This is a simple program to read temp reading using 2 wire RTD sensor with the measureware kit.

Fork of ADISense1000_Example_FW by Analog Devices



File content as of revision 1:ae66eccef75f:

/* ================================================================================
     Created by   : sherry
     Created on   : 2017 Nov 14, 10:55 GMT

     Project      :   ADISENSE1000_REGISTERS
     File         :   ADISENSE1000_REGISTERS_typedefs.h
     Description  :   C Register Structures

     !! ADI Confidential !!

     Copyright (c) 2017 Analog Devices, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     This software is proprietary and confidential to Analog Devices, Inc. and
     its licensors.

     This file was auto-generated. Do not make local changes to this file.
     Auto generation script information:
       Script:        /usr/cadtools/bin/yoda.dir/generators/inc/genHeaders
       Last modified: 26-SEP-2017

   ================================================================================ */


/* pickup integer types */
#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLER__))
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */

#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions

/** @defgroup Interface_Config_A Interface Configuration A (Interface_Config_A) Register
 *  Interface Configuration A (Interface_Config_A) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Addr_Ascension
 *! \brief  Determines Sequential Addressing Behavior (Addr_Ascension) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_A_DESCEND = 0,  /**< Address accessed is decremented by one for each data byte when streaming */
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_A_ASCEND  = 1   /**< Address accessed is incremented by one for each data byte when streaming */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Addr_Ascension;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Struct
 *! \brief  Interface Configuration A Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t SW_ResetX  :  1;  /**< Second  of Two of SW_RESET Bits. */
      uint8_t reserved1  :  3;
      uint8_t SDO_Enable :  1;  /**< SDO Pin Enable */
      uint8_t Addr_Ascension :  1;  /**< Determines Sequential Addressing Behavior */
      uint8_t reserved6      :  1;
      uint8_t SW_Reset       :  1;  /**< First of Two of SW_RESET Bits. */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_t;


/** @defgroup Interface_Config_B Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register
 *  Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst
 *! \brief  Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode (Single_Inst) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_STREAMING_MODE          = 0,  /**< Streaming mode is enabled          */
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_SINGLE_INSTRUCTION_MODE = 1   /**< Single Instruction mode is enabled */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Struct
 *! \brief  Interface Configuration B Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t reserved0   :  7;
      uint8_t Single_Inst :  1;  /**< Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t;


/** @defgroup Device_Config Device Configuration (Device_Config) Register
 *  Device Configuration (Device_Config) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Operating_Modes
 *! \brief  Power Modes (Operating_Modes) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_DEVICE_CONFIG_NORMAL = 0,  /**< Normal Operating Mode */
  ADISENSE_SPI_DEVICE_CONFIG_SLEEP  = 3   /**< Low Power Mode        */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Operating_Modes;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Struct
 *! \brief  Device Configuration Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Operating_Modes :  2;  /**< Power Modes */
      uint8_t reserved2       :  6;
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_t;


/** @defgroup Chip_Type Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register
 *  Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Type_Struct
 *! \brief  Chip Type Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Type_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Chip_Type  :  4;  /**< Precision ADC */
      uint8_t reserved4  :  4;
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Product_ID_L Product ID Low (Product_ID_L) Register
 *  Product ID Low (Product_ID_L) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_L_Struct
 *! \brief  Product ID Low Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_L_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Product_ID_Trim_Bits :  4;  /**< These Bits Vary on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  4;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[3:0] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Product_ID_H Product ID High (Product_ID_H) Register
 *  Product ID High (Product_ID_H) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_H_Struct
 *! \brief  Product ID High Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_H_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  8;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[11:4] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Chip_Grade Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register
 *  Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_Struct
 *! \brief  Chip Grade Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Device_Revision :  4;  /**< This is the Device Hardware Revision */
      uint8_t Grade           :  4;  /**< This is the Device Performance Grade */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_t;


/** @defgroup Scratch_Pad Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register
 *  Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_Struct
 *! \brief  Scratch Pad Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Scratch_Value :  8;  /**< Software Scratchpad */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_t;


/** @defgroup SPI_Revision SPI Revision (SPI_Revision) Register
 *  SPI Revision (SPI_Revision) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Version
 *! \brief  SPI Version (Version) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_REVISION_REV1_0 = 2   /**< Revision 1.0 */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Version;

