MARMEX-VB : "Mary Camera module" library

Dependents:   MARMEX_VB_test MARMEX_VB_Hello

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00001 /** MARMEX_VB Camera control library
00002  *
00003  *  @class   MARMEX_VB
00004  *  @version 0.3
00005  *  @date    16-Jun-2014
00006  *
00007  *  Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 :
00008  *
00009  *  MARMEX_VB Camera control library for mbed
00010  */
00012 #ifndef MBED_MARMEX_VB
00013 #define MBED_MARMEX_VB
00015 /** MARMEX_VB class
00016  *
00017  *  MARMEX_VB camera control library
00018  *  This driver provide controls and data transfer interface for MARMEX_VB
00019  *
00020  *  Example:
00021  *  @code
00022  *
00023  *  #include "mbed.h"
00024  *  #include "MARMEX_OB_oled.h"
00025  *  #include "MARMEX_VB.h"
00026  *
00027  *  MARMEX_OB_oled  oled1( p5, p7,  p20, p16, p15 );            // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, power_control             -- maple-mini-type-b-board-slot1
00028  *  MARMEX_VB       camera( p5, p6, p7, p22, p26, p28, p27 );   // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, reset, I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL  -- maple-mini-type-b-board-slot2
00029  *  BusOut          led( LED3, LED4 );
00030  *
00031  *  #define X_OFFSET        ((MARMEX_VB::PIXEL_PER_LINE - MARMEX_OB_oled::WIDTH ) / 2)
00032  *  #define Y_OFFSET        ((MARMEX_VB::LINE_PER_FRAME - MARMEX_OB_oled::HEIGHT) / 2)
00033  *
00034  *  int main()
00035  *  {
00036  *      led    = 0x3;
00037  *
00038  *      oled1.cls();
00039  *
00040  *      short   buf[ MARMEX_OB_oled::WIDTH ];
00041  *
00042  *      while ( 1 ) {
00043  *
00044  *          led    = 0x1;
00045  *          camera.open_transfer();
00046  *
00047  *          for ( int line = 0; line < 128; line++  ) {
00048  *              camera.read_a_line( buf, line + Y_OFFSET, X_OFFSET, 128 );
00049  *              oled1.blit565( 0, line, 128, 1, buf );
00050  *          }
00051  *
00052  *          camera.close_transfer();
00053  *          led    = 0x2;
00054  *     }
00055  *  }
00056  *  @endcode
00057  */
00062 //#define  DEFAULT_PICTURE_SIZE   VGA
00063 //#define  DEFAULT_PICTURE_SIZE   QVGA
00066 class MARMEX_VB
00067 {
00068 public:
00069     typedef enum  {
00070         QCIF    = 1,            /**< QCIF       */
00071         VGA,                    /**< VGA        */
00072         QVGA,                   /**< QVGA       */
00073         QQVGA,                  /**< QQVGA      */
00074     } CameraResolution ;
00076     typedef enum  {
00077         OFF    = 0,             /**< ON         */
00078         ON,                     /**< OFF        */
00079     } SwitchState ;
00081     /** General parameters for MARMEX_VB */
00082     enum  {
00083         BYTE_PER_PIXEL  = 2,    /**< bytes per pixel  */
00085         QCIF_PIXEL_PER_LINE     = 176,  /**< pixels in a line (QCIF horizontal size)  */
00086         QCIF_LINE_PER_FRAME     = 144,  /**< lines in a frame (QCIF vertical size)    */
00087         VGA_PIXEL_PER_LINE      = 640,  /**< pixels in a line (VGA  horizontal size)  */
00088         VGA_LINE_PER_FRAME      = 480,  /**< lines in a frame (VGA  vertical size)    */
00089     };
00091     /** General parameters for MARMEX_OB_oled */
00092     enum  {
00093         NO_ERROR        = 0     /**< zero  */
00094     };
00096     /** Create a MARMEX_VB instance connected to specified SPI, DigitalOut and I2C pins
00097      *
00098      * @param SPI_mosi   SPI-bus MOSI pin
00099      * @param SPI_miso   SPI-bus MISO pin
00100      * @param SPI_sclk   SPI-bus SCLK pin
00101      * @param SPI_cs     SPI-bus Chip Select pin
00102      * @param cam_reset  Camera reset pin
00103      * @param I2C_sda    I2C-bus SDA pin
00104      * @param I2C_scl    I2C-bus SCL pin
00105      */
00107     MARMEX_VB(
00108         PinName SPI_mosi,
00109         PinName SPI_miso,
00110         PinName SPI_sck,
00111         PinName SPI_cs,
00112         PinName cam_reset,
00113         PinName I2C_sda,
00114         PinName I2C_scl
00115     );
00117     /** Initialization
00118      *
00119      *  Performs MARMEX_VB reset and initializations
00120      *  This function is called from MARMEX_VB constoructor. So user don't have to call in the user code.
