Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki(

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of mbed_fota by KIM HyoengJun

Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki.



File content as of revision 4:60be78a172c2:

#include "app_task.h"
#include "app.h"

namespace sevencore_fota{
int gapm_adv_report_ind_handler(unsigned short msgid,
                                struct gapm_adv_report_ind *param,
                                unsigned short dest_id,
                                unsigned short src_id)
    //if (app_env.state != APP_SCAN)
    //   return -1;

    return 0;

int diss_create_db_cfm_handler(unsigned short  msgid,
                               struct diss_create_db_cfm *param,
                               unsigned short  dest_id,
                               unsigned short  src_id,
                               BleMsgHandler* BMH)
    uint8_t len = strlen(APP_DIS_SW_REV);    

    if (param->status == CO_ERROR_NO_ERROR)
        // Set Manufacturer Name value in the DB
            uint8_t *msg;
            struct diss_set_char_val_req req_name;
            unsigned short msg_size = 1+sizeof(ble_hdr)+sizeof(diss_set_char_val_req)+APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN;
            // Fill in the parameter structure
            req_name.char_code     = DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_CHAR;
            req_name.val_len       = APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN;
            memcpy(&req_name.val[0], APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME, APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN);
            msg = new uint8_t[msg_size];
            BMH->BleMsgAlloc(DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ,TASK_DISS, TASK_GTL,sizeof(struct diss_set_char_val_req) + APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN,&req_name,msg );

            // Send the message

        // Set Model Number String value in the DB
            uint8_t *msg;
            struct diss_set_char_val_req req_mod;
            unsigned short msg_size = 1+sizeof(ble_hdr)+sizeof(diss_set_char_val_req);

            // Fill in the parameter structure
            req_mod.char_code     = DIS_MODEL_NB_STR_CHAR;
            req_mod.val_len       = APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR_LEN;
            memcpy(&req_mod.val[0], APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR, APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR_LEN);

            msg = new uint8_t[msg_size];
            BMH->BleMsgAlloc(DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ,TASK_DISS, TASK_GTL,sizeof(struct diss_set_char_val_req),&req_mod,msg );
            // Send the message

        // Set System ID value in the DB
            uint8_t *msg;
            struct diss_set_char_val_req req_id;
            unsigned short msg_size = 1+sizeof(ble_hdr)+sizeof(diss_set_char_val_req);

            // Fill in the parameter structure
            req_id.char_code     = DIS_SYSTEM_ID_CHAR;
            req_id.val_len       = APP_DIS_SYSTEM_ID_LEN;
            memcpy(&req_id.val[0], APP_DIS_SYSTEM_ID, APP_DIS_SYSTEM_ID_LEN);
            msg = new uint8_t[msg_size];
            BMH->BleMsgAlloc(DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ,TASK_DISS, TASK_GTL,sizeof(struct diss_set_char_val_req),&req_id,msg);

            // Send the message
            BMH->BleSendMsg(msg, msg_size);

        // Set the software version in the DB
            uint8_t *msg;
            struct diss_set_char_val_req req_id;
            unsigned short msg_size = 1+sizeof(ble_hdr)+sizeof(diss_set_char_val_req);
            // Fill in the parameter structure
            req_id.char_code     = DIS_SW_REV_STR_CHAR;
            req_id.val_len       = len;
            memcpy(&req_id.val[0], APP_DIS_SW_REV, len);
            msg = new uint8_t[msg_size];

            BMH->BleMsgAlloc(DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ,TASK_DISS, TASK_GTL,sizeof(struct diss_set_char_val_req),&req_id,msg);
            // Send the message

        len = strlen(APP_DIS_FIRM_REV);
        // Set the firmware version in the DB. This is the common code sw version
            uint8_t *msg;
            struct diss_set_char_val_req req_id;
            unsigned short msg_size = 1+sizeof(ble_hdr)+sizeof(diss_set_char_val_req);
            // Fill in the parameter structure
            req_id.char_code     = DIS_FIRM_REV_STR_CHAR;
            req_id.val_len       = len;
            memcpy(&req_id.val[0], APP_DIS_FIRM_REV, len);
            msg = new uint8_t[msg_size];

            BMH->BleMsgAlloc(DISS_SET_CHAR_VAL_REQ,TASK_DISS, TASK_GTL,sizeof(struct diss_set_char_val_req),&req_id,msg);
            // Send the message
            BMH->BleSendMsg(msg, msg_size);
    /*if (app_env.state == APP_IDLE)
    return 0;

int gapm_device_ready_ind_handler(unsigned short msgid,
                                  void *param,
                                  unsigned short dest_id,
                                  unsigned short src_id,
                                  BleMsgHandler* BMH)
    // We are now in Connectable State
    if (dest_id == TASK_GTL)
    return 0;

int gapm_reset_completion_handler(unsigned short msgid,
                                  struct gapm_cmp_evt *param,
                                  unsigned short dest_id,
                                  unsigned short src_id,
                                  BleMsgHandler* BMH)
    // We are now in Connectable State
    if (dest_id == TASK_GTL)
       // app_env.state = APP_IDLE;           
    return 0;

int gapm_set_dev_config_completion_handler(unsigned short msgid,
                                           struct gapm_cmp_evt *param,
                                           unsigned short dest_id,
                                           unsigned short src_id,
                                           BleMsgHandler* BMH)
    //app_env.state = APP_CONNECTABLE;


    app_adv_start(BMH); // start advertising

    return 0;