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_SPI_Type
 *! \brief  Always Reads as 0x2 (SPI_Type) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Struct
 *! \brief  SPI Revision Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Version    :  6;  /**< SPI Version */
      uint8_t SPI_Type   :  2;  /**< Always Reads as 0x2 */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Vendor_L Vendor ID Low (Vendor_L) Register
 *  Vendor ID Low (Vendor_L) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_L_Struct
 *! \brief  Vendor ID Low Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_L_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t VID        :  8;  /**< VID[7:0] Analog Devices Vendor ID */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Vendor_H Vendor ID High (Vendor_H) Register
 *  Vendor ID High (Vendor_H) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_H_Struct
 *! \brief  Vendor ID High Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_H_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t VID        :  8;  /**< VID[15:8] Analog Devices Vendor ID */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Stream_Mode Stream Mode (Stream_Mode) Register
 *  Stream Mode (Stream_Mode) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_Struct
 *! \brief  Stream Mode Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Loop_Count :  8;  /**< Sets the Data Byte Count Before Looping to Start Address */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_t;


/** @defgroup Transfer_Config Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register
 *  Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode
 *! \brief  When Streaming, Controls Master-Slave Transfer (Stream_Mode) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_WRITE        = 0,  /**< Transfers after each byte/mulit-byte register */
  ADISENSE_SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_ADDRESS_LOOP = 1   /**< Transfers when address loops                  */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Struct
 *! \brief  Transfer Config Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t reserved0   :  1;
      uint8_t Stream_Mode :  1;  /**< When Streaming, Controls Master-Slave Transfer */
      uint8_t reserved2   :  6;
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_t;


/** @defgroup Interface_Config_C Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register
 *  Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access
 *! \brief  Multi-byte Registers Must Be Read/Written in Full (Strict_Register_Access) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_NORMAL_ACCESS = 0,  /**< Normal mode, no access restrictions                              */
  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_STRICT_ACCESS = 1   /**< Strict mode, multi-byte registers require all bytes read/written */
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access;

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable
 *! \brief  CRC Enable (CRC_Enable) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Struct
 *! \brief  Interface Configuration C Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t CRC_EnableB :  2;  /**< Inverted CRC Enable */
      uint8_t reserved2              :  3;
      uint8_t Strict_Register_Access :  1;  /**< Multi-byte Registers Must Be Read/Written in Full */
      uint8_t CRC_Enable             :  2;  /**< CRC Enable */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t;


/** @defgroup Interface_Status_A Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register
 *  Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_Struct
 *! \brief  Interface Status A Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Address_Invalid_Error :  1;  /**< Attempt to Read/Write Non-existent Register Address */
      uint8_t Register_Partial_Access_Error :  1;  /**< Set When Fewer Than Expected Number of Bytes Read/Written */
      uint8_t Wr_To_Rd_Only_Reg_Error       :  1;  /**< Write to Read-Only Register Attempted */
      uint8_t CRC_Error                     :  1;  /**< Invalid/No CRC Received */
      uint8_t Clock_Count_Error             :  1;  /**< Incorrect Number of Clocks Detected in a Transaction */
      uint8_t reserved5                     :  2;
      uint8_t Not_Ready_Error               :  1;  /**< Device Not Ready for Transaction */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_t;


/** @defgroup Command Special Command (Command) Register
 *  Special Command (Command) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Special_Command
 *! \brief  Special Command (Special_Command) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_NOP              = 0,   /**< No Command                                    */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_CONVERT          = 1,   /**< Start ADC Conversions                         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_CONVERT_WITH_RAW = 2,   /**< Start Conversions with Added RAW ADC Data     */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS  = 3,   /**< Initiate a Diagnostics Cycle                  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SELF_CALIBRATION = 4,   /**< Initiate a Self-Calibration Cycle             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_CONFIG      = 5,   /**< Load Registers with Configuration from FLASH  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_CONFIG      = 6,   /**< Store Current Register Configuration to FLASH */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LATCH_CONFIG     = 7,   /**< Latch Configuration.                          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_LUT         = 8,   /**< Load LUT from FLASH                           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_LUT2        = 9,   /**< Save LUT to FLASH                             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SYSTEM_CHECK     = 10   /**< Full Suite of Measurement Diagnostics         */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Special_Command;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Struct
 *! \brief  Special Command Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Special_Command :  8;  /**< Special Command */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Mode Operating Mode and DRDY Control (Mode) Register
 *  Operating Mode and DRDY Control (Mode) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Conversion_Mode
 *! \brief  Conversion Mode (Conversion_Mode) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_SINGLECYCLE = 0,  /**< Single Cycle          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_MULTICYCLE  = 1,  /**< Multi Cycle           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_CONTINUOUS  = 2,  /**< Continuous Conversion */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_MODE3       = 3   /**< Undefined             */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Conversion_Mode;

