Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki(

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of mbed_fota by KIM HyoengJun

Bluetooth Low Energy based Firmware Over The Air with Mbed. Mbed part is a external processor of the IoT devices and communicate with a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module have to support BLE and implement BLE FOTA profile designed by ours. BLE FOTA profile specification is available from our GIT hub wiki.

--- a/dialog_fota/app.h	Mon Jul 13 06:32:05 2015 +0000
+++ b/dialog_fota/app.h	Fri Jul 17 14:04:12 2015 +0000
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 #define APP_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STR       ("SevenCore")
 /// Model Number String (up to 18 chars)
-#define APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR            ("DA14583")
+#define APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR            ("DA14588")
 #define APP_DIS_MODEL_NB_STR_LEN        (7)
 /// System ID - LSB -> MSB (FIXME)
-#define APP_DIS_SERIAL_NB_STR               ("1234-00-6789")
-#define APP_DIS_SERIAL_NB_STR_LEN           (12)
+#define APP_DIS_SERIAL_NB_STR               ("123-789")
+#define APP_DIS_SERIAL_NB_STR_LEN           (7)
 /// System ID - LSB -> MSB (FIXME)
 #define APP_DIS_SYSTEM_ID               ("\x12\x34\x56\xFF\xFE\x9A\xBC\xDE")
 #define APP_DIS_SYSTEM_ID_LEN           (8)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 #define APP_DFLT_ADV_DATA_LEN    (8+2)
 #define APP_SCNRSP_DATA         "\x09\xFF\x00\x60\x52\x57\x2D\x42\x4C\x45"
-#define APP_DFLT_DEVICE_NAME    ("DA14583")
+#define APP_DFLT_DEVICE_NAME    ("DA14588")
 typedef struct