA_LUT_SIZE 63
        unsigned char    gamma_LUT[ GAMMA_LUT_SIZE ];

        for ( int i = 0; i < GAMMA_LUT_SIZE; i++ )
            gamma_LUT[ i ]  = (unsigned char)(powf( ((float)i / 62.0), (1.0 / 0.58) ) * 178.0 + 2.0);

        // setup the SPI interface and bring display out of reset
        _cs = 1;
        _rst = 0;
        _spi.format( 8 );
        _spi.format( 9 );

        _spi.frequency( SPI_FREQUENCY );
        wait_ms( 1 );
        _rst = 1;
        wait_ms( 1 );

        _cs = 0;

        command( SET_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL_OFF );
        command( SET_COMMAND_LOCK );
        data( 0x12 );

        command( SET_COMMAND_LOCK );
        data( 0xb1 );

        command( SET_SLEEP_MODE_ON );

        command( FRONT_CLOCK_DRIVER_OSC_FREQ );
        data( 0xF1 );

        command( SET_MUX_RATIO );
        data( 0x7F );

        command( SET_DISPAY_OFFSET );
        data( 0x00 );

        command( SET_DISPAY_START_LINE );
        data( 0x00 );

        command( SET_REMAP_COLOR_DEPTH );
        data( 0x74 );

        command( SET_GPIO );
        data( 0x00);

        command( FUNCTION_SELECTION );
        data( 0x01 );

        command( SET_SEGMENT_LOW_VOLTAGE );
        data( 0xA0 );
        data( 0xB5 );
        data( 0x55 );

        data( 0xC8 );
        data( 0x80 );
        data( 0xC8 );

        data( 0x0F );

        for ( int i = 0; i < GAMMA_LUT_SIZE; i++ )
            data(  gamma_LUT[ i ] );

        command( SET_RESET_PRECHARGE_PERIOD );
        data( 0x32 );

        data( 0x04 );
        data( 0x00 );
        data( 0x00 );

        command( SET_PRECHARGE_VOLTAGE );
        data( 0x17 );

        data( 0x01 );

        command( SET_VCOMH_VOLTAGE );
        data( 0x05 );

        command( SET_DISPLAY_MODE_RESET );

#if 0
        command( SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS );
        data( 0x00 );
        data( 0x7F );

        command( SET_ROW_ADDRESS );
        data( 0x00 );
        data( 0x7F);

        command( WRITE_RAM_COMMAND );
        for ( int i = 0; i < WIDTH * HEIGHT; i++ )
            data( 0x00 );
        _cs = 1;

        wait_ms( 200 );

        command( SET_SLEEP_MODE_OFF );

    /** Clear the screen and locate to 0,0 */

    void cls( void ) {
        fill( 0, 0, WIDTH , HEIGHT, _background );
        _row = 0;
        _column = 0;

    /** Set a pixel on te screen
     * @param x horizontal position from left
     * @param y vertical position from top
     * @param colour 24-bit colour in format 0x00RRGGBB

    virtual void pixel( int x, int y, int colour ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _window( x, y, 1, 1 );
        _putp( colour );
        _cs = 1;

    /** Fill an area of the screen
     * @param x horizontal position from left
     * @param y vertical position from top
     * @param width width in pixels
     * @param height height in pixels
     * @param colour 24-bit colour in format 0x00RRGGBB

    void fill( int x, int y, int width, int height, int colour ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _window( x, y, width, height );

        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++ ) {
            _putp( colour );

        _window( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
        _cs = 1;

    void blit( int x, int y, int width, int height, const int* colour ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _window( x, y, width, height );

        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++ ) {
            _putp( colour[i] );
        _window( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );
        _cs = 1;

    void blit565( int x, int y, int width, int height, short* colour ) {
        _window( x, y, width, height );


        _cs = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i += 8 ) {
            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

            _spi.write( 0x100 | (*colour >> 8) );
            _spi.write( 0x100 | *colour++ );

        _cs = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++ ) {
            _putp565( colour[i] );

        _cs = 1;
        _window( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );

    void blit565_SPI_FIFO_WRITE( int x, int y, int width, int height, short* colour ) {
        _window( x, y, width, height );

#define FIFO_DEPTH  4

#ifdef  TARGET_MBED_LPC1768

#ifdef  TARGET_LPC11U35_501

#ifdef  TARGET_LPC11U24_401

        char                dummy;
        int                 n;
        int                 length;

        length      = width * height;

