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PIDController Class Reference

PIDController Class Reference

Implements a PID controller. More...

#include <PIDController.h>

Public Member Functions

 PIDController (float const _Kp=1.0f, float const _Ki=0.0f, float const _Kd=0.0f, float const _setpoint=0.0f, bool const _clippingEnabled=false, float const _maximum=0.0)
void reset ()
 Reset PID controller (integral, differential) to zero.
float output (float const input)
 Performs one iteration of the PID control loop.

Data Fields

float Kp
 The proportional term of the PID controller.
float Ki
 The integral term of the PID controller.
float Kd
 The differential term of the PID controller.
float setPoint
 The set point of the PID controller (the output value that it will try to maintain)
bool clippingEnabled
 Whether to clip the integral term so that it never exceeds the maximum.
float maximum
 The maximum value the integral term is allowed to reach, if clipping is enabled.
float e
 error signal (setpoint minus input)
float int_e
 integral of error signal
float diff_e
 derivative of error signal
float prev_e
 error at t_-1

Detailed Description

Implements a PID controller.

A PID controller can be used to control some variable parameter (the 'output') so that the input reaches a particular 'set point.' This is done by changing the output a little and checking the error still remaining. The parameters Kp, Ki and Kd control the time behaviour.

Definition at line 10 of file PIDController.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PIDController ( float const   _Kp = 1.0f,
float const   _Ki = 0.0f,
float const   _Kd = 0.0f,
float const   _setpoint = 0.0f,
bool const   _clippingEnabled = false,
float const   _maximum = 0.0 


_Kpinitial Kp, default = 1.0
_Kiinitial Ki, default = 0.0
_Kdinitial Kd, default = 0.0
_setpointinitial setpoint, default = 0.0
_clippingEnabledwhether the PID controller integral term will be clipped
_maximumif clipping is enabled, the maximum value of the integral term

Definition at line 20 of file PIDController.h.

Member Function Documentation

float output ( float const   input )

Performs one iteration of the PID control loop.

If clipping

inputThe input to the PID controller
The PID controller's output

Definition at line 51 of file PIDController.h.

void reset (  )

Reset PID controller (integral, differential) to zero.

Definition at line 43 of file PIDController.h.

Field Documentation

Whether to clip the integral term so that it never exceeds the maximum.

Definition at line 35 of file PIDController.h.

float diff_e

derivative of error signal

Definition at line 39 of file PIDController.h.

float e

error signal (setpoint minus input)

Definition at line 37 of file PIDController.h.

float int_e

integral of error signal

Definition at line 38 of file PIDController.h.

float Kd

The differential term of the PID controller.

Definition at line 33 of file PIDController.h.

float Ki

The integral term of the PID controller.

Definition at line 32 of file PIDController.h.

float Kp

The proportional term of the PID controller.

Definition at line 31 of file PIDController.h.

float maximum

The maximum value the integral term is allowed to reach, if clipping is enabled.

Definition at line 36 of file PIDController.h.

float prev_e

error at t_-1

Definition at line 40 of file PIDController.h.

float setPoint

The set point of the PID controller (the output value that it will try to maintain)

Definition at line 34 of file PIDController.h.