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Drdy_Mode
 *! \brief  Indicates Behavior of DRDY with Respect to FIFO State (Drdy_Mode) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CONVERSION = 0,  /**< Data Ready Per Conversion */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CYCLE      = 1,  /**< Data Ready Per Cycle      */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_FIFO_FILL  = 2,  /**< Data Ready Per FIFO Fill  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_MODE3          = 3   /**< Undefined                 */

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Struct
 *! \brief  Operating Mode and DRDY Control Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Conversion_Mode :  2;  /**< Conversion Mode */
      uint8_t Drdy_Mode       :  2;  /**< Indicates Behavior of DRDY with Respect to FIFO State */
      uint8_t reserved4       :  4;
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Power_Config General Configuration (Power_Config) Register
 *  General Configuration (Power_Config) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Power_Mode_ADC
 *! \brief  ADC Power Mode (Power_Mode_ADC) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Power_Mode_ADC;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Struct
 *! \brief  General Configuration Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Power_Mode_ADC :  2;  /**< ADC Power Mode */
      uint8_t Power_Mode_MCU :  2;  /**< MCU Power Mode */
      uint8_t Stdby_En       :  1;  /**< Standby */
      uint8_t reserved5      :  3;
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_t;


/** @defgroup Cycle_Control Measurement Cycle (Cycle_Control) Register
 *  Measurement Cycle (Cycle_Control) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Cycle_Time_Units
 *! \brief  Units for Cycle Time (Cycle_Time_Units) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_SECONDS      = 2,  /**< Seconds       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_UNDEFINED    = 3   /**< Undefined     */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Cycle_Time_Units;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Struct
 *! \brief  Measurement Cycle Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Cycle_Time : 12;  /**< Duration of a Full Measurement Cycle */
      uint16_t reserved12       :  2;
      uint16_t Cycle_Time_Units :  2;  /**< Units for Cycle Time */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_t;


/** @defgroup Fifo_Num_Cycles Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO (Fifo_Num_Cycles) Register
 *  Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO (Fifo_Num_Cycles) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_Struct
 *! \brief  Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Fifo_Num_Cycles :  8;  /**< How Many Cycles to Fill FIFO */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_t;


/** @defgroup Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... (Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval) Register
 *  Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... (Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_Struct
 *! \brief  Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval : 24;  /**< Defines Time Between Repetitions of Measurement Cycles. */
      uint32_t reserved24                  :  8;
    uint32_t VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_t;


/** @defgroup Status General Status (Status) Register
 *  General Status (Status) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Status_Struct
 *! \brief  General Status Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Status_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t reserved0    :  1;
      uint8_t Alert_Active :  1;  /**< Indicates One or More Sensors Alerts are Active */
      uint8_t Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates an Error */
      uint8_t Drdy         :  1;  /**< Indicates a New Sensor Result is Available to Be Read */
      uint8_t Cmd_Running  :  1;  /**< Indicates a Special Command is Active */
      uint8_t FIFO_Error   :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with FIFO */
      uint8_t reserved6    :  2;
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Diagnostics_Status Diagnostics Status (Diagnostics_Status) Register
 *  Diagnostics Status (Diagnostics_Status) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_Struct
 *! \brief  Diagnostics Status Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Diag_Checksum_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Internal Checksum Calculations */
      uint16_t Diag_Comms_Error    :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Internal Device Communications */
      uint16_t Diag_Supply_Monitor_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Low Voltage on Internal Supply Voltages */
      uint16_t Diag_Supply_Cap_Error     :  1;  /**< Indicates Fault on Internal Supply Regulator Capacitor */
      uint16_t reserved4                 :  4;
      uint16_t Diag_Ainm_UV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Under-Voltage Error on Negative Analog Input */
      uint16_t Diag_Ainm_OV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Over-Voltage Error on Negative Analog Input */
      uint16_t Diag_Ainp_UV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Under-Voltage Error on Positive Analog Input */
      uint16_t Diag_Ainp_OV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Over-Voltage Error on Positive Analog Input */
      uint16_t Diag_Conversion_Error     :  1;  /**< Indicates Error During Internal ADC Conversions */
      uint16_t Diag_Calibration_Error    :  1;  /**< Indicates Error During Internal Device Calibrations */
      uint16_t Diagnostics_Status_Sundry :  2;  /**< Sundry Diagnostics Status */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_t;


/** @defgroup Channel_Alert_Status Alert Status Summary (Channel_Alert_Status) Register
 *  Alert Status Summary (Channel_Alert_Status) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_Struct
 *! \brief  Alert Status Summary Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Alert_Ch0  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch1  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch2  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch3  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch4  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch5  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch6  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch7  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch8  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch9  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch10 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch11 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t Alert_Ch12 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
      uint16_t reserved13 :  3;
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_t;


