Implemented first Hangar-Service

Dependencies:   CalibrateMagneto QuaternionMath

Fork of SML2 by TobyRich GmbH

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
CherryCamManages the camera used on the CarbonFlyer
Sensor::DelegateDefines protocol used to send data back to owner. Derive from this class and use Sensor.setDelegate() to receive sensor updates
GPSManages the nano hornet GPS add-on chip
HighPassFilter1st order high-pass filter
LowPassFilterLow-pass filters an incoming stream of numbers
PIDControllerImplements a PID controller
PowerAwareI2CThis is a variation of I2C class from mbed, which adds power on and off functions to the I2C peripheral. This should save about 1 mA
SensorBase class for I2C-connected sensors. Defines functionality supported by all sensors