00121      *
00122      *  This function takes about 2 seconds because there is 99 times I2C access with 20ms interval.
00123      *
00124      *  @param res   select camera resolution : QCIF(default), VGA, QVGA or QQVGA
00125      */
00126     int init( CameraResolution  res = QCIF );
00128     /** Color bar ON/OFF
00129      *
00130      *  Set colorbar ON/OFF
00131      *
00132      *  @param sw   turn-ON or -OFF colorbar : ON or OFF
00133      */
00134     void colorbar( SwitchState  sw );
00136     /** Get holizontal size
00137      *
00138      *  Returns horizontal image size (pixels)
00139      *
00140      *  @return holizontal size
00141      */
00142     int get_horizontal_size( void );
00144     /** Get vertical size
00145      *
00146      *  Returns vertical image size (pixels)
00147      *
00148      *  @return vertical size
00149      */
00150     int get_vertical_size( void );
00152     /** Check camera availability
00153      *
00154      *  Returns last I2C access result
00155      *  This returns non-zero value if the camera initialization failed
00156      *
00157      *  @return error code in init function (I2C API return value)
00158      */
00159     int ready( void );
00161     /** Open transfer
00162      *
00163      *  Let the MARMEX_VB get ready to transfer the data.
00164      *  When this function is called, the camera will stop updating buffer (on camera board) at end of frame.
00165      *
00166      *  @return error code in init function (I2C API return value)
00167      */
00168     void open_transfer( void );
00170     /** Close transfer
00171      *
00172      *  Letting the MARMEX_VB to know the data transfer done.
00173      *  This function should be called when the data transfer done to resume the buffer update by camera
00174      */
00175     void close_transfer( void );
00177     /** Read one line data
00178      *
00179      *  Reads 1 line data from MARMEX_VB
00180      *  This function should be called when the data transfer done to resume the buffer update by camera
00181      *
00182      * @param *p            pointer to array of short
00183      * @param line_number   to select which line want to read
00184      * @param x_offset      holizontal offset (from left) to start the read
00185      * @param n_of_pixels   pixels to be read
00186      */
00187     void read_a_line( short *p, int line_number, int x_offset, int n_of_pixels );
00189     /** Read order change
00190      *
00191      *  Toggles flag for read order of 2 byte data. 
00192      *
00193      *  @return new status of the read order flag (false = normal / true = swapped)
00194      */
00195     int read_order_change( void );
00197 private:
00198     int     send_spi( char data );
00199     void    write_register( char reg, char value );
00200     int     read_register( char reg );
00201     void    set_address( int address );
00203     SPI         _spi;
00204     DigitalOut  _cs;
00205     DigitalOut  _reset;
00206     I2C         _i2c;
00207     int         _error_state;
00208     int         _horizontal_size;
00209     int         _vertical_size;
00210     int         _read_order_change;
00212 };
00214 #endif  //  MBED_MARMEX_VB