/** @defgroup Alert_Status_2 Additional Alert Status Information (Alert_Status_2) Register
 *  Additional Alert Status Information (Alert_Status_2) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_Struct
 *! \brief  Additional Alert Status Information Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t reserved0  :  1;
      uint16_t LUT_Error  :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with One or More Look-Up-Tables */
      uint16_t Configuration_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with Programmed Configuration */
      uint16_t reserved3           : 13;
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_t;


/** @defgroup Alert_Detail_Ch Detailed Error Information (Alert_Detail_Ch) Register
 *  Detailed Error Information (Alert_Detail_Ch) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_Struct
 *! \brief  Detailed Error Information Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Time_Out   :  1;  /**< Indicates Time-Out Error from Digital Sensor */
      uint16_t Under_Range :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Under-Range */
      uint16_t Over_Range  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Over-Range */
      uint16_t Low_Limit   :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Result is Less Than Low Limit */
      uint16_t High_Limit  :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Result is Greater Than High Limit */
      uint16_t Sensor_Open :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Input is Open Circuit */
      uint16_t Ref_Detect  :  1;  /**< Indicates Whether ADC Reference is Valid */
      uint16_t reserved7   :  1;
      uint16_t Config_Err  :  1;  /**< Indicates Configuration Error on Channel */
      uint16_t LUT_Error_Ch :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with Channel Look-Up-Table */
      uint16_t Under_Voltage :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Under-Voltage */
      uint16_t Over_Voltage  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Over-Voltage */
      uint16_t Correction_UnderRange :  1;  /**< Indicates Result Less Than LUT/Equation Range */
      uint16_t Correction_OverRange  :  1;  /**< Indicates Result Larger Than LUT/Equation Range */
      uint16_t Sensor_Not_Ready      :  1;  /**< Indicates Digital Sensor Not Ready When Read */
      uint16_t Comp_Not_Ready        :  1;  /**< Indicates Compensation Channel Not Ready When Required */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_t;


/** @defgroup Error_Code Code Indicating Source of Error (Error_Code) Register
 *  Code Indicating Source of Error (Error_Code) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Error_Code_Struct
 *! \brief  Code Indicating Source of Error Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Error_Code_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Error_Code : 16;  /**< Code Indicating Type of Error */
    uint16_t VALUE16;


/** @defgroup Alert_Code Code Indicating Source of Alert (Alert_Code) Register
 *  Code Indicating Source of Alert (Alert_Code) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Struct
 *! \brief  Code Indicating Source of Alert Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Alert_Code : 16;  /**< Code Indicating Type of Alert */
    uint16_t VALUE16;


/** @defgroup External_Reference1 External Reference Information (External_Reference1) Register
 *  External Reference Information (External_Reference1) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_Struct
 *! \brief  External Reference Information Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Ext_Refin1_Value;  /**< Refin1 Value */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_t;


/** @defgroup External_Reference2 External Reference Information (External_Reference2) Register
 *  External Reference Information (External_Reference2) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_Struct
 *! \brief  External Reference Information Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Ext_Refin2_Value;  /**< Refin2 Value */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_t;


/** @defgroup AVDD_Voltage AVDD Voltage (AVDD_Voltage) Register
 *  AVDD Voltage (AVDD_Voltage) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_AVDD_Voltage_Struct
 *! \brief  AVDD Voltage Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_AVDD_Voltage_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Avdd_Voltage;  /**< AVDD Voltage */
    float VALUE32;


/** @defgroup Diagnostics_Control Diagnostic Control (Diagnostics_Control) Register
 *  Diagnostic Control (Diagnostics_Control) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Diag_OSD_Freq
 *! \brief  Diagnostics Open Sensor Detect Frequency (Diag_OSD_Freq) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_OFF             = 0,  /**< No Open-Circuit Detection During Measurement                          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_1_CYCLE     = 1,  /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Measurement Cycle           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_100_CYCLES  = 2,  /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Hundred Measurement Cycles  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_1000_CYCLES = 3   /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Thousand Measurement Cycles */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Diag_OSD_Freq;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Struct
 *! \brief  Diagnostic Control Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Diag_Global_En :  1;  /**< Diagnostics Global Enable */
      uint16_t Diag_Meas_En   :  1;  /**< Diagnostics Measure Enable */
      uint16_t Diag_OSD_Freq  :  2;  /**< Diagnostics Open Sensor Detect Frequency */
      uint16_t reserved4         :  4;
      uint16_t Diagnostics_Extra :  8;  /**< Additional Diagnostics Control */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_t;


