Temperature (cjc0, sensor0) Humidity I2C_0 Accelerometer SPI_0

Fork of ADISense1000_Example_FW by Analog Devices

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+ADI Sense 1000 Overview
+ADI Sense 1000
+# Overview {#overview}
+The ADI Sense 1000 is a first-generation ADI Sense measurement processor which
+combines high-precision analog sensor inputs, SPI/I2C digital I/O interfaces
+and integrated DSP algorithms which transform the raw sensor input data into
+measurement values expressed in standard units ready for application use.
+The ADI Sense 1000 processor is designed to run as a slave device, connected
+to and controlled by a separate host application processor.
+The ADI Sense Host Application library currently includes support for the
+ADI Sense 1000 processor module, used in conjuction with the ST Nucleo F411RE
+host application processor running Mbed OS.  Support for additional ADI Sense
+modules and host application processor platforms will be added in the future.
+# Interfaces {#interfaces}
+## Host Communication Interfaces {#interfaces_hostcommunication}
+The interfaces in this section enable the connectivity with the host application
+processor which is responsible for configuration and control of the ADI Sense
+1000 device.  Platform-specific host connection parameters may be specified via
+[ADI Sense API](@ref ADI_Sense_Api) and low-level connectivity is accessed
+via the [ADI Sense Host Portability Layer](@ref ADI_Sense_Host).
+* SPI
+  + Standard 4-wire SPI interface (SCLK, MOSI, MISO, SS)
+  + Mode 0 (CPOL=0, CPHA=0)
+  + SCLK speeds up to 1.6MHz
+* Signals
+  + ERROR
+    - active-high digital output
+    - signals an unrecoverable error condition to the host processor
+  + ALERT
+    - active-high digital output
+    - signals a warning/alert condition to the host processor
+    - active-high digital output
+    - signals a data ready condition to the host processor
+  + RESET
+    - active-low digital input
+    - pulse low for at least 4 microseconds to trigger a hardware reset of the module
+## Sensor Interfaces {#interfaces_sensor}
+The following is an overview of the sensors interfaces available on the ADI Sense 1000
+module.  For latest information on the sensors currently supported by this library,
+please refer to the [ADI Sense 1000 API](@ref ADI_Sense_1000_Api)
+* Analog Sensor Interfaces
+  + CJC 1-2
+    - Intended for connecting 2-wire reference temperature sensors
+    - Analog sensor types currently supported:
+      - 2-wire PT100 RTD
+      - 2-wire PT1000 RTD
+  + SENSOR 0-3
+    - Intended for connecting a wide variety of precision analog sensors
+    - Analog sensor types currently supported:
+      - 2/3/4-wire PT100 RTD temperature sensors
+      - 2/3/4-wire PT1000 RTD temperature sensors
+      - Type-T/K/J Thermocouple temperature sensors
+      - 4/6-wire bridge tranducer temperature/pressure sensors
+      - 10k NTC Thermistor temperature sensors
+  + I\_MEAS
+    - Intended for connecting 4-20mA analog current sensors
+  + V\_MEAS
+    - Intended for connecting 0-10V analog voltage sensors
+* Digital Sensor Interfaces
+  + SPI
+    - Intended for connecting support SPI digital sensors
+    - SPI digital sensor types currently supported:
+      - Honeywell TruStability HSC pressure sensors
+      - Analog Devices ADXL362 3-Axis MEMS accelerometer
+  + I2C
+    - Intended for connecting support SPI digital sensors
+    - SPI digital sensor types currently supported:
+      - Honeywell HumidIcon HIH9000 Series humidity sensors
+      - Sensirion SHT3x Series humidity sensors
+## Ancillary Interfaces {#interfaces_ancillary}
+* External Reference Inputs
+  + REF 1-2
+    - Optional external reference inputs, for use with analog sensors
+* Voltage Reference Outputs
+  + AVDD
+    - Analog voltage reference output (typically 3.3V)
+  + VDD
+    - Digital voltage reference output (typically 3.3V)