State machine

Dependencies:   mbed Adafruit_GFX BioroboticsMotorControl MODSERIAL BioroboticsEMGFilter



File content as of revision 20:af1a6cd7469b:

#pragma once

const double PI = 3.14159265359;
// Main loop wait time per cycle. This does not influence the motor PID or EMG reading frequencies.
const float main_loop_wait_time = 0.01;

// Time between two button polls. Used to debounce the button presses.
const float button_poll_interval = 0.05;

const float pid_period = 0.001; // PID sample period in seconds.

const float Kp = 10.0;
const float Ki = 0.1;
const float Kd = 0.5;

// The motor -> main gear ratio is 25 / 60.
// The motor -> secondary gear ratio is 25/50
const float main_gear_ratio = 25.0/60.0;
const float sec_gear_ratio = 25.0/50.0;

const float L0 = 0.15;                      // Length between two motors [meter]
const float L1 = 0.10;                      // Length first beam from right motor2 [meter]
const float L2 = 0.30;                      // Length second beam from right motor2 [meter]
const float L3 = 0.15;                      // Length beam between L2 and L4 [meter]
const float L4 = 0.30;                      // Length first beam from left motor1 [meter]
const float L5 = 0.35;                      // Length from L3 to end-effector [meter]
const float L6 = 1.0;                       // Length beam between frame 0 and motor 1 [meter]

// Maximum and minimum angles of the main and secondary arm.
const float main_arm_max_angle = 1.22173;
const float main_arm_min_angle = 0.785398;
const float sec_arm_max_angle = 1.48353;
const float sec_arm_min_angle = -0.733038;