/** @defgroup Data_FIFO FIFO of Sensor Results (Data_FIFO) Register
 *  FIFO of Sensor Results (Data_FIFO) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Data_FIFO_Struct
 *! \brief  FIFO of Sensor Results Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Data_FIFO_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float32_t Sensor_Result;      /**< Linearized and Compensated Sensor Result */
      uint32_t Channel_ID    :  4;  /**< Indicates Which Channel This FIFO Data Corresponds to */
      uint32_t Ch_Error      :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Channel */
      uint32_t Ch_Alert      :  1;  /**< Indicates Alert on Channel */
      uint32_t Ch_Raw        :  1;  /**< Indicates If RAW Data is Valid */
      uint32_t Ch_Valid      :  1;  /**< Indicates Whether Valid Data Read from FIFO */
      uint32_t Raw_Sample    : 24;  /**< ADC Result */
    uint64_t VALUE64;


/** @defgroup LUT_Select Read/Write Strobe (LUT_Select) Register
 *  Read/Write Strobe (LUT_Select) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \brief  Read or Write LUT Data (LUT_RW) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_SELECT_LUT_READ  = 0,  /**< Read Addressed LUT Data  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_SELECT_LUT_WRITE = 1   /**< Write Addressed LUT Data */

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Select_Struct
 *! \brief  Read/Write Strobe Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Select_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t reserved0  :  7;
      uint8_t LUT_RW     :  1;  /**< Read or Write LUT Data */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup LUT_Offset Offset into Selected LUT (LUT_Offset) Register
 *  Offset into Selected LUT (LUT_Offset) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Offset_Struct
 *! \brief  Offset into Selected LUT Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Offset_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t LUT_Offset : 14;  /**< Offset into Look-Up-Table */
      uint16_t reserved14 :  2;
    uint16_t VALUE16;


/** @defgroup LUT_Data Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry (LUT_Data) Register
 *  Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry (LUT_Data) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Data_Struct
 *! \brief  Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Data_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t LUT_Data   :  8;  /**< Data Byte to Write to / Read from Look-Up-Table */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup CAL_Offset Offset into Selected Calibration Values (CAL_Offset) Register
 *  Offset into Selected Calibration Values (CAL_Offset) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Offset_Struct
 *! \brief  Offset into Selected Calibration Values Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Offset_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t CAL_Offset : 14;  /**< Offset into Calibration Data */
      uint16_t reserved14 :  2;
    uint16_t VALUE16;


/** @defgroup CAL_Data Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values (CAL_Data) Register
 *  Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values (CAL_Data) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Data_Struct
 *! \brief  Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Data_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t CAL_Data   :  8;  /**< Data to Write to / Read from Calibration Data */
    uint8_t VALUE8;


/** @defgroup Revision Hardware, Firmware Revision (Revision) Register
 *  Hardware, Firmware Revision (Revision) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Revision_Struct
 *! \brief  Hardware, Firmware Revision Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Revision_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t Firmware_Revision :  8;  /**< ID Info */
      uint32_t Hardware_Revision :  8;  /**< ID Info */
      uint32_t Comms_Protocol    :  8;  /**< ID Info */
      uint32_t reserved24        :  8;
    uint32_t VALUE32;


/** @defgroup Channel_Count Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle (Channel_Count) Register
 *  Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle (Channel_Count) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_Struct
 *! \brief  Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Channel_Count :  7;  /**< How Many Times Channel Should Appear in One Cycle */
      uint8_t Channel_Enable :  1;  /**< Enable Channel in Measurement Cycle */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_t;


