Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki(

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of mbed_fota by KIM HyoengJun

Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki.



File content as of revision 4:60be78a172c2:

#include "mbed.h"
namespace sevencore_fota{

#define BD_ADDR_LEN         0x06
#define ADV_DATA_LEN        0x1F
#define SCAN_RSP_DATA_LEN   0x1F
#define CO_ERROR_NO_ERROR                        0x00

    TASK_NONE = 0xFF,

    // Link Layer Tasks
    TASK_LLM          = 0   ,
    TASK_LLC          = 1   ,
    TASK_LLD          = 2   ,
    TASK_DBG          = 3   ,

    TASK_L2CM         = 4   ,
    TASK_L2CC         = 5   ,
    TASK_SMPM         = 6   ,
    TASK_SMPC         = 7   ,
    TASK_ATTM         = 8   ,   // Attribute Protocol Manager Task
    TASK_ATTC         = 9   ,   // Attribute Protocol Client Task
    TASK_ATTS         = 10  ,   // Attribute Protocol Server Task
    TASK_GATTM        = 11  ,   // Generic Attribute Profile Manager Task
    TASK_GATTC        = 12  ,   // Generic Attribute Profile Controller Task
    TASK_GAPM         = 13  ,   // Generic Access Profile Manager
    TASK_GAPC         = 14  ,   // Generic Access Profile Controller
    TASK_PROXM        = 15  ,   // Proximity Monitor Task
    TASK_PROXR        = 16  ,   // Proximity Reporter Task
    TASK_FINDL        = 17  ,   // Find Me Locator Task
    TASK_FINDT        = 18  ,   // Find Me Target Task
    TASK_HTPC         = 19  ,   // Health Thermometer Collector Task
    TASK_HTPT         = 20  ,   // Health Thermometer Sensor Task
    TASK_ACCEL        = 21  ,   // Accelerometer Sensor Task
    TASK_BLPS         = 22  ,   // Blood Pressure Sensor Task
    TASK_BLPC         = 23  ,   // Blood Pressure Collector Task
    TASK_HRPS         = 24  ,   // Heart Rate Sensor Task
    TASK_HRPC         = 25  ,   // Heart Rate Collector Task
    TASK_TIPS         = 26  ,   // Time Server Task
    TASK_TIPC         = 27  ,   // Time Client Task
    TASK_DISS         = 28  ,   // Device Information Service Server Task
    TASK_DISC         = 29  ,   // Device Information Service Client Task
    TASK_SCPPS        = 30  ,   // Scan Parameter Profile Server Task
    TASK_SCPPC        = 31  ,   // Scan Parameter Profile Client Task
    TASK_BASS         = 32  ,   // Battery Service Server Task
    TASK_BASC         = 33  ,   // Battery Service Client Task
    TASK_HOGPD        = 34  ,   // HID Device Task
    TASK_HOGPBH       = 35  ,   // HID Boot Host Task
    TASK_HOGPRH       = 36  ,   // HID Report Host Task
    TASK_GLPS         = 37  ,   // Glucose Profile Sensor Task
    TASK_GLPC         = 38  ,   // Glucose Profile Collector Task
    TASK_NBPS         = 39  ,   // Nebulizer Profile Server Task
    TASK_NBPC         = 40  ,   // Nebulizer Profile Client Task
    TASK_RSCPS        = 41  ,   // Running Speed and Cadence Profile Server Task
    TASK_RSCPC        = 42  ,   // Running Speed and Cadence Profile Collector Task
    TASK_CSCPS        = 43  ,   // Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile Server Task
    TASK_CSCPC        = 44  ,   // Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile Client Task
    TASK_ANPS         = 45  ,   // Alert Notification Profile Server Task
    TASK_ANPC         = 46  ,   // Alert Notification Profile Client Task
    TASK_PASPS        = 47  ,   // Phone Alert Status Profile Server Task
    TASK_PASPC        = 48  ,   // Phone Alert Status Profile Client Task

    TASK_LANS         = 49  ,   // Location and Navigation Profile Server Task
    TASK_APP          = 50  ,   // Do not Alter. 

    TASK_LANC         = 51  ,   // Location and Navigation Profile Client Task

    TASK_CPPS         = 52  ,   // Cycling Power Profile Server Task
    TASK_CPPC         = 53  ,   // Cycling Power Profile Client Task
    // Start of conditionally assigned task types
#if (BLE_SAMPLE128)
    TASK_SAMPLE128    ,   // Sample128 Task

    TASK_SPOTAR       ,   // SPOTA Receiver task

    TASK_STREAMDATAD  ,   // Stream Data Device Server task

    TASK_STREAMDATAH  ,   // Stream Data Device Server task

    TASK_ANCC         ,   // ANCS Client Task

    TASK_WPTC         ,   // A4WP Wireless Power Transfer Client Profile Task

#if (BLE_WPTS)
    TASK_WPTS         ,   // A4WP Wireless Power Transfer Server Profile Task

     TASK_APP_PTU     ,   // A4WP Wireless Power Transfer Client App Task

#if (BLE_IEU)
    TASK_IEU          ,   // Integrated Environmantal Unit Task

#if (BLE_MPU)
    TASK_MPU          ,   // Motion Processing Unit Task

    TASK_WSSS          ,   // Weight Scale Server Task

    TASK_UDSS          ,   // User Data Server Task

    TASK_SPS_SERVER    ,   // Serial Proert Service Server Task

    TASK_SPS_CLIENT    ,   // Serial Proert Service Server Task

    TASK_ADC_NOTIFY    ,   // Serial Proert Service Server Task

    TASK_DEVICE_CONFIG    ,   // Serial Proert Service Server Task

    // End of conditionally assigned task types

    TASK_HCI          = 60  ,
    TASK_HCIH         = 61  ,

    TASK_GTL          = 63  ,

#if (USE_AES)
    TASK_AES          = 62  ,   // Task for asynchronous AES API

    TASK_MAX          = 64,  //MAX is 64. Do  not exceed. 

///BD Address structure
struct bd_addr
    ///6-byte array address value
    uint8_t  addr[BD_ADDR_LEN];

///Advertising report structure
struct adv_report
    ///Event type:
    /// - ADV_CONN_UNDIR: Connectable Undirected advertising
    /// - ADV_CONN_DIR: Connectable directed advertising
    /// - ADV_DISC_UNDIR: Discoverable undirected advertising
    /// - ADV_NONCONN_UNDIR: Non-connectable undirected advertising
    uint8_t        evt_type;
    ///Advertising address type: public/random
    uint8_t        adv_addr_type;
    ///Advertising address value
    struct bd_addr adv_addr;
    ///Data length in advertising packet
    uint8_t        data_len;
    ///Data of advertising packet
    uint8_t        data[ADV_DATA_LEN];
    ///RSSI value for advertising packet
    uint8_t        rssi;
