2017年3月,伊豆大島共同打上実験 CORE_缶ロケチーム電装

Dependencies:   MPU6050 MS5607 mbed SDFileSystem

diff -r f73b4beded57 -r cbee1bfdfca7 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Mar 03 05:14:02 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 08 15:50:06 2017 +0000
@@ -43,48 +43,45 @@
 #include "MS5607I2C.h"
 #include "MPU6050.h"
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
-#define ACC_LAUNCH 4//発射判定加速度[g]
-#define DROP_TOP 1.5//頂点判定最低降下量[m]
-#define ALT_CAN 150//缶サット開放高度[m]
-#define TIME_TOP 15//タイマー開放時間[s]
-#define RATE_LOG 10//ログ用
-#define RATE_OPEN 10//開放用
+#define ACC_LAUNCH      4
+#define TOP_DROP_AMOUNT 1.5
+#define ALT_UAV_DROP    150
+#define TIME_REACH_TOP  15
+#define RATE_LOG  10
+#define RATE_OPEN 10
-#define LOCK 0.0005
-#define UNLOCK 0.0015
-#define STANDBY 0
-#define LAUNCH 1
-#define FLIGHT 2
-#define DROP 3
-#define BAN 0
-#define NORMAL 1
-#define SERVO_1 2
-#define SERVO_2 3
-#define MODE 4
-#define DEBUG 5
+#define LOCK      0.0005
+#define UNLOCK    0.0015
+#define STANDBY   0
+#define TEST      1
+#define FLIGHT    2
+#define SETUP     0
+#define LAUNCH    1
+#define RISE      2
+#define DROP      3
-#define P0 1013.25f//海面気圧[hPa]
-#define ACC 4096.0f//加速度オフセット値
+#define P0        1013.25f//海面気圧[hPa]
+#define ACC       4096.0f//加速度オフセット値
-MS5607I2C ms5607(p9, p10, false);
-MPU6050 mpu(p9,p10);
-BusOut myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
-SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd");
-Serial device(USBTX, USBRX);
-PwmOut Door_1_1(p23);
-PwmOut Door_1_2(p24);
-PwmOut Door_2_1(p25);
-PwmOut Door_2_2(p26);
+MS5607I2C     ms5607(p9, p10, false);
+MPU6050       mpu(p9,p10);
+BusOut        myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
+SDFileSystem  sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd");
+Serial        device(USBTX, USBRX);
+PwmOut        Door_1_1(p23);
+PwmOut        Door_1_2(p24);
+PwmOut        Door_2_1(p25);
+PwmOut        Door_2_2(p26);
-Timer timer;
+Timer  timer;
 Ticker loop_log;
 Ticker loop_open;
-bool row = 0;
+bool   row = 0;
 int8_t col = 0;
 float altitude[2][RATE_LOG],pressure[2][RATE_LOG],temperature[2][RATE_LOG];
@@ -92,22 +89,23 @@
 float t[2][RATE_LOG];
 FILE *fp;
-int8_t Phase = STANDBY;
+int8_t Phase = SETUP;
+int8_t Mode  = STANDBY;
-float alt4open[RATE_OPEN],acc4open;
-float alt_max,alt_launch;
-float t_drop,t_top,t_launch;
+float  alt_buff[RATE_OPEN];
+float  alt_max,alt_launch;
+float  t_drop,t_top,t_launch;
 int8_t cnt_judge = 0;
-int8_t col_open = 0;
+int8_t col_open  = 0;
-int8_t Input_mode = NORMAL;
 int8_t input_buff[3] = {};
+int8_t input_cnt = 0;
-void _Open();
-void _Servo(int8_t door_num, float motion);
-void _Log();
-void _Input();
-float _GetAlt(float press, float temp);
+void  _Open();
+void  _Servo(int8_t door_num, float motion);
+void  _Log();
+void  _Input();
+float _Measure_Alt(float press, float temp);
 float _Median(float data[], int num);
@@ -129,16 +127,15 @@
 void _Open(){
    myled = 1 << (Phase-1);
    switch (Phase) {
-      case STANDBY://スタンバイモード(発射判定不可)
-                  // Phase = LAUNCH;
+      case SETUP://セットアップモード(発射判定不可)
       case LAUNCH://点火モード(発射判定可)
-                  acc4open = (float)mpu.getAcceleroRawZ()/(ACC*0.981);
-                  alt4open[col_open] = _GetAlt(ms5607.getPressure()/100,ms5607.getTemperature());
-                  if(acc4open>ACC_LAUNCH){
+                  float acc_buff = (float)mpu.getAcceleroRawZ()/(ACC*0.981);
+                  alt_buff[col_open] = _Measure_Alt(ms5607.getPressure()/100,ms5607.getTemperature());
+                  if(acc_buff>ACC_LAUNCH){
-                         Phase = FLIGHT;
-                         alt_launch = _Median(alt4open, RATE_OPEN);
+                         Phase = RISE;
+                         alt_launch = _Median(alt_buff, RATE_OPEN);
                          cnt_judge = 0;
                      t_launch = timer.read();
@@ -147,10 +144,10 @@
                      if(timer.read()>t_launch+1.0) cnt_judge = 0;
-      case FLIGHT://飛翔中(パラシュート開放判定)
-                  alt4open[col_open] = _GetAlt(ms5607.getPressure()/100,ms5607.getTemperature());
-                  if(alt4open[col_open]>alt_max) alt_max = alt4open[col_open];
-                  if(alt4open[col_open]<alt_max-DROP_TOP){