        _cs = 0;

        for(n = (FIFO_DEPTH >> 1); n > 0; n--) {
            SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR = (*colour >> 8) | 0x100;
            SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR = ((*colour++) & 0xFF) | 0x100;

        do {
            while (!(SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->SR & 0x4));
            dummy   = SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR;

            if (n < length - (FIFO_DEPTH >> 1))
                SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR = (*colour >> 8) | 0x100;

            while (!(SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->SR & 0x4));
            dummy   = SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR;

            if (n++ < length - (FIFO_DEPTH >> 1))
                SPI_PORT_SELECTOR->DR = ((*colour++) & 0xFF) | 0x100;

        } while(n < length);

        _cs = 1;
        _window( 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT );

    void bitblit( int x, int y, int width, int height, const char* bitstream ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _window( x, y, width, height );

        for (int i = 0; i < height * width; i++ ) {
            int byte = i / 8;
            int bit = i % 8;
            int colour = ((bitstream[ byte ] << bit) & 0x80) ? _foreground : _background;
            _putp( colour );
        _window( 0, 0, _width, _height );
        _cs = 1;

    /** Screen width
     *  @return screen width [pixel]
    int width() {
        return WIDTH;

    /** Screen height
     *  @return screen height [pixel]
    int height() {
        return HEIGHT;
    /** Columns
     *  @return screen columns
    int columns() {
        return COLS;

    /** Rows
     *  @return screen rows
    int rows() {
        return ROWS;

    /** Power switch for OLED backlight
     * @param sw argument can be MARMEX_OB_oled::ON or MARMEX_OB_oled::OFF

    void power( unsigned char sw ) {
        _power_pin  = sw;

    /** Command list for the OLED controller */
    enum {
        SET_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL_OFF                = 0xA4,
        SET_COMMAND_LOCK                        = 0xFD,
        SET_SLEEP_MODE_ON                       = 0xAE,
        FRONT_CLOCK_DRIVER_OSC_FREQ             = 0xB3,
        SET_MUX_RATIO                           = 0xCA,
        SET_DISPAY_OFFSET                       = 0xA2,
        SET_DISPAY_START_LINE                   = 0xA1,
        SET_REMAP_COLOR_DEPTH                   = 0xA0,
        SET_GPIO                                = 0xB5,
        FUNCTION_SELECTION                      = 0xAB,
        SET_SEGMENT_LOW_VOLTAGE                 = 0xB4,
        SET_RESET_PRECHARGE_PERIOD              = 0xB1,
        SET_PRECHARGE_VOLTAGE                   = 0xBB,
        SET_SECOND_PRECHARGE_VOLTAGE            = 0xB6,
        SET_VCOMH_VOLTAGE                       = 0xBE,
        SET_DISPLAY_MODE_RESET                  = 0xA6,
        SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS                      = 0x15,
        SET_ROW_ADDRESS                         = 0x75,
        WRITE_RAM_COMMAND                       = 0x5C,
        SET_SLEEP_MODE_OFF                      = 0xAF

    void command( int value ) {
        int tmp = value & 0x00ff;
        _cs = 0;
        _spi.write( tmp >> 1 );
        _spi.write( tmp << 7 );
        _cs = 1;

    void data( int value ) {
        int tmp  = value & 0x00ff;
        tmp |= 0x0100;
        _cs = 0;
        _spi.write( tmp >> 1 );
        _spi.write( tmp << 7 );
        _cs = 1;
    void command( int value ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _spi.write( value & 0xFF );
        _cs = 1;

    void data(int value) {
        _cs = 0;
        _spi.write( value | 0x100 );
        _cs = 1;

    virtual void _window( int x, int y, int width, int height ) {
        int x1 = x + 0;
        int y1 = y + 0;
        int x2 = x1 + width - 1;
        int y2 = y1 + height - 1;

        command( SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS );
        data( x1 );
        data( x2 );
        command( SET_ROW_ADDRESS );
        data( y1 );
        data( y2 );
        command( WRITE_RAM_COMMAND );

    void window( int x, int y, int width, int height ) {
        _cs = 0;
        _window( x, y, width, height );
        _cs = 1;

    virtual void _putp( int colour ) {
        int cnv = 0;

        cnv  = (colour >> 8) & 0xf800;
        cnv |= (colour >> 5) & 0x07e0;
        cnv |= (colour >> 3) & 0x001f;

        data( cnv >> 8);
        data( cnv );
    virtual void _putp565( short colour ) {
        data( colour >> 8);
        data( colour );

    DigitalOut     _power_pin;

#define MERMEX_OB_SPI_MODE_STR  "8bit mode"
#define MERMEX_OB_SPI_MODE_STR  "9bit mode"