/** @defgroup Sensor_Type Sensor Select (Sensor_Type) Register
 *  Sensor Select (Sensor_Type) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Sensor_Type
 *! \brief  Sensor Type (Sensor_Type) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_T_DEF_L1                   = 0,     /**< Thermocouple T-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_J_DEF_L1                   = 1,     /**< Thermocouple J-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_K_DEF_L1                   = 2,     /**< Thermocouple K-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_1_DEF_L2                   = 12,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 1 Defined Level 2            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_2_DEF_L2                   = 13,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 2 Defined Level 2            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_3_DEF_L2                   = 14,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 3 Defined Level 2            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_4_DEF_L2                   = 15,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 4 Defined Level 2            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_T_ADV_L1                   = 16,    /**< Thermocouple T-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_J_ADV_L1                   = 17,    /**< Thermocouple J-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_K_ADV_L1                   = 18,    /**< Thermocouple K-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_1_ADV_L2                   = 28,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_2_ADV_L2                   = 29,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_3_ADV_L2                   = 30,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_4_ADV_L2                   = 31,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 32,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 33,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_1_DEF_L2                         = 44,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_2_DEF_L2                         = 45,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_3_DEF_L2                         = 46,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_4_DEF_L2                         = 47,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 48,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 49,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_1_ADV_L2                         = 60,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_2_ADV_L2                         = 61,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_3_ADV_L2                         = 62,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_4_ADV_L2                         = 63,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 64,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 65,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_1_DEF_L2                         = 76,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_2_DEF_L2                         = 77,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_3_DEF_L2                         = 78,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_4_DEF_L2                         = 79,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 80,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 81,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_1_ADV_L2                         = 92,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_2_ADV_L2                         = 93,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_3_ADV_L2                         = 94,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_4_ADV_L2                         = 95,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 96,    /**< RTD 4 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 97,    /**< RTD 4 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_1_DEF_L2                         = 108,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_2_DEF_L2                         = 109,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_3_DEF_L2                         = 110,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_4_DEF_L2                         = 111,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 112,   /**< RTD 4 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 113,   /**< RTD 4 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_1_ADV_L2                         = 124,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_2_ADV_L2                         = 125,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_3_ADV_L2                         = 126,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_4_ADV_L2                         = 127,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_A_10K_DEF_L1                 = 128,   /**< Thermistor Type A 10kOhm Sensor Defined Level 1  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_B_10K_DEF_L1                 = 129,   /**< Thermistor Type B 10kOhm Sensor Defined Level 1  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_1_DEF_L2                     = 140,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_2_DEF_L2                     = 141,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_3_DEF_L2                     = 142,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_4_DEF_L2                     = 143,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_A_10K_ADV_L1                 = 144,   /**< Thermistor Type A 10kOhm Sensor Advanced Level 1 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_B_10K_ADV_L1                 = 145,   /**< Thermistor Type B 10kOhm Sensor Advanced Level 1 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_1_ADV_L2                     = 156,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_2_ADV_L2                     = 157,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_3_ADV_L2                     = 158,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_4_ADV_L2                     = 159,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_1_DEF_L2                      = 160,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_2_DEF_L2                      = 161,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_3_DEF_L2                      = 162,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_4_DEF_L2                      = 163,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_1_ADV_L2                      = 176,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_2_ADV_L2                      = 177,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_3_ADV_L2                      = 178,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_4_ADV_L2                      = 179,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_1_DEF_L2                      = 192,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_2_DEF_L2                      = 193,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_3_DEF_L2                      = 194,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_4_DEF_L2                      = 195,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_1_ADV_L2                      = 208,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_2_ADV_L2                      = 209,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_3_ADV_L2                      = 210,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_4_ADV_L2                      = 211,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE                                 = 256,   /**< Voltage Input                                    */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_TRUSTABILITY = 272,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 1                 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_AMPHENOL_NPA300X       = 273,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 2                 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_3_DEF                  = 274,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 3                 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT                                 = 384,   /**< Current Input                                    */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_PX2          = 385,   /**< Current Output Pressure Sensor 1                 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT_PRESSURE_2                      = 386,   /**< Current Output Pressure Sensor 2                 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_CUSTOM1                                        = 512,   /**< Custom1                                          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_PRESSURE_1                          = 2048,  /**< I2C Pressure Sensor 1                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_PRESSURE_2                          = 2049,  /**< I2C Pressure Sensor 2                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_HUMIDITY_HONEYWELL_HUMIDICON        = 2112,  /**< I2C Humidity Sensor 1                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_HUMIDITY_SENSIRION_SHT3X            = 2113,  /**< I2C Humidity Sensor 2                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_TRUSTABILITY     = 3072,  /**< SPI Pressure Sensor 1                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_PRESSURE_2                          = 3073,  /**< SPI Pressure Sensor 2                            */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_HUMIDITY_1                          = 3136,  /**< SPI Humidity Sensor Type 1                       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_HUMIDITY_2                          = 3137,  /**< SPI Humidity Sensor Type 2                       */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_ACCELEROMETER_1                     = 3200,  /**< SPI Accelerometer Sensor Type 1 3-Axis           */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_ACCELEROMETER_2                     = 3201   /**< SPI Accelerometer Sensor Type 2 3-Axis           */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Sensor_Type;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Select Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Sensor_Type : 12;  /**< Sensor Type */
      uint16_t reserved12  :  4;
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_t;


/** @defgroup Sensor_Details Sensor Details (Sensor_Details) Register
 *  Sensor Details (Sensor_Details) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Measurement_Units
 *! \brief  Units of Sensor Measurement (Measurement_Units) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Measurement_Units;