+      case RISE://上昇中(パラシュート開放判定)
+                  alt_buff[col_open] = _Measure_Alt(ms5607.getPressure()/100,ms5607.getTemperature());
+                  if(alt_buff[col_open]>alt_max) alt_max = alt_buff[col_open];
+                  if(alt_buff[col_open]<alt_max-TOP_DROP_AMOUNT){
                         Phase = DROP;
@@ -160,14 +157,14 @@
                      if(timer.read()>t_top+1.0) cnt_judge = 0;
-                  if(timer.read()-t_launch>TIME_TOP){
+                  if(timer.read()-t_launch>TIME_REACH_TOP){
                      Phase = DROP;
                      cnt_judge = 0;
       case DROP://降下中(缶サット開放判定)
-                  if(alt4open[col_open] < alt_launch+ALT_CAN){
+                  if(alt_buff[col_open] < alt_launch+ALT_UAV_DROP){
                         cnt_judge = 0;
@@ -182,8 +179,8 @@
 /*記録用関数 RATE_LOG[Hz]で記録を行う*/
 void _Log(){
-   t[row][col] = timer.read();
-   pressure[row][col] = ms5607.getPressure()/100;
+   t[row][col]           = timer.read();
+   pressure[row][col]    = ms5607.getPressure()/100;
    temperature[row][col] = ms5607.getTemperature();
@@ -193,9 +190,9 @@
-      fp = fopen("/sd/log.txt", "a");
+      fp  =  fopen("/sd/log.txt", "a");
       row =! row;
-      col = 0;
+      col =  0;
 /*サーボ動作用関数 _Servo(int8_t 扉番号,float pwm波長)*/
@@ -217,72 +214,103 @@
+//TODO :テストモード実装
 void _Input(){
-   char c = device.getc();
-   switch (Input_mode) {
-      case NORMAL:
-                  if(c=='s'){
-                     Input_mode = SERVO_1;
-                     device.printf("\r\nInput_mode:SERVO\r\n");
-                     device.printf("\r\n0:All\r\n1:Parachute\r\n2:Cansat\r\n>>");
-                  }else if(c=='c'){
-                     Input_mode = MODE;
-                     device.printf("\r\nn:NORMAL\r\nf:FLIGHT\r\nt:TEST\r\n>>");
-                  }else{
-                     device.printf("\r\nthis command is not found:%c\r\n",c);
-                     device.printf("\r\nInput_mode:NORMAL\r\ns:SERVO\r\nc:ChangeMode\r\n>>");
+   input_buff[input_cnt] = device.getc();
+   device.printf("\r\n");
+   device.printf("input_cnt:%d\r\n",input_cnt);
+   device.printf("input_buff:%s\r\n",input_buff);   
+   switch (Mode) {
+      case STANDBY:
+                  if(input_cnt==0){
+                     if(input_buff[0]=='S'){
+                        device.printf("P >> Parachute\r\n");
+                        device.printf("C >> CanSat\r\n");
+                     }else if(input_buff[0]=='M'){
+                        device.printf("S >> STANDBY\r\n");
+                        device.printf("T >> TEST\r\n");
+                        device.printf("F >> FLIGHT\r\n");
+                     }else{
+                        device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[0]);
+                        device.printf(">>MAINMENU<<\r\n");
+                        device.printf("S >> Servo Operation\r\n");
+                        device.printf("M >> Mode Change\r\n");
+                        device.printf("-->>");
+                        return;
+                     }
+                  }else if(input_cnt==1){
+                     if(input_buff[0]=='S'){
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='P'||input_buff[1]=='C'){
+                           device.printf("U >> UNLOCK\r\n");
+                           device.printf("L >> LOCK\r\n");
+                        }else{
+                           device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[1]);
+                           device.printf("P >> Parachute\r\n");
+                           device.printf("C >> CanSat\r\n");
+                           device.printf("-->>");
+                           return;
+                        }
+                     }else if(input_buff[0]=='M'){
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='S'){
+                           Mode = STANDBY;
+                           device.printf(">>MAINMENU<<\r\n");
+                           device.printf("S >> Servo Operation\r\n");
+                           device.printf("M >> Mode Change\r\n");
+                           device.printf("-->>");
+                        }else if(input_buff[1]=='T'){
+                           Mode = TEST;
+                        }else if(input_buff[1]=='F'){
