Remote controlled robot with LEDs and Wemos motor shield

Dependencies:   RF24 mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 27 16:03:48 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "RF24.h"
+#include "wemos_mc.h"
+* Constructors and pin settings
+DigitalOut myled(ledpin);
+RF24 radio(spi_MOSI, spi_MISO, spi_SCK, nrf_CE, nrf_CSN );
+I2C ms(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
+InterruptIn receive(nrf_irq);
+InterruptIn bumper(bump);
+//InterruptIn odomet(odom);
+DigitalOut strip_red(red);
+DigitalOut strip_blue(green);
+DigitalOut strip_green(blue);
+* Global variables
+volatile char rec;
+volatile float _pwm = 0;
+volatile bool newmsg_flag=0;
+volatile bool stop_flag=0;
+volatile dataIN input;
+volatile uint32_t roll_counter = 0;
+* Private function prototypes
+void RadioSetup();
+void change_strip(uint16_t col);
+void startAnimation();
+* Interrupt callbacks
+void read_radio(){
+    dataIN tmp;     
+    myled = !myled;
+    if(tmp.ID == OWN_ID){
+        input.dir_L = tmp.dir_L;
+        input.pwm_L = tmp.pwm_L;
+        input.dir_R = tmp.dir_R;
+        input.pwm_R = tmp.pwm_R;
+        input.led = tmp.led;
+        newmsg_flag=1;
+        }     
+    }
+void front_hit(){
+         //blinking_flag = 1;
+         //blinking_phase = 0;
+         stop_flag=1;
+         }         
+void roll(){
+         roll_counter++;
+         if(roll_counter % 2) change_strip(GREEN);
+         if(roll_counter % 3) change_strip(OFF);
+         }
+int main(){
+    ms.frequency(100000);
+    setfreq(ms, 1000);
+    setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_L, _STOP, 0);
+    setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_R, _STOP, 0);
+    change_strip(OFF);
+    RadioSetup();
+    radio.startListening();
+    startAnimation();
+    receive.fall(&read_radio);
+    bumper.rise(&front_hit);
+ //   odomet.rise(&roll);
+     while(1){
+                if(newmsg_flag == 1){       
+                     setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_L, (uint8_t)input.dir_L, input.pwm_L);
+                     wait_ms(10);
+                     setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_R, (uint8_t)input.dir_R, input.pwm_R);  
+                     change_strip(input.led);
+                     newmsg_flag = 0;
+                    }        
+                 if(stop_flag == 1){
+                     setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_L, _STOP, 0);
+                     setmotor(ms, _MOTOR_R, _STOP, 0);
+                     change_strip(RED);
+                     wait(2);
+                     change_strip(OFF);
+                     stop_flag = 0;
+                   }
+        /*
+               if(blinking_phase<5 && blinking_flag == 1){
+                   change_strip(current_col);
+                   wait_ms(250);
+                   change_strip(OFF);
+                   wait_ms(250);
+                    blinking_phase++;
+                   }      
+          */     
+        }
+    }
+void RadioSetup(){
+    radio.begin();
+    radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_HIGH);
+    radio.setChannel(RadioChannel);
+    radio.setRetries(0,2);
+    radio.enableDynamicAck();
+    radio.enableDynamicPayloads();
+    radio.openReadingPipe(1,DataAddress);
+    radio.maskIRQ(1,1,0);
+    }
+void change_strip(uint16_t col){
+    switch(col){
+        case RED:
+             strip_red = 1;
+             strip_blue = 0;
+             strip_green=0;
+            break;
+        case GREEN:
+             strip_red = 0;
+             strip_blue = 0;
+             strip_green = 1;
+            break;
+        case BLUE:
+             strip_red = 0;
+             strip_blue = 1;
+             strip_green = 0;
+            break;
+        case YELLOW:
+             strip_red = 1;
+             strip_blue = 0;
+             strip_green = 1;
+            break;
+        case MAGENTA:
+             strip_red = 1;
+             strip_blue = 1;
+             strip_green = 0;
+            break;
+        case CYAN:
+             strip_red = 0;
+             strip_blue = 1;
+             strip_green = 1;
+            break;
+        case WHITE:
+             strip_red = 1;
+             strip_blue = 1;
+             strip_green = 1;
+            break;
+        case OFF:
+             strip_red = 0;
+             strip_blue = 0;
+             strip_green = 0;
+            break;    
+        }
+    }
+    void startAnimation(){
+        change_strip(RED);
+        wait_ms(500);
+        change_strip(GREEN);
+        wait_ms(500);
+        change_strip(BLUE);
+        wait_ms(500);
+        change_strip(OFF);
+        }
\ No newline at end of file