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Reference_Select
 *! \brief  Reference Selection (Reference_Select) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_INT   = 0,  /**< Internal Reference          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_AVDD  = 1,  /**< AVDD                        */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_VEXT1 = 2,  /**< External Voltage on Refin1  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_VEXT2 = 3,  /**< External Voltage on Refin2  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_RINT1 = 4,  /**< Internal Resistor1          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_RINT2 = 5,  /**< Internal Resistor2          */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_REXT1 = 6,  /**< External Resistor on Refin1 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_REXT2 = 7,  /**< External Resistor on Refin2 */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_EXC   = 8   /**< Bridge Excitation Voltage   */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Reference_Select;

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_PGA_Gain
 *! \brief  PGA Gain (PGA_Gain) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_1   = 0,  /**< Gain of 1   */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_2   = 1,  /**< Gain of 2   */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_4   = 2,  /**< Gain of 4   */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_8   = 3,  /**< Gain of 8   */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_16  = 4,  /**< Gain of 16  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_32  = 5,  /**< Gain of 32  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_64  = 6,  /**< Gain of 64  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_128 = 7   /**< Gain of 128 */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_PGA_Gain;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Details Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t Measurement_Units :  4;  /**< Units of Sensor Measurement */
      uint32_t Compensation_Channel :  4;  /**< Indicates Which Channel is Used to Compensate Sensor Result */
      uint32_t Compensation_Channel2 :  4;  /**< Indicates Channel for Second Term of Compensation */
      uint32_t Compensation_Channel3 :  4;  /**< Indicates Channel for Third Term of Compensation */
      uint32_t reserved16            :  1;
      uint32_t Do_Not_Publish        :  1;  /**< Do Not Publish Channel Result */
      uint32_t Reference_Buffer_Disable :  1;  /**< Enable or Disable ADC Reference Buffer */
      uint32_t Vbias                    :  1;  /**< Controls ADC Vbias Output */
      uint32_t Reference_Select         :  4;  /**< Reference Selection */
      uint32_t PGA_Gain                 :  3;  /**< PGA Gain */
      uint32_t reserved27               :  1;
      uint32_t Averaging                :  3;  /**< Number of ADC Results to Average */
      uint32_t reserved31               :  1;
    uint32_t VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_t;


/** @defgroup Channel_Excitation Excitation Current (Channel_Excitation) Register
 *  Excitation Current (Channel_Excitation) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_IOUT_Excitation_Current
 *! \brief  Current Source Value (IOUT_Excitation_Current) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_50UA     = 1,  /**< 50 \mu;A   */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_100UA    = 2,  /**< 100 \mu;A  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_250UA    = 3,  /**< 250 \mu;A  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_500UA    = 4,  /**< 500 \mu;A  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_750UA    = 5,  /**< 750 \mu;A  */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_1000UA   = 6,  /**< 1000 \mu;A */
  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_1000UA_2 = 7   /**< 1000 \mu;A */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_IOUT_Excitation_Current;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_Struct
 *! \brief  Excitation Current Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t IOUT_Excitation_Current :  3;  /**< Current Source Value */
      uint8_t IOUT0_Disable           :  1;  /**< Disable First Current Source */
      uint8_t IOUT1_Disable           :  1;  /**< Disable Second Current Source */
      uint8_t reserved5               :  1;
      uint8_t IOUT_Static_Swap_3Wire  :  1;  /**< Indicates 3-Wire Excitation Currents Should Be Swapped */
      uint8_t IOUT_Dont_Swap_3Wire    :  1;  /**< Indicates 3-Wire Excitation Currents Should Not Be Swapped */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_t;


/** @defgroup Settling_Time Settling Time (Settling_Time) Register
 *  Settling Time (Settling_Time) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_Struct
 *! \brief  Settling Time Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Settling_Time : 16;  /**< Settling Time to Allow When Switching to Channel */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_t;


/** @defgroup Filter_Select ADC Digital Filter Selection (Filter_Select) Register
 *  ADC Digital Filter Selection (Filter_Select) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_ADC_Filter_Type
 *! \brief  ADC Digital Filter Type (ADC_Filter_Type) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
  ADISENSE_CORE_FILTER_SELECT_FILTER_SINC4     = 2,  /**< Sinc4 Filter      */
  ADISENSE_CORE_FILTER_SELECT_FILTER_TBD       = 3   /**< TBD Filter        */
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_ADC_Filter_Type;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_Struct
 *! \brief  ADC Digital Filter Selection Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t ADC_FS     : 11;  /**< ADC Digital Filter Select */
      uint32_t ADC_Filter_Type :  5;  /**< ADC Digital Filter Type */
      uint32_t reserved16      : 16;
    uint32_t VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_t;


/** @defgroup High_Threshold_Limit High Threshold (High_Threshold_Limit) Register
 *  High Threshold (High_Threshold_Limit) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_Struct
 *! \brief  High Threshold Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float High_Threshold;  /**< Upper Limit for Sensor Alert Comparison */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_t;


/** @defgroup Low_Threshold_Limit Low Threshold (Low_Threshold_Limit) Register
 *  Low Threshold (Low_Threshold_Limit) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_Struct
 *! \brief  Low Threshold Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Low_Threshold;  /**< Lower Limit for Sensor Alert Comparison */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_t;


/** @defgroup Sensor_Offset Sensor Offset Adjustment (Sensor_Offset) Register
 *  Sensor Offset Adjustment (Sensor_Offset) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Offset Adjustment Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Sensor_Offset;  /**< Sensor Offset Adjustment */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_t;


/** @defgroup Sensor_Gain Sensor Gain Adjustment (Sensor_Gain) Register
 *  Sensor Gain Adjustment (Sensor_Gain) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Gain Adjustment Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Sensor_Gain;  /**< Sensor Gain Adjustment */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_t;


/** @defgroup Alert_Code_Ch Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information (Alert_Code_Ch) Register
 *  Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information (Alert_Code_Ch) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_Struct
 *! \brief  Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Alert_Code_Ch : 16;  /**< Per-Channel Code Indicating Type of Alert */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Config Digital Sensor Data Coding (Digital_Sensor_Config) Register
 *  Digital Sensor Data Coding (Digital_Sensor_Config) Register.
 *  @{

/*  =========================================================================
 *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Digital_Sensor_Coding
 *! \brief  Data Encoding of Sensor Result (Digital_Sensor_Coding) Enumerations
 *  ========================================================================= */
typedef enum
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Digital_Sensor_Coding;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Struct
 *! \brief  Digital Sensor Data Coding Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Coding         :  2;  /**< Data Encoding of Sensor Result */
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_LittleEndian   :  1;  /**< Data Endianness of Sensor Result */
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_LeftAligned    :  1;  /**< Data Alignment within the data frame */
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Bit_Offset     :  4;  /**< Data Bit Offset, relative to alignment */
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Bytes     :  3;  /**< Number of bytes to read from the sensor, minus 1 */
      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Data_Bits      :  5;  /**< Number of Relevant Data Bits, minus 1 */
    uint16_t VALUE16;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Address Sensor Address (Digital_Sensor_Address) Register
 *  Sensor Address (Digital_Sensor_Address) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Address Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Address :  8;  /**< I2C Address or Write Address Command for SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors (Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds) Register
 *  Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors (Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_Struct
 *! \brief  Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Num_Cfg_Cmds :  3;  /**< Number of Configuration Commands for Digital Sensor */
      uint8_t reserved3                    :  1;
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Num_Read_Cmds :  3;  /**< Number of Read Commands for Digital Sensor */
      uint8_t reserved7                    :  1;
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command1 Sensor Configuration Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Command1) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Command1) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command1 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command1 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command2 Sensor Configuration Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Command2) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Command2) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command2 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command2 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command3 Sensor Configuration Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Command3) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Command3) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command3 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command3 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command4 Sensor Configuration Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Command4) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Command4) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command4 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command4 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command5 Sensor Configuration Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Command5) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Command5) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command5 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command5 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command6 Sensor Configuration Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Command6) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Command6) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command6 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command6 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command7 Sensor Configuration Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Command7) Register
 *  Sensor Configuration Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Command7) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command7 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command7 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1 Sensor Read Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command1 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2 Sensor Read Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command2 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3 Sensor Read Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command3 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4 Sensor Read Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command4 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5 Sensor Read Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command5 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6 Sensor Read Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command6 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_t;


/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7 Sensor Read Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7) Register
 *  Sensor Read Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_Struct
 *! \brief  Sensor Read Command7 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
    uint8_t VALUE8;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_t;


/** @defgroup test_reg_0 Test Register 0 (test_reg_0) Register
 *  Test Register 0 (test_reg_0) Register.
 *  @{

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_Struct
 *! \brief  Test Register 0 Register bit field structure
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_t {
  union {
    struct {
      uint8_t Test_Command :  8;  /**< Test_Command */
} ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_t;


/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp
 *! \brief  ADC-derived calibration temperature
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Temperature;  /**< Current temperature from ADC, used for calibration unless REG_ADISENSE_TEST_USER_CAL_TEMP is set */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp_t;

/* ==========================================================================
 *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp
 *! \brief  User-specified calibration temperature
 * ========================================================================== */
typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp_t {
  union {
    struct {
      float Temperature;  /**< Fixed temperature reference to use for calibration.  Ignored if set as NaN. */
    float VALUE32;
} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp_t;

#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
