Implemented first Hangar-Service

Dependencies:   CalibrateMagneto QuaternionMath

Fork of SML2 by TobyRich GmbH

diff -r 4488660e1a3b -r 3e2468d4f4c1 Barometer.h
--- a/Barometer.h	Wed Mar 18 15:34:51 2015 +0000
+++ b/Barometer.h	Fri Mar 20 10:30:01 2015 +0000
@@ -2,19 +2,48 @@
 #define _H_BAROMETER_H
 #include "I2CPeripheral.h"
-class Barometer : public I2CPeripheral
+#include "Sensor.h"
+class Barometer : public I2CPeripheral, public Sensor
-    void setFilterCoefficient(const uint8_t iir);
-    void takeMeasurement(const uint8_t tmpovr, const uint8_t psrovr);
-    void bmp280_read_cal_reg(const uint8_t reg, char* val);
-    void bmp280_read_calibration();
+    // These typedefs are for Bosch's conversion algorithms below
+    typedef uint32_t BMP280_U32_t;
+    typedef int32_t  BMP280_S32_t;
+    typedef int64_t  BMP280_S64_t;
+    void  bmp280_read_calibration();
+    float bmp280_val_to_temp(BMP280_S32_t adc_T);
+    float bmp280_val_to_pa(BMP280_S32_t adc_P);
+    float pressureToAltitude(const float pa) const;
+    float startingAltitude;
+    float lastPressure;
+    // Calibration parameters stored on chip
+    // XXX: DO NOT modify the order, values are read into this section of the memory sequentially!
+    uint16_t dig_T1;
+    int16_t  dig_T2;
+    int16_t  dig_T3;
+    uint16_t dig_P1;
+    int16_t  dig_P2;
+    int16_t  dig_P3;
+    int16_t  dig_P4;
+    int16_t  dig_P5;
+    int16_t  dig_P6;
+    int16_t  dig_P7;
+    int16_t  dig_P8;
+    int16_t  dig_P9;
+    BMP280_S32_t t_fine; // t_fine carries fine temperature as global value
     Barometer(I2C &i2c);
-    double getPressure();
-    double getAltitude();
-    double getTemperature();
+    virtual bool powerOn();
+    virtual void powerOff();
+    virtual void start();
+    virtual void stop();
+    virtual Vector3 read();
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