+                           Mode = FLIGHT;
+                           device.printf("FLIGHT-Mode ON!\r\n");
+                           device.printf("***alert***\r\n");
+                           device.printf("You will be able to reset only!\r\n");
+                        }else{
+                           device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[1]);
+                           device.printf("S >> STANDBY\r\n");
+                           device.printf("T >> TEST\r\n");
+                           device.printf("F >> FLIGHT\r\n");
+                           device.printf("-->>");
+                           return;
+                        }
+                        input_cnt = 0;
+                     }
+                  }else if(input_cnt==2){
+                     if(input_buff[2]=='U'){
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='P') _Servo(1,UNLOCK);
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='C') _Servo(2,UNLOCK);
+                     }else if(input_buff[2]=='L'){
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='P') _Servo(1,LOCK);
+                        if(input_buff[1]=='C') _Servo(2,LOCK);
+                     }else{
+                        device.printf("This command is not found >> %c\r\n",input_buff[2]);
+                        device.printf("U >> UNLOCK\r\n");
+                        device.printf("L >> LOCK\r\n");
+                        device.printf("-->>");
+                        return;
+                     }
+                     input_cnt = 0;
+                     device.printf(">>MAINMENU<<\r\n");
+                     device.printf("S >> Servo Operation\r\n");
+                     device.printf("M >> Mode Change\r\n");
+                     device.printf("-->>");
+                     return;
-                  break;
-      case SERVO_1:
-                  input_buff[0] = (int)(c-'0');
-                  if(c=='0'||c=='1'||c=='2'){
-                     Input_mode = SERVO_2;
-                     device.printf("\r\n0:OPEN\r\n1:CLOSE\r\n>>");
-                  }else{
-                     device.printf("\r\nthis servo_num is not found:%d\r\n",input_buff[0]);
-                     device.printf("\r\nInput_mode:NORMAL\r\ns:SERVO\r\nc:ChangeMode\r\n>>");
-                     Input_mode = NORMAL;
-                  }
+                  device.printf("-->>");
+                  input_cnt++;
-      case SERVO_2:
-                  if(c=='0')_Servo(input_buff[0],UNLOCK);
-                  else if(c=='1')_Servo(input_buff[0],LOCK);
-                  else device.printf("\r\nthis motion_num is not found:%c\r\n",c);
-                  device.printf("\r\nInput_mode:NORMAL\r\ns:SERVO\r\nc:ChangeMode\r\n>>");
-                  Input_mode = NORMAL;
+      case TEST:
-      case MODE:
-                  if(c=='n'){
-                     Input_mode = NORMAL;
-                     device.printf("\r\nInput_mode:NORMAL\r\ns:SERVO\r\nc:ChangeMode\r\n>>");
-                  }else if(c=='f'){
-                     Input_mode = BAN;
-                     device.printf("\r\nyou will be able to reset only after this action!");
-                     fp = fopen("/sd/log.txt", "w");
-                     fprintf(fp, "pressure,temperature,ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz\r\n");
-                     Phase = LAUNCH;
-                     loop_log.attach(&_Log,1.0/RATE_LOG);
-                     loop_open.attach(&_Open,1.0/RATE_OPEN);
-                     device.printf("\r\nFLIGHT-Mode ON!\r\n");
-                  }else if(c=='d'){
-                     Input_mode = DEBUG;
-                  }
-                  break;
-      case DEBUG:
-                  break;
-      case BAN://reset only
-                  break;
-      default:
+      case FLIGHT://reset only
-float _GetAlt(float press, float temp){//高度計算
-    return (pow((P0/press), (1.0f/5.257f))-1.0f)*(temp+273.15f)/0.0065f;
+float _Measure_Alt(float press/*[hPa]*/, float temp/*[℃]*/){
+   return (pow((P0/press), (1.0f/5.257f))-1.0f)*(temp+273.15f)/0.0065f;
-float _Median(float data[], int num){//中央値計算
+float _Median(float data[], int num){
    float median;
    float *sort = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*num);
    for(int i=0; i<num; i++) sort[